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Question 2 for 9/11 Smarties: Where did the energy come from on September 11, 2001?

September 2nd, 2013

By Elizabeth Young
911 is without a doubt the most written about, analyzed and discussed conspiracy in the history of mankind. Yes, even the official story:

Nineteen fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, crashed airplanes into important buildings in the N.E. sector in the United States because they “hate our freedoms,”

is a conspiracy between Osama Bin Laden (who isn’t even wanted by the FBI [1q]) and the Arab terrorists who the U.S. government claims hijacked planes and crashed them in to important buildings in the N.E. sector in the United States.

“Conspiracy” is a REAL word for a REAL act that has existed in human societies in all cultures throughout human history. If conspiracies did not exist, we would not have a word for it. The problem that we face today is that the US Government has arrogated to itself a singular role as a political pontificate that believes that it and its agents in the Justice Department, alone, constitute the only “person” (corporate person) on this Earth who is allowed to use the word “conspiracy” as it employs the charge of “conspiracy” every week in trials to put both guilty and innocent people in jail while deriding and discrediting all others who employ the word as “conspiracy theorists.” (Paris Flammonde) [2q]

There are inside, outside and even outside inside stories (conspiracy theories) about what really happened on 911.

Test your knowledge of the September 11, 2001 stories and see if you can spot the Terrorist Job (the story), The Inside Job/Global Domination (the story behind the story), The Exotic Weapon story (another story behind the story) or The Metaphysical story (the story behind the story behind the story behind the story!).

Question 2. Where did the energy come from that could explain: 1) the toasted cars, 2) the instant disappearance of people and 3) how two 110-story buildings and one 47 story building, approximately 50 million tons of mass, of which about 40 million tons NEVER hit the ground and turned largely to dust; i.e., the molecular dissociation of steel beams and concrete?

Option 1 - Two Boeing jumbo jets fully loaded with jet fuel, which is basically kerosene that burns at about 400c, on 9/11, took on the qualities of an explosive demolition agent.

Option 2 - Prior to August 17, 2010, the explanation from the Joneses (Steven and Alex) was Thermite/thermate/super thermate, AKA controlled demolition, the old “9/11 Truth.”

On August 17 and September 18, several CIA-controlled websites call the Joneses liars and now report “We cannot blame the highly unconventional Ground Zero devastation on thermite/thermate/super thermate and ‘controlled demolition’ any more than we can blame it on ‘jet fuel’ or ‘box cutters’.”

The new “9/11 Truth” is that a directed energy weapon (DEW) or a mini-nuke ate the Twin Towers.

Pakalert and other popular conspiracy websites finally admitted what legitimate researchers have been saying for years. There never was direct evidence for the use of thermite. There was no photographic evidence or a “steam explosion” when rain fell on the area where molten metal was supposed to have been.

Click here to watch a 2007 presentation by Dr. Judy Wood that contradicts the Jones’ molten metal hypothesis for WTC 1 & 2.

Option 3 - A directed energy weapon (DEW) developed at taxpayer expense [as should have been known] by SAIC, ARA and Boeing (the NIST contractors), was demonstrated on 9/11. This super-secret technology has been kept out of the public view and “in the realm of the incredible.”

“This (9/11) requires very sophisticated beam weapons – huge amounts of energy. Well, huge amounts of energy – much more than chemical explosives would release.” Independent Scientist Leuren Moret

According to Independent Scientist Leuren Moret, and attorney Alfred Webre:

Overwhelming evidence exists that the collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7 were instances of controlled demolition, and/or of the application of exotic weapons such as land-based, air-based or possible space-based Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) or HAARP. [7q]

Dr. Judy Wood: “I don’t know if it’s the exact same thing as the Hutchison Effect, but what I’ve learned from this is that… here is something that does the same thing that we see…” In an interview with Alfred Webre in 2008, John Hutchison expressed his wish for the technology to be disclosed and that his method of “doing this” is to appear in TV documentaries about the subject and talk about his work and experiments.

Andrew Johnson has suggested that Leuren Moret and Alfred Webre had deliberately tried to muddle up the evidence with a discussion of HAARP being used to destroy the World Trade Center Towers.

Option 4 - The easiest way to understand where the energy came from on September 11 is to imagine an Arm Wrestling match, considered by many to be the ultimate test of strength, between TPTB and the Earth, with the legs of the Arm Wrestling table the North and South Tower.

Arm Wrestling is a battle of leverage, and the strategies and techniques depend on the location and time of the Arm Wrestling match.

On 9/11, TPTB failed to demonstrate good sportsmanship when they violated rules from the American Metaphysical Armsport Association: Rules, Conducts and Manners manual.

Rule #15032 – failure to give notice.
Rule #25443 – participants must mutually agree on the location of the match. [12q]

TPTB are known for using the Sidemore strategy:

“I never, ever, ever go to the inside on a bigger guy. The reason is that if I cannot take him down immediately then he can probably throw his weight into the match and pin me in a heartbeat. To me a quick surge of backpressure is the only way to go. Finger attacks are the way to go. ” – Mark Sidemore

Did you know that Pictures of Mini Nukes at PakAlert Prove 9-11 was a Metaphysical Catechism (Test)?

Stay tuned: Question 3 coming tomorrow.

Question 1 for 9/11 Smarties: What really happened on September 11, 2001?

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