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America’s Funeral

June 27th, 2009

By Shawn Connors

The damage to America is so bad at this point; even if Americans revolted today, it would take decades to undo the damage that’s been wreaked upon the people. Citizens and elected officials are waking up daily, but it’s quickly becoming too late. The warnings have been ignored for too long. The Constitution has been subverted so badly, power has been transferred to Bankers, Corporations and Globalists in plain sight. Our lives are wrecked. America will never be the same again. Few seem to care.

With the American family broken, both parents increasingly divorced and working, our children are raised by government dictated public education programs. Religion is attacked, morals are dismissed, and history is forgotten while self gratification reigns supreme. Our children are “pumped up” with drugs and vaccines the pharmaceutical pushers forced upon parents and schools with FDA approval. Meanwhile, the media bombards our youth with trivial, useless, drivel designed to make them dumber. Now, FORCED indoctrination into the civilian corps of Obama Youth is the law. Our children end up in foreign wars, or in prisons, or simply unemployed adults labeled with “psychological problems”. An increasing number turn to drugs and alcohol. For the few that escape the snare of government control, media programming and substance abuse, the battle to meet daily needs becomes increasingly difficult. Ridiculous college tuition, massive unemployment, inflation and a fleeing industrial base make hardship commonplace. To make matters worse the government revenue machine wants more and more money from every corner of life.

Children become adults in short order and the problems this country faces will be quantitatively multiplied. The attack on our children is no coincidence, it was planned decades ago. Today we witness the success of elitist agenda. Dumb people are easier to control. Less education, more propaganda – Stalin and Hitler mastered the technique. History repeats itself but the dumb down cant see it.

As “baby boomers” pass away, the remnants of a stronger era pass with it. Freedom and Liberty do not come freely. Our forefathers repeatedly warned us about what is happening today and many generations died to preserve our birth right of freedom. Today, there is more emphasis on personal glory and self preservation than loyalty to nation and the freedom that made it the best the world has ever seen. Complete complacency is all that’s left.. We have sat idly by as power mongers have slowly and methodically dismantled our families and degraded our children’s future. We have stared at the TV while our bill of rights has been used as toilet paper. Divorce rates grow and families are divided. U.S./World scholastic testing is embarrassing and the dismantling of our Constitution is a dagger. At no time in American history would this murderous onslaught be tolerated without vehement rebellion….until now. The masses have gradually and finally been trained to obey. The news is entertainment.

As Americans focus with a fixed gaze at celebrity death’s and 24/7 brainwash diversion, the tyrannical assault on America is in the final stages. Freedom of speech is stifled, threatened with imprisonment. Disarming citizens is top priority. Taxes, bailouts, inflation, economic corruption are crushing the people. Roadblocks, surveillance, illegal search and seizure, and police abuses are everyday occurrences. Crime is up, education is down, and prisons are full. Trade and tariffs are comical. Our borders are wide open. Banks have more power than Congress. Our children are enslaved and drugged. Indeed, if every American realized the state of the union today and decided to overthrow this corrupt regime of Democratic & Republican mobsters, it would take decades to repair the carefully perpetrated assault we have endured.

A revolution would see massive death & further deterioration of what was once the greatest nation on earth. It would open the door for our enemies to attack. It would destroy our infrastructure. America is ruined anyway you slice it. It’s getting worse by the day. A minority of patriots cannot compete with the main stream media without a miracle. The majority has chosen to dismiss “truth to power”. The casket is prepared, the obituary has been printed. The greatest funeral in the history of recorded civilization has begun – America’s funeral.


Shawn Connors

Sr. Network Administrator

A+, MCP, CNA, DELL Certified


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