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16-year-old high school student suspended for saying the words "illegal alien" while asking a question

April 21st, 2024

Editor thepeoplesvoice.org

A 16-year-old North Carolina high school student was suspended for saying “illegal alien” while discussing word meanings in English class — possibly ruining his chances of landing a college sports scholarship. His teacher had assigned the students to use the word “alien” in a sentence and Christian McGhee asked: “Like space aliens or illegal aliens without green cards?”

The democrats have taken a page from George Orwell's book 1984. In Orwell's prophetic story the global elite wanted to control what people thought. They did this by making common terms in the human vocabulary illegal and so over time these expressions were forgotten. This robbed humanity of the ability to formulate certain ideas and thus the global elite were able to control how people thought and mold society into whatever they wanted it to be.

When someone enters your country illegally they are an illegal alien. The term illegal alien is not racist in any way, it is a simple self evident statement of fact. The democrats want to silence opposition to their destruction of the American way of life, so they are using the schools and universities to remove the term "illegal alien" from the English syntax.

Their goal is to rob the American people of the ability to express themselves, to define an obvious crime being committed by Biden. When millions of people pour over the boarder the America people can say nothing because to point out what is happening will be a racist act. This is how the democrats will end resistance to their plan to change America.

Ultimately the Global elite will use Biden, media tools like NPR, and the educational institutions to abolish the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution which grants the American people freedom of speech. Once this is accomplished the elite will have the power to control how people think and mold America into what they want it to be.

Humanity should resist what the globalist puppet Biden is doing to the American people. America is a symbol of freedom and an influence on the governments of the world. When freedom of speech and freedom of expression are taken from the American people they will be taken from the world.


Editor thepeoplesvoice.org

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