

  • By Arthur I, Arthur wasn't a bad man, not cruel, not malicious. I lived 60 years a quiet life worked married raised kids paid taxes went to church, a good man I thought. As I took my last breath a calmness enveloped me, I had lived well, heaven awaited.…
  • A complex web of covert activities that have shaped global politics By Tracy Turner NATO America Project Paperclip bifurcation control relations international influence dominance power global MKUltra hegemonism. Bifurcated America after the Civil War…
  • Audio and video HERE By David Swanson Whether or not Frank Zappa ever really said it, politics is indeed the entertainment division of the military industrial complex. It is the circenses of the panem et circenses, the circuses of the bread and…
  • The state of the forests, deforestation, and what we can do about it Amazon Forest: World watches wildfires lash through 'lungs of the earth' By Kersasp D. Shekhdar Deforestation at warp speed Up until about the Industrial Revolution, deforestation—if…
  • Roller Coaster From Trumpists to Communists. The forces in the U.S. impeding aid to Ukraine and how they do it By David Swanson, World BEYOND War Here’s a list produced by a Ukrainian group with limited knowledge of the United States, a group that is…
  • By World BEYOND War Yurii Sheliazhenko is facing trial on June 11 and the possibility of 5 years in prison for speaking in support of peace in Ukraine. Yurii has been formally charged by the Ukrainian government with the crime of justifying Russian…
  • MintPress News’ Lowkey, one of the United Kingdom’s most prominent and outspoken opponents of the Israeli onslaught against Gaza, has been under attack. In May, The Daily Telegraph, one of Britain’s largest newspapers, published a report claiming that…
  • Editor thepeoplesvoice.org For Americans who love their country and see the terrible direction it's being taken in, this episode of The View with Ben Carson will be difficult to watch. In order to hear Ben's vitally important message it will be…
  • Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic The Middle East is commonplace from which three global religions originated: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All three confessions recognize the Prophet, Abraham. Judaism Judaism is a monotheistic religion of the Jewish…
  • Naomi Wolf interview conducted by blckbx.tv Editor thepeoplesvoice.org An excerpt of the Naomi Wolf interview conducted by blckbx.tv about her new book- Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age. Naomi Wolf What I'm trying to…
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