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Loud Talk, Small Minds

October 9th, 2010

Joel S. Hirschhorn

In trying to understand how so many Americans adore people like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh I have come to this critical understanding: Poorly educated, terribly informed, intellectually deficient and downright stupid people need idols. They feel angry, frustrated, ignored, cheated and disillusioned by so much going on in American society. They find the emotional, political and philosophical rants by talk show, loud mouth celebrities matching and justifying their feelings. Of course, those celebrities work hard to fan the flames of all that unhappiness and discontent, and also perpetuate ignorance and hate. They sell stupidity to gullible dummies, teaching them who to blame for their misery.

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America's War on Food Not Bombs

October 9th, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

Food Not Bombs (FNB) is "one of the fastest growing revolutionary movements and is gaining momentum throughout the world." Access its story on:

Through hundreds of autonomous chapters globally, it shares free vegetarian food to relieve hunger besides protesting against war, poverty, and social injustice. FNB isn't a charity. Through grassroots activism, it advocates peace and liberation of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. In addition, for 30 years, it's worked to end hunger and backs efforts against globalization, free movement restrictions, exploitation, and environmental destruction.

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The real problem with Obama's religion

October 9th, 2010

Mary Shaw

At a September town hall meeting in New Mexico, a citizen asked President Obama the question "Why are you a Christian?"

Obama replied that he is "a Christian by choice," noting that his family didn't regularly attend church. He explained that he became a Christian later in life "because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead -- being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me." Etc.

Some might see this as a defense against all the hysterical right-wing assertions that Obama is a "secret Muslim". I see it as an honest and reasonable answer to a question. But I question the validity of the question.

As I see it, the real problem with Obama's religion is that it is an issue at all.

It shouldn't matter whether Obama is a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Scientologist, or a Zoroastrian. (Here come more rumors now.)

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Hungary Toxic Sludge Catastrophe Reminiscent of BP Gulf Oil Spill Disaster

October 9th, 2010


Here’s the top headline on Yahoo! News on Thursday, October 7, 2010 regarding the Toxic Sludge Disaster in Hungary:

Scientists say heavy metal in sludge not dangerous (AP)

And here’s the proof for those who are as incredulous as we were about such an irresponsible and utterly uninformed scientific proclamation:

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To The Rank and File

October 8th, 2010

By Timothy V. Gatto

We all need to take a realistic look at what is really going on in this country and what we are truly capable of doing about it. Rhetoric aside, what are the truly pragmatic ways that we can force the government of the United States to work in the interests of the people instead of the corporate world that get these politicians elected and supply them with never-ending “perks” to influence them to do their bidding? Short of a revolution, there doesn’t seem to be anyway to wrest control of our government away from the corporations that control it.

After watching the largest transfer of wealth move from the American taxpayer’s hands to the banks and financial institutions of Wall Street, it should become apparent just where our government’s interests lie. Watching the median income sink by thousands of dollars each year for the past five years without as much as a peep from our elected representatives is another dead giveaway to where our government’s interests lie. When the Corprocrats in Washington bailed out GM and Chrysler, who were the ones that really took it on the chin, was it the shareholders? No, it was the union rank and file that had to step up to the plate and giveback concessions that took so much time to earn.

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Atlanta to premier 'What in the World Are they Spraying?' 10/23

October 8th, 2010

By Rady Ananda

One technique of atmospheric geoengineering uses aircraft to spray the sky with metals and chemicals. These pollutants affect the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we grow. Crops genetically engineered for immunity to aluminum, which is toxic to natural plants (and humans), are unaffected.

Addressing these issues, a new film, What in the World Are They Spraying, will have its world premier in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday, October 23, 8 pm, at the Atlanta History Center.

Producers G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger will give a 30-minute presentation before the film, and will be at the catered reception following it.

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As 10th Year of Longest War Begins the Flood of Bad News in Afghanistan Continues

October 8th, 2010

Kevin Zeese

Obama Should End the War or He Will Pay a Heavy Political Price

Today, the 10th year of the Afghanistan War begins.

The longest American war continues amidst a flood of bad news from the war front – supply routes cut, oil tankers burning, record deaths of soldiers and Afghan civilians, U.S. funding the Taliban to protect U.S. troops . . . on and on, the war failure stares the United States in the face.

If Obama thinks he is having a hard time with the “enthusiasm gap” in 2010, in 2012 if these wars continue, he will be unable to wake up his anti-war base no matter how much he chides them and tries to scare them with extremist Republicans.

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Canada's War on Islam: The Case of Mahboob and Momin Khawaja

October 8th, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

Canada, like other Western countries and Israel, is partnered in America's War on Islam - a post-9/11 "war on terror" scheme to vilify Muslims as culturally inferior gun-toting terrorists for political advantage. As a result, thousands of innocent victims have been lawlessly persecuted, bogusly charged, imprisoned, tortured, and in some cases extrajudicially murdered in cold blood.

Two previous articles, among many others, explained what all Muslims face, accessed through the following links:

Mahboob Khawaja, his son Momin and family, are Pakistani Canadians, bogusly targeted for alleged involvement in terrorism.

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Israel's Persecution of Ameer Makhoul

October 8th, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

At any time, from 7,000 - 12,000 or more Palestinians are politically persecuted and imprisoned, including young children. The Addameer Prisoners' Support and Human Rights Association explains that for over 43 years under military occupation, over 650,000 Palestinians have been illegally detained for wanting freedom on their own land in their own country, what Israel won't tolerate, nor have its leaders ever wanted peace. Saying so is a lie.

What Avi Shlaim once said about Ariel Sharon, applies to virtually all other Israeli leaders, past and present; namely, that "Bargaining, accommodation, and compromise (were) alien to his whole way of thinking."

Sharon earlier, and Netanyahu today, share like-minded views; namely, that "relations with the Palestinians (are) a zero-sum game" in which Israel intends to gain at their expense, including its own Arab citizens. Both leaders spurn concessions, Sharon once saying, "This is our land, and we'll settle it and build on it in order to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state. We'll never give up this area." As a result, Palestinians have been ruthlessly persecuted, imprisoned, or slaughtered in gross violation of international laws.

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Why Does Congress Hate America?

October 8th, 2010

Michael Collins

Oh, it's just that Collins guy mouthing off again.

Actually, I was far too easy on Congress yesterday in Lawless Nation - Congress.

Here's why: HR 3808 The Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010

The bill is the response to the events outlined in a story that Numerian scooped on foreclosure problems. The banks are in big trouble. They failed to follow the law and rules in handling mortgages. Instead of foreclosing on home owners, those upside down and under water can consider strategic defaults on the mishandled notes. Legal efforts have reached a point where there's a "tsunami of legal action against mortgage servicers" as Tyler Durden calls it.

A clever Mandarin somewhere figured out that by changing the law on notarizations, after the fact, Congress could stop the tsunami by "making it more difficult for homeowners to challenge foreclosure proceedings against them." (See Ellen Brown)

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