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Macron: Neoliberal Reactionary, Dangerous Psychopath

May 15th, 2017

Stephen Lendman

Viva la dirty business as usual with him as president. A former Rothschild banker, economy minister, French communists say he embodies bourgeoisie reactionary values, supports imperial rampaging, rising to the presidency from “formidable mobiliz(ed) propaganda and communication (employed by) monopoly capital.”

Open, free and fair elections are anathema in America and other Western countries - often rigged so wrong candidates don’t win.

According to YourNewsWire, France’s “election was rigged…Le Pen voters lost their ballots…by the millions (last) Sunday.”

“Up to one third of all ballots sent out to voters, an estimated 60% of Le Pen ballots, were destroyed at the time of mailing.”

Only her ballots showed up damaged or destroyed, none for Macron. They were tampered with before mailing so they wouldn’t be counted when received back - the handiwork of France’s establishment to assure their candidate triumphed.

Complaints by Le Pen aides about “systematically torn up” ballots were ignored, French media reporting nothing.

“Voters in districts” where Macron was heavily favored got multiple ballots so they could vote twice.

Macron won the old-fashioned way, by electoral rigging, not honestly. Le Pen never had a chance. Establishment polls were likely rigged to make his triumph look legitimate.

According to French media, around one-third of ballots cast weren’t counted, including damaged, destroyed and blank ones - “quadruple the usual number” in French elections, YourNewsWire explained.

Macron is the establishment’s president, not a popular one - illegitimate, not honestly elected.

Separately, YourNewsWire cited notable Italian psychiatrist/psychotherapist Dr. Adriano Segator, calling Macron a “dangerous psychopath, explaining in detail as follows:

“The analysis that I have done comes both from images I have in my possession as well as the biography the candidate says is his.

Young Emmanuel Macron experienced at age 15 a serious sexual aggression via his teacher, Brigitte, who at the time was 39.

Instead of the rosy vision of this ‘great love’ that we could define grotesquely as a reparative marriage (to repair the rape), I see instead the fact that the development of Emmanuel Macron was blocked prematurely in his adolescence because of an act of seduction that was both psychic and physical.

What happened was that both a taboo and a limit were transgressed, the very limit that the taboo sets. So the first transgression was the conviction that anything is permissible.

Naturally, this feeling of being all-powerful took place within the well-to-do bourgeois society of Amiens, in the north of France. If this union had taken place in a proletarian social environment, the environment that Emmanuel Macron profoundly disdains, Emmanuel Macron would have been destroyed, and would be under surveillance by the social services, and Brigitte Macron would be in jail.

It’s the sad truth. We are confronted with a problem of pedophilia. Once the limits of the taboo were transgressed, the idea of omnipotence common to all children was then encouraged.

Until he went beyond a proper grasp of reality, and strengthened by his intellectual gifts, he extrapolated his personal limitations.

The paradox is that he appears normal, but we have a case of full-blown narcissism. Since his youth, Macron has nurtured an ambition that is beyond normal. He needs the attention and admiration of others to compensate for his inferiority complex.

Three traits that define the psychopathic personality. So we are confronted with three paradigms that define a certain type of personality: 1) the idea that there exist no limits 2) a feeling of omnipotence from childhood, but even more so in adulthood 3) a narcissism that can accurately be defined as malevolent.

This provides the structure of psychopathic behavior, for we are confronted with an individual…whose psychic make-up is perfectly definable as psychopathic.

The word…is not an insult. A great American psychoanalyst Nancy MacWilliams explains literally that a psychopath can attain the highest levels in the American government.

(Maybe it’s how US elections turn out most often - my comment, not Dr. Segatori’s, back to him below.)

Of course the psychopath can be a deviant, but if he is well organized from a cultural and social point of view he can also reach the heights of the ruling class in politics or finance - which is the case we’re studying.

The psychopathic personality is characterized by an infinite spectrum of points of reference, for example: a fascination with the superficial, the ability to attract, uneasiness in confrontations.

We see this in Macron’s fits of hysteria when admiration wanes, underscoring the weaknesses of his identity.

This hysteria is characterized by his interest in theatricality, which cannot fail to recall - a troubling coincidence - his personal history with his teacher - who taught drama.

The psychopath is not worthy of confidence but succeeds through the fascination he exerts in trying to convince his interlocutor. He has no remorse.

When he talks about the poor or insults the workers of northern France, reducing them to smokers and alcoholics, when he denigrates women, lowering them to the level of the ignorant, we have returned to the ideas perfectly explained by Jacques Lacan.

It’s true that he didn’t want to say those things but his subconscious spoke for him. For he believes in what he says and cannot prevent himself from expressing it.

Macron defends himself by altering the meaning of his statements - but never expresses remorse - for he never feels guilty.

So what is the problem from the psychiatric point of view? What is the danger with a personality such as this?

I reply that there is no doubt: Emmanuel Macron, like all psychopaths, is highly dangerous.

An American intellectual who specializes in - let’s call it “well-integrated disturbances” in famous people - literally said: ‘The serial killer destroys families, while the psychopaths at the summits of politics and the economy ruin societies.’ So in what way is Macron dangerous?

1) Like all psychopaths, Macron has a high opinion of himself.

2) Macron does not like France and does not fight for the people of France.

3) Macron is enormously fond of himself and fights to keep his fragile identity.

For him, the conflictual situation with Marine Le Pen is not only a political conflict. He cannot accept that a woman - Marianne, the symbol of France - is his antagonist. He needs a nurturing mother. Any other relationship with a woman is difficult to undertake.

So this fragility is very dangerous, because as with all psychopaths who work only for themselves and who consider others as instruments of their own grandeur, it underscores the extent to which a country like France finds itself in danger from a candidate of this type.”

There you have it, if the above analysis is right. Macron is psychopathically dangerous. He triumphed last Sunday by election rigging.

He’s a neoliberal reactionary, representing destructive establishment interests, fundamentally against ordinary French citizens and others abroad.

Nothing good will come from his tenure. It’s just a matter of how bad things will get.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at http://www.sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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