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Nikola Tesla speaks out about 9/11 and Iraq

September 9th, 2012

By Robert Singer

On September 10th the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) in the straits of Hormoz chopped (turned around), went to Battle Condition II, and prepared to invade Iraq. The order to stand down came 5 hours after the 2nd tower collapsed at free fall speed and turned largely to dust. [1]

The USS Carl Vinson was in the Persian Gulf with orders to invade Iraq. Logic would dictate the invasion would go forward when the buildings collapsed and not be called off.

The same USS Carl Vinson that allegedly lowered Bin Laden’s body into the sea after he was killed by Navy SEALs on May 2, 2011. [2]

What's going on here? I tried the World Wide Web but couldn’t find any answers.

So I got out my Matrix Mind-ray Scanner, delivered before The Sharper Image and our way of life filed for bankruptcy and Googled “Who can I interview that can tell me why the invasion of Iraq was called off 5 hours after the 2nd tower collapsed at free fall speed and turned largely to dust?

The Matrix Mind-ray returned the following results: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Alex Jones, and Nikola Tesla.

Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush already lied about 9/11 and Alex Jones is a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor CIA Disinformation Agent. [3]

Tesla, it seems, designed the interplanetary magnifying transmitting tower in the Matrix Mind-ray Scanner, so I set the device on “Interview” and selected Nikola Tesla.

Singer: Nikola Tesla, can you hear us?

Tesla: Yes, you are coming in loud and clear.

Singer: Mr. Tesla did you know that you are now among the 100 most famous people to have lived in the last 1,000 years? Tesla Memorial Society of New York

Tesla: I am humbled, to say the least.

Singer: Mr. Tesla, can you explain why the invasion of Iraq was called off 5 hours after the 2nd tower collapsed at free fall speed and turned largely to dust?

Tesla: The Invasion of Iraq (the cradle of civilization) was cancelled because 9/11 was a Metaphysical Test of the Earth’s energy.

Singer: Huh?

Tesla: The Powers That Be or TPTB, armed with the lost knowledge from the ancient world, Atlantis, are in a metaphysical struggle and are using humans to weaken the Earth with environmental damage and pollution. 9/11 was a Metaphysical Catechism (a test) to determine if the Earth was weakened enough to take over and start a New World Order on 9/12/2001.

Singer: Wait a minute a test of the Earth’s energy? I am not sure I can get my head around that one. Do you have any pictures that will help us understand what you are saying?

Tesla: Look at the three pictures below. Notice the one on the left and in the center have nothing in common with the picture on the right (controlled demolition).

Hiroshima North Tower Controlled Demolition of a Hotel

Hiroshima and the North Tower represent a highly unconventional destructive release of energy, with temperatures much hotter than the sun.

Singer: So controlled demolition could never explain how the Twin Towers collapsed and turned largely to dust.

Tesla: Duh. Both Hiroshima and the North Tower are EXPLOSIONS; controlled demolition is Implosion. And speaking of controlled demolition we need to out the professor of physics with no expertise whatsoever in material science (controlled demolition).

Steven Jones, who is the “expert” for the 9/11 Truth movement, has no expertise whatsoever in controlled demolitions. Dr. Jones was asked to leave the university when he embarrassed the physics department at Brigham Young by writing that demolitions of WTC 1, 2 and 7 are the same; however,

WTC 7 was a bottom-up a gravity-assisted collapse with a small debris field, while WTC 1 and 2 were primarily top-down, virtually unassisted by gravity and showered debris in a wide radius as their frames essentially "peeled" outward. FEMA: WTC Study, Ch. 5 (05/02)

Singer: Thanks that helps but I am still having trouble with the Metaphysical part.

Tesla: The easiest way to understand a Metaphysical Catechism (test) is to imagine an Arm Wrestling match between TPTB and the Earth with the legs of the Arm Wrestling table the North and South Tower. Arm Wrestling is considered by many to be the ultimate test of strength and is a battle of leverage. The strategies and techniques depend on the location and time of the Arm Wrestling match.

On 9/11, TPTB failed to demonstrate good sportsmanship when they violated two rules from the American Metaphysical Armsport Association: Rules, Conducts and Manners manual.

