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NSA Crime Syndicate aka The Syndicate aka The Program

September 25th, 2014

By Tracy Turner

The NSA has no budget, or rather look around you and imagine every third phone you see today having the NSA pad the bill or txt themselves $10-$100 via a black-ops virus. By the end of business today, NSA could easily use malware to pad their own budget hundreds of millions per day via virii. The NSA R&D budget used the Space Shuttle STS-60, STS-69 and STS-80 missions to make a weapon that kills and disposes of as human body in under 4 minutes via a hand-wielded vacuum shell; such weapons are pricey. NSA Black Ops include self-funding through phone and computer virii that steal credit card info, globally - an almost unlimited budget.

The National Security Agency Crime Syndicate includes renting Gang Bangers (both within and outside of incarceration). Phase 1 can include mere e-harassment and e-surveillance or can include Organized Harassment by BlackWater (XE), by NSA Operatives as well as mass harassment by gangs (including white yuppie psychopath gangs).

The Syndicate can be used as the program phase 1 and/or phase 3. Imagine gangs, yuppies, housewives, jocks, bicyclists and joggers all tracking you by cell phone and text, anywhere from 20 to 200 persons tracking, annoying and harassing you day in and day out for years – this is the essence of National Security Agency Organized Stalking. The FBI is sitting on tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of complaints and the FBI will not lift one finger to confront it’s Federal Brother the NSA!

Organized Harassment electronic harassment E-harassment includes red lights for others last 30 seconds, but your red light lasts 3-5 minutes sometimes longer. You go to put a song on the radio and all your presets are playing commercials. Imagine everything electronic you own being broken, sabotaged or out to annoy you.

You go for a walk and cars come close to hitting you every 3-4 minutes. Bicyclists pass you ringing bells and almost hitting you. Martial arts joggers jeer at you as they go by; some paid by NSA, others merely in it as they enjoy mental psychotic behavior. Some targeted individuals have planes fly low over them day and night. The vacuum shells seem to be used by BlackWater (XE) and NSA Operatives (domestic and foreign).

Phase 1 is initial sensitization. Phase 2 is a false lull of relief meant to make the person think it is over. Phase 3 is ongoing harassment by any and all means. The NSA does not have the manpower to harass all their targets all the time, but they do have enough to make someone’s like hell part of the time. Politicians mention "legality" and "FISA-oversight"... Do you see anything in this article "legal"?


Tracy Turner was born into two extended families of bookworms - one horticultural and one petroleum industry. Semi-retired from IT and Botanical Garden Plant Propagation, his main interest are science, news, politics national and world events. Urges anyone to ask several IT professionals about web censorship; which is becoming rampant. Twitter, Facebook and Myspace are not free speech - they are places of monitoring, censoring and personal data harvesting. If you love freedom, become active in free speech and freedom of the press activism. Post Peak Sanity, Oil & Freedom; Pre Peak Thirst, Hunger, War and Ponzi Fascism aka 'Organic' Back Yard Urrban Tomatoes vs. New York Beekeeping by Tracy Turner - Environmentalist, Horticulturist, Analyst ~ Pasadena, Californa



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