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Detroit Mirrors America's Decline

July 29th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

America's been declining for decades. It's going the way of all empires. It's dying a slow death. It's epitaph one day will read hubris and overreach killed it. Misguided policies don't work.

Chalmers Johnson once said it's "too late for mere scattered reforms." They won't make a damn bit of difference. It's fate is practically sealed.

It's on a slippery slope the wrong way. It's happening in real time. It's in plain sight. Count the ways.

It's being thirdworldized. It's permanently at war with no enemies. Only ones it invents exist. It's ravaging humanity for dominance.

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Palestinians Oppose Fake Peace Talks

July 29th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

They begin Tuesday in Washington. They're orchestrated to fail. Israel and America don't negotiate. They demand unconditional surrender.

PA coup d'etat president Abbas is a longtime collaborator. Chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat's a convenient stooge.

He, Abbas and other PA conspirators represent Israel, not Palestine. They're well rewarded for doing so. Their history reflects duplicity and betrayal. They enforce Israeli harshness.

On July 28, Addameer headlined "The Palestinian Authority police thwart demonstration in Ramallah against political negotiations; arresting four and attacking dozens of demonstrators, among them Palestinian Legislative Council member Khalida Jarrar."

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Lies, Damn Lies and US Promises

July 28th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

US promises aren't worth the paper they're written on. They never were. They're not now. They're made to be broken. It happens with disturbing regularity.

Attorney General Eric Holder wrote Russia's justice minister Alexander Vladimirovich Konovalov. He wants Edward Snowden extradited. He lied. He always lies. He disgraces the office he holds.

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An Anti-Antibiotic Adventure

July 28th, 2013

By Robert Armstrong

I am not a medical doctor and this is not meant to be medical advice.

What are antibiotics?

Antibiotics are medicines that are used to kill bacteria that cause infections (Staph [MRSA and common], E-Coli, etc.) that our own symbiotic bacteria are unable to eradicate. [1]

Antibiotics, it turns out, either have a big ego or just aren’t very smart, because when they kill, they don’t discriminate between the "enemy" bacteria that are causing the infection and the “beneficial” bacteria in your body that are helping your immune system fight the infection.

Darwin’s Theory of Bacteria is that there are weak and strong bacteria that cause infections. Antibiotics only kill the weak bacteria, leaving the strong ones to evolve into what has become known as the Super Bug.

In order to understand what is really going on, we need a short course in antibiotic resistance, a common problem found worldwide.

Antibiotic resistance results from the

  • rampant over-use by the Drug companies because they keep pushing them on unsuspecting patients
  • rampant over-use by the Doctors who keep prescribing these drugs for viral infections they can’t treat; or given to patients who demand them for every illness
  • rampant over-use by the Food industry that keeps injecting them into the livestock we are eating
  • rampant under-use by patients who for whatever reason don’t take the entire course of antibiotics prescribed by their physician

Antibiotic resistance has resulted in what has become known as the Super Bacteria or the “enemy” bacteria; bacteria strong enough to resist the antibiotics the drug companies have developed to fight infections.

A common belief is that, “not taking the entire course of antibiotics prescribed by a physician,” is as or is more serious, than the rampant over-use.

You have probably heard the speech just about every doctor, dentist and veterinarian has memorized word for word, when you ask for/or they give you, antibiotics.

“Take the entire course even if you feel better or else you might not kill all of the “bad bacteria” and bad things will happen.”

According to these experts, when someone does not take the full course of their antibiotic medicine, the bad bacteria left in your body [that the antibiotics failed to kill] become the Super Bacteria. Your infection can last longer and instead of getting better you might get worse and have to make several visits to your doctor’s office.

You might even have to switch medications or go to a hospital to get stronger antibiotics given intravenously.

But the worse part of “your” irresponsible actions (not the irresponsible actions of the Doctors, Drug Companies and the Food Industry) is that you could be exposing your family, friends and anyone you come into contact with to the Super Bug resistant bacteria you are now carrying.

Then, these people might also develop infections that are hard to treat. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't Catch 22. If you take them when you don’t need them, or don’t take enough of them when the doctor says you need them, then you increase the risk that you, or someone else, will someday get a “Super illness" that is caused by resistant bacteria.

Click here to read An antibiotic primer, Don’t Put Your Antibiotics at Risk By (not for) a dummy published at the Consumer Health Information Corporation and Howard University School of Pharmacy.

