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One Year after the Gaza Genocide, Palestine addresses the conscience of humanity!

December 24th, 2009

Salim Nazzal

At 9 am Jesus was crucified. Around 12 am darkness has fallen over Palestine .The murderers thought the crusification is the end of lightness, but history shows that the crusification was the beginning of lightness: the rise from the dark grave towards the lightness of heavens proves that darkness was a temporary phenomenon, and the will to resist the darkness prevail, and the culture of life will defeat the culture of death.

Was the darkness befell over Palestine a divinely act with the aim of showing the deep contrast between darkness and lightness or, was it a natural phenomenon that darkness precede lightness, and thusly it is an obligatory passage to move towards lightness? Joseph Conrad, in his novel (Heart of darkness) saw it as nothing than a spiritual hollowness on the side of the murderers. It is a spiritual darkness by which the culture of death imposes horror on natives with a presumed banner of civilization which is the story of colonization throughout history but Zionists contributed to the theory of oppression fairy tales and mythology to justify the philosophy of death.

What seems to consolidate the culture of the Zionist oppression is that it becomes an integrate part of the Jewish Zionist culture. Zionists internalizes the culture of oppressing Palestinians and becomes much rooted in the heart and the ideology of the Zionist Jewish oppressors to the extent that they became totally blind from seeing the Palestinian blood on their hands. In the Israeli schools for instance, one finds pictures from the oppression inflicted on Jews in Europe, but the paradox is that those students who see these pictures are to become baby killers in Palestine. The speech of Netanyahu in the UN represents the Zionist deceit and hypocrisy to a disgusting level. He speaks as if he is still followed by the Nazis; while the daily news says that his soldiers are on daily mission to murder Palestinians.

This December Palestinian church leaders issued an important document (Kairos Palestine )to remind the world that the Zionist darkness dominates Palestine: from the strangling of the holy places, to the settlements, to the racist wall, to the plight of refugees who still waiting to go back to their homes, to the suffering of prisoners and the pain of their family. All this is only part of the culture of death and darkness imposed by Zionists Jews in the holy land. The Palestinian church leaders declared that the Zionist occupation of Palestine is a sin against God and against humanity and thusly they call for resisting the Zionist occupation. This brutality is rooted in everything in Israel politics. Israel is the only state on earth which steals natives their agriculture land to deprive them the only source of living .Israel is the only state on earth which put more than 4 millions Palestinian in large jail by more than 600 check points which humiliate, mock and sometimes kill every single day. Israel is the only state on earth Christians priests be spited on which is not an individual thing but done on the base of the culture and ideology.

Israel is the only state T shirts are manufactured to glorify murdering Palestinian babies. Israel is the only state on earth murdering Palestinian babies is part of the strategy, culture, ideology and mentality. Israel is the only state on earth its murderous organization the mossad give the sick Palestinian two choices, to be allowed to get medical help if working as spies for Zionists to help them murdering more babies or to be left without medical help and to die.

Israel is the only state on earth which deprives Palestinian a decent life while alive, and deprives them by stealing parts of their bodies the right of a peaceful death if died naturally or murdered by Zionist death squads. This makes Israel differs from all oppressors in human history where all oppresses murder but let their victims die in Peace, Israel denies them a peaceful death.

Israel is the only state which threats to expel one third of its population and anybody can imagine the reaction of Zionists Jews if France or Argentine threats to expel Jews from its land. Today, after one years of the black Christmas in Gaza, Zionist leaders, Barak, livni are proud that they took part in the genocide, but what they are proud of: they are proud of murdering 420 Palestinian babes, 105 woman, 110 old people, 14 ambulance drivers and medical helpers, 5500 wounded, not few of them lost parts of their bodies due to the phosphoric bombs, destruction of more than 20,000 houses which is not rebuilt yet because Israel prevent bringing construction material to Gaza .Fully or partly destruction of 18 schools, water supplies, electricity power plant TV and radio stations, police stations, mosques, ministries.

Palestinians want to live in peace. To develop their lives, families away from the culture of war and the cultures of check points and jails and phosphoric bombs. Palestinians main challenge would be to create a political system based on political and social justice where all Palestinians feel protected and feel safe. To develop agriculture and industry and education and all means for a happy life for all. This cannot be done as long as Palestine is occupied by the culture of hatred Zionist Jews brought to Palestine from their dark Ghettoes in east Europe .

The question is how long the world will be able to close its ears from the cries of the oppressed Palestinians. And, how long, the world accepts Zionist Jews to play God role in Palestine and in the world. And, how long, Zionist Jews are able to murder and to oppress while playing the ridiculous victim role is a question that Jews must seriously confront, because the philosophy of murder will turn against Jews sooner or later. When this time comes Jews should not ask why the world hates them; they must first look at their hands to see the blood of the Palestinian babies to answer this question.

Therefore it is by time that wise Jews demonstrate that Judaism stands against exploiting Judaism in order to murder and to deprive Palestine its freedom. Today if Joseph and his family decides to escape from Bethlehem to Egypt he won’t be able due to the Zionist wall strangling the town and if he manages by any way to leave the town, and if he manages to go through the Zionist check points, the Egyptian wall built under the American and Israeli pressure alongside Gaza make it not possible for him to escape. This is in short the current situation of Palestinians, besieged between physical walls of hatred and oppressive check points and an Israeli army ready to shoot any time because the soldier feels he is God who decides who should lives and who should not according to an Israeli soldier in a film documenting the horrors of occupation.

While the Kairos Palestine addresses the conscience of humanity, it does on the ground that Palestine carries the torch of peace, love, tolerance and coexistence which no other country in the world other than Palestine is capable to carry due to its spiritual heritage.

And while humanity lightens the Christmas tree to expel darkness and chant for peace on earth, Palestinians in the occupied Palestine and the exiles are looking towards the triumph over the culture of hatred, and towards ending the darkness over Palestine. But this triumph needs the support and aid from all believers in human dignity. The collective efforts of the Palestinian resistance and the international solidarity will end the occupation sooner or later but sooner the darkness disappear from Palestine is the better.


Dr. Salim Nazzal is a Palestinian-Norwegian historian in the Middle East, who has written extensively on social and political issues in the region. who has written extensively on social and political issues in the region.

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