Rule #15032 – failure to give notice.
Rule #25443 – participants must mutually agree on the location of the match.

TPTB are known for using the Sidemore strategy:

"I never, ever, ever go to the inside on a bigger guy. The reason is that if I cannot take him down immediately then he can probably throw his weight into the match and pin me in a heartbeat. To me a quick surge of backpressure is the only way to go. Finger attacks are the way to go. " - Mark Sidemore

8:46 a.m. - Arm Wrestling initiated by TPTB, in violation of rule #15032, at the electro-magnetic grid location 40° 42' 41.3852", -74° 0' 44.0064 (One World Trade Center).

The TPTB began with a surge in backpressure. The Sidemore technique had a high probability of success because the powerful electromagnetic frequencies from the micro cities would interfere with the Earth’s energy. The intention was to further weaken an Earth (suffering from decades of environmental damage and pollution) which possessed greater strength than TPTB.

Although the Sidemore attack failed, TPTB knew that the Earth would not throw her weight into the match and pin TPTB.

Why? Because the energy required in a toproll maneuver would result in the collapse of the North and South Tower Arm Wrestling table legs, killing all 17,400 occupants in an unusually horrible and agonizing death.

The Earth would never do such an abominable thing to innocent bystanders.

Instead the Earth was limited to a quick surge of backpressure, releasing enough energy to keep from being pinned and prolonging the match until the Towers could be safely evacuated.

A toproll from TPTB locked the Earth in a death grip followed by 73 minutes of surges from side to side, counting on the micro cities’ powerful electrical systems to drain the Earth’s energy. During that time the earth perspired, which explains the presence of Hurricane Erin off the coast of New York.

9:59:04 a.m. Exhausted from the interference from the electricity and the protracted back and forth pivots, the Earth’s grip was slipping, the arm and hand were in the losing position, as they were below two-thirds of the way to the pin pad.

Because nearly everyone was safely evacuated from the South Tower, the Earth summoned all of her strength and an enormous surge of energy came forth. She was able to execute an outside toproll maneuver and the match was saved. The energy expended for the maneuver caused the Arm Wrestling table leg of the South Tower to collapse.

The match continued an additional 29 minutes while 90% of the occupants were safely evacuated from the North Tower.

10:28:31 a.m. The Earth executed a toproll followed by the press manuever. The match was over. The Earth was declared the winner and the Arm Wrestling table leg of the North Tower collapsed. Five hours later the invasion of the cradle of civilization and the start of a New World Order was called off because TPTB were defeated.

And if you need more proof TPTB accepted defeat, what did George W. Bush tell us do on 9/12? Answer: “Go Shopping.”

“Environmental Damage and Pollution are the Goal and Not the Unintended Consequence of Our Consumer (shopping) Society.” Liberté, Enlightenté, Entitleté

[End of Tesla interview and the answer to the question: Why the invasion of Iraq was called off 5 hours after the 2nd tower collapsed at free fall speed and turned largely to dust.]

Click here to read why Pictures of Mini Nukes at PakAlert Prove 9-11 was a Metaphysical Catechism (Test)

My attempt at 9/11 satire mixed with investigative journalism is 9/11 Breaking News: Nikola Tesla Testifies at NY Grand Jury on 9/11

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle (rds2301@gmail.com)

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you."-- Don Marquis


[1] “Chopped” is a naval term used when a ship changes course. I can no longer find this post on the Web. Personal Web sites and blogs come and go, and it’s common knowledge that technology exists to scrub content off the web.

Posts, blogs and comments just don’t disappear. Posts, blogs and comments are scrubbed…from the Internet

Note: Strategic information about the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) is classified by the U.S. Military. Therefore in xx when I first wrote that the invasion was called off 5 hours after the 2nd tower collapsed, I issued the following challenge.