This antibiotic medical folklore is unmitigated medical nonsense and would be dismissed out of hand if not for a massive PR campaign exhorting us to take every pill in that bottle OR ELSE we will unleash the Super Bugs in our community (Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staph aureus (CA-MRSA)) [2]

What if your doctor prescribed the wrong dose or the wrong antibiotic? What if the antibiotic started working but then stopped, or never worked at all? When was the last time your doctor considered your body type, weight and history when he told you to take 10 days of one of the most dangerous drugs you can put in your body. Click here to read why Richard Everts at Nelson Hospital believes that for some conditions, stopping an antibiotic regiment early when you feel better is common, logical, effective and has potential benefits on resistance and side effects.

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Israel Spurns Peace and Justice

July 28th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

They're verboten. They're off the table. They always were. They are now. Upcoming peace process pretense masks reality.

Initiatives were stillborn from inception. They remain so. Palestinians genuinely want peace. Israel categorically denies them.

Issues mattering most remain unresolved. Upcoming talks exclude them. Israel wants unconditional surrender. Don't bet against it. It happened many times before.

Dark side justice awaits. This time's no different. Israelis are as out of touch as Americans. Netanyahu's Israel's worst ever prime minister.

He mocks democratic values. He spurns justice. He deplores peace. He's a war criminal. Fake talks boosted his popularity.

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The unlikely bipartisan coalition

July 28th, 2013

Michael Collins
Republicans and Democrats in the United States House of Representatives united last week to oppose Obama administration policies on meddling in the Syrian conflict and violating the privacy of citizens through pervasive collection of telephone records.

A vote on lethal aid to Syrian rebels and broader United States military intervention resulted in a slow down of lethal aid to Syrian rebels and restrictions on any use of U.S. troops in that nation's civil war. The limiting amendment was attached to a Defense Department appropriations bill and passed by voice votes "with only scant dissent."

The adoption of this amendment represents the first real shift away from the imperial presidency allowed by Congress since the War Powers Resolution of 1973. President Obama lost the free hand he expected to continue the assault on a sovereign state, Syria, that never attacked or posed a threat to the U.S.

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Escalated Thatcherism in Britain

July 28th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

A previous article discussed Thatcherism. It's Chicago School fundamentalism writ large. It's financial terrorism. It's hugely exploitative.

It's forced-fed austerity. It's corporate welfare. It's mass privatizations. It benefits business and society's wealthy. It's government of, by, and for privileged elites alone.

It's fundamentally unfair. It's cutthroat predatory capitalism. It's one-sidedly pro-business. It's ruthlessly anti-democratic, anti-populist, and anti-labor.

It's cruel and unusual punishment. It's humanity's scourge. It's business as usual in America. It's policy in other Western societies. It's merciless.

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America: Super-Bully Nation

July 28th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Count the ways. Obama's waging financial war on humanity. He's waging multiple direct and indirect hot ones. He bears full responsibility.

He represents the worst of rogue leadership. He heads America's coup d'etat government. It "lacks constitutional and legal legitimacy," said Paul Craig Roberts.

Washington's ruled by "usurpers," he added. "An unconstitutional government is an illegal government." Regimes operating extrajudicially have no legitimacy. America's by far the worst.

State terror is official policy. So is rogue state lawlessness. It operates at home and abroad. Tyranny's the law of the land. Diktat power rules.

FBI, DEA, Homeland Security, other repressive government agencies, and militarized local police collude. They're America's Gestapo. They operate extrajudicially.

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Israel: Talking Peace, Waging War

July 28th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

No peace talks convene next week in Washington. They're fake. They're subterfuge. They're meaningless. They never worked before. They're rigged to fail now.

Israeli and US orchestrators assure it. So do longtime Palestinian collaborators. They're Israeli enforcers. They're assigned that role. They're well compensated for doing so.

Palestine's legitimate government won't participate. Previous articles asked how can legitimate peace talks proceed with one side excluded. Only in America. Only in Israel. Only under a scenario preordained to fail.

At the same time, militarized occupation continues. Palestinians face ongoing state terror. Multiple community incursions occur daily. Gaza remains besieged.

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Russia and China Prepare for Global War

July 27th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Both countries want peace, not war. America threatens them. Defensive readiness is prioritized. Forewarned is forearmed.

NATO's a global alliance. Washington heads it. It's a geopolitical threat. It menaces humanity. It's expanding worldwide. It's allied for offense, not defense. It plans war, not peace.

It's comprised of 28 member states, 22 partner ones, seven Mediterranean Dialogue allies, four Istanbul (Gulf) Cooperation Council Initiative states, and eight other global Partners.

It works cooperatively with the UN, EU, and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. South American and African expansion is planned.

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