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Putin’s Annual Federal Assembly Address

December 4th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

On Thursday, Putin delivered his 12th annual state of the nation address to Russia’s Federal Assembly, its bicameral legislature, and invited guests - at a time of grave danger to world peace.

America’s imperial wars head recklessly toward possible direct confrontation with Russia. Putin and other government officials understand the current threat. Free societies everywhere are at risk.

Putin began by thanking Russian military forces engaged in combating “international terrorism.” He expressed deep sorrow and respect for the widows and families of two fallen Russian servicemen - victims of Turkish aggression, OK’d and facilitated by Washington.

Its surveillance aircraft determined the flight path and coordinates of Russia’s Su-24 bomber enabling Erdogan to dispatch a warplane to down it - a clear act of war, aggression Putin won’t forgive or forget, nor will millions of ordinary Russians and Turks opposed to rogue state rule.

“I would like us all to honour the memory of the soldiers who gave up their lives while doing their duty, and the memory of all Russian citizens who fell at the hands of terrorists,” Putin stressed.

A moment of silence followed. “Russia has long been at the forefront of the fight against terrorism,” he explained. “This is a fight for freedom, truth and justice, for the lives of people and the future of the entire civilisation.”

Defeating international terrorism involves commitment by more than one country, he stressed. It requires world community cooperation against a common scourge, “a growing threat today” - in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and elsewhere.

“We all know why” nations were “plunged into chaos and anarchy…We know who decided to oust the unwanted regimes and brutally impose their own rules” - leaving no doubt he means Washington and rogue allies.

He highlighted the urgency to combat, neutralized and eliminate the terrorist threat America created. It endangers Russia’s security, he stressed. “We must fight and eliminate (it abroad), away from home.”

“Our military personnel are fighting in Syria for Russia, for the security of Russian citizens. The Russian Army and Navy have convincingly demonstrated their combat ability and their increased capabilities” to combat the scourge of terrorism effectively.

Russia assumed world leadership in a struggle vital to win. The stakes are too high to accept less. Free societies face “a destructive and barbarous ideology…(W)e must not allow these modern-day dark forces to attain their goals” Putin stressed.

He again urged international cooperation in combating a common scourge, assuring terrorists have no refuge anywhere, no double standards (permitted).”

“No contacts with terrorist organisations. No attempts to use them for self-seeking goals. No criminal business with terrorists” - leaving no doubt he means Turkey, other rogue states, but mainly Washington for creating and supporting ISIS as well as other terrorist groups.

“We know (the individuals) stuffing (their) pockets in Turkey and letting terrorists prosper from the sale of oil they” steal and sell. Ordinary Turks are decent people, not responsible for the actions of their rogue regime, Putin explained.

“We will never forget (Erdogan’s) collusion with terrorists,” complicit with other Turkish officials. Putin called “betrayal the worst and most shameful” act by one nation against another, an unforgivable high crime.

He suggested “Allah (perhaps) decided to punish (Ankara’s) ruling clique…by (removing) their mind, (senses) and reason.

(I)f they expected a…hysterical reaction from us…they won’t get it…Our actions will always be guided primarily by responsibility - to ourselves, to our country, to our people.”

Unlike America, rogue NATO partners and Israel, Russia doesn’t stoop to saber-rattling or back-stabbing. At the same time, Putin stressed anyone committing a “heinous war crime” on Russia, expecting little more than an angry reaction, nothing else, is “delusional…We know what to do.”

Erdogan will rue the day he confronted Russia belligerently. His action was lawless and stupid, a major geopolitical blunder he’ll pay for many-fold over in ways Putin chooses.

Russia’s military, security services and law enforcement agencies are mobilized to repel any terrorist threat - from individuals, groups or nations.

It rejects all forms of belligerence and extremism. It’s well prepared to protect its interests, not about to roll over for America or any other hostile power.

Under Putin’s leadership, it’s the preeminent force for world peace - polar opposite Washington’s rage for endless aggressive wars, together with rogue partners.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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