If the Carl Vinson wasn’t ordered to Battle Condition II, let someone from Naval Command come forward and dispute that:

  1. Ship control stations were fully manned
  2. All lookout stations were fully manned
  3. All detection apparatus manned
  4. Water-tight Integrity Watch posted

During the 2008 Presidential election a comment about “John McCain's Dirt on the Cross Lies” appeared on greenusa.blogspot:

“I served in the Navy as a Nuclear Plant Operator for over 14 years. I served onboard the USS Texas (CGN-39) in Operation Desert Storm. I served onboard the USS Arkansas (CGN-41) in support of Operation Desert Fox. I was a crewmember of the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) when airplanes struck the Twin Towers on 9/11, and our ship was the first ship that was flying attack missions into Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.” August 20, 2008 John McCain's Dirt on the Cross Lies

Paul O'Neill's revelations that the Bush administration planned to invade Iraq long before September 11, 2001 have been widely publicized. The decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq was made in July 2001 and the plans were on Bush’s desk by Sept 9. Going back all the way to the Bush administration's build-up for invading Iraq, there has been much written and said about the reasons for the invasion. Now Paul O'Neill's revelations that the Bush administration planned to invade Iraq long before September 11, 2001 have been widely publicized. Iraq Was Surviving the Sanctions, Why They Wouldn't Wait By Tom Jackson

[2] AP has submitted more than 20 requests for information surrounding the raid on Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound to the U.S. Government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

In response to the request for visual evidence of Bin Laden’s death, the Pentagon stated that it could not find any pictures or video footage of the raid itself or of Bin Laden’s dead body. It also told AP it could not locate any images of Bin Laden’s body that were taken on the U.S.S. Carl Vinson, the Navy aircraft carrier that reportedly lowered him into the sea after his death.

Mark Owen account of the raid that killed bin Laden does not comport to the official story, LOL. http://www.mercurynews.com/entertainment/ci_21475239/review-mark-owens-controversial-account-raid-that-killed

Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death Special

Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death Special

Elliott By Elliott Freeman
May 1, 2012 - yesterday in Politics

Pentagon officials recently disclosed to the Associated Press (AP) that they could not find any photo or video evidence to confirm that Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed in the Navy Seal raid in Pakistan a year ago.

AP has submitted more than 20 requests for information surrounding the raid on Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound to the U.S. Government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

In response to the request for visual evidence of Bin Laden’s death, the Pentagon stated that it could not find any pictures or video footage of the raid itself or of Bin Laden’s dead body. It also told AP it could not locate any images of Bin Laden’s body that were taken on the U.S.S. Carl Vinson, the Navy aircraft carrier that reportedly lowered him into the sea after his death.

In addition, the Pentagon admitted that it could not find an autopsy report, death certificate or results of a DNA identification test for Bin Laden, in spite of claims made by President Obama and reported by CBC News that a DNA test was performed. Read more: Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death (Includes interview)

[3] Infowars.com (2, 636. 7,575. 568), web conspiracy-tainted site of Alex Jones.

Alex Jones is the “Minister of Truth” over a flock of “Truthers,” whose church is the “9/11 Truth Movement.” The faithful followers are not concerned that Pastor Alex is now being given significant exposure and airtime by the mainstream media – specifically by Disinformation-Central Fox News. The media attention he is getting is quite bewildering until one digs deeper and understands Alex Jones is part of a Cointelpro operation.

“The Truth Movement has the dual purpose of vectoring genuine truth seekers to dead ends, where anger, hype and paranoia endlessly stress the seeker and those around him or her, and to facilitate the mainstream media’s task of branding those who ask questions of authority and the true nature of reality as insane.”

Why does Jones appear to be closely aligned with that which he seeks to subvert and destroy?

The fact that Jones exposes government schemes – and extraordinarily loudly at that – becomes evidence that he may very well be Cointelpro.

“What people fail to understand however, is that serious Cointelpro operations are never obvious. They are by definition, very closely aligned with that which they seek to subvert and destroy because they would not get very far at infiltration and subversion if they were not.”

The strategy of supporting sides that at first glance appear to be in direct opposition is similar to the way things are staged by the “Secret Team”. L Fletcher Prouty described in great detail how the flow of information is successfully managed by a few hands to produce precisely the reaction the Powers That Be require from their unwitting targets. The Secret Team” and “JFK,” L Fletcher Prouty

Tags: 9_11, iraq, tesla

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