The Crucifixion of Jesus' Words

October 29th, 2008

Charles E. Carlson

Evangelicals” interpret Christian scripture imaginatively…anything but literally. Because of this many celebrity leaders teach and preach directly in contradiction to Jesus’ words about brotherly love and peace.

More surprisingly, celebrity Christians' statements also contradict Jesus' teachings about “heaven” and hell found in the New Testament book of Matthew, Chapter 25. Evangelicals claim, as a matter of doctrine, to interpret scripture “literally;" many go so far as to state that all scripture (New and Old Testament) is true without exception. This sounds great. We all want to believe we read what is clearly written, but with evangelicals it could not be further from the truth.

In fact they give all of Christianity a bad wrap by leaving in their wake the impression that the Bible makes little sense because their skewed interpretation is so clearly contrary to Jesus' character, especially in the area of violence and war.

It is Judeo-Christianity’s warring-for-Jesus interpretations of the bible that cause many to reject Christianity without ever reading the New Testament, and make “none of the above” America’s fastest growing group.

One example is the Judeo-Christian (evangelical) interpretation of what seem to be Jesus' plain words found in Matthew 25, which is outrageously altered in the Scofield Reference Bible (1967 and after). The Judeo-Christian venerated Scofield footnotes directly refute what Jesus is quoted to have said about the inevitable judgment in store for every man from every tribe ("nation"). Scofield says Jesus will judge three classes of people; Jesus words say he judges each individual, not classes.

Classes defined in Snowfield’s footnotes page 1037(1967edition):

“Three classes of individuals are mentioned: “(1) Sheep, saved Gentiles” (2) Goats, unsaved Gentiles and (3) Brethren, the people of Israel”

Here Oxford University Press introduces radical racism into its interpretation of Jesus' words by limiting heaven to Jews and those non-Jews who are exceedingly kind to Jews during a time yet to come on earth. The Scofield footnotes also claim Jesus was not talking about it heaven, but about an early kingdom that is yet to come, even though He provides two parables in chapter 25 expressly about “haven” and hell (outer darkness)!

To Jesus "the least of these my Brethren" seems to mean the most unfortunate of mankind. But Oxford makes them to be "Jews" living in the state of Israel at some future age. Jesus spoke of "his brethren" but there is not a shred of evidence He was talking about the 1948 created State of Israel. Jesus words were (this writer thinks) relevant to those who followed him then; if not, how can the words be believable to those who are trying to follow him now?

We are supposed to believe that the Scofield Bible, written in 1908 and rewritten by Oxford University Press from 1921 on, is needed to correct Jesus. How insulting to God. Traditional Christians (as well as devout Muslims, as we understand them) believe Jesus was describing the "narrow path" to heaven.

Jesus' words are easy to understand, but most difficult to follow. In contrast, the Christian Zionist interpretation is easy and comfortable to follow but impossible to understand. Mega church pastors continually interpret and reinterpret, explain, and convolute the words of Christ. They provide an easy, feel-good path to the Strait Gate. Life may be good along their way, but the words are not true, and provided little understanding of what Jesus actually taught about dedication and brotherhood toward the least of humankind.

Inserted sub-headings and footnotes complete the terrible forgery of God’s words that was stared by Cyrus I Scofield, himself a convicted forger, wife deserter and life long con-man. Judaized scripture builds huge churches full of people who, Sarah Palin, do not understand what God expects of us. No wonder they can be misled endorser serial wars if they think political Israel will benefit.

Judeo-Christians constitute about 33% of all professed Christians in the USA, and about 26% of all voters. It is the only sect that requires a future war in the Middle East to bring about its idea of a completed Jesus Christ. Yet its celebrity leaders claim to be "literal interpreters” of biblical text.

Each true follower of Christ needs to depart from them.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Also by Charles E. Carlson:

The Judeo-Christian Conflict: Zionism vs. Jesus
Scofield: Soft Leather Outside, Corrupt Inside
The Unacceptable Cost of Christian-Zionism
It May Be Time To Leave Your Church

Source: http://whtt.org/index.php?news=2&id=2639

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