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The Israeli Knesset's Anti-Democratic Agenda

October 14th, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

An earlier article discussed the Mossawa Center calling the current Knesset the most racist in history, accessed through the following link:

It reviewed 2008 and 2009 legislation violating Israeli Arab rights, Mossawa saying "almost every day" they're victimized by racist actions, and as a result, they face disruptive social, economic and cultural futures.

The upcoming winter Knesset session promises worse, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel's Debby Gild-Hayo (ACRI) reviewing what's expected in a report titled, "Harming Democracy in the Heart of Democracy." Ahead of the upcoming session, it addressed expected anti-democratic legislation, including:

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Foreclosure Scandal Exposes Systemic Derivatives Fraud

October 14th, 2010

by John Hoefle

Filing false documents in courts to obtain illegal foreclosures, breaking into homes and changing the locks while the residents are still legally living there, and even foreclosing on homes which have no mortgages—these are just some of the things the derivatives arms of the giant banks are doing, as they throw people to the wolves in a vain effort to stop their own collapse into oblivion. We are not at all surprised that the derivatives banks are acting this way—in fact, we would be a bit surprised if they didn't, given the criminal nature of the financial markets. It would be nice to be able to say that we are surprised that the Federal regulators are letting them get away with it, but that one won't fly. Under the Obama regime, with the help of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and "Bailout" Barney Frank and Chris Dodd of the House and Senate banking committees, the banks have gotten pretty much whatever they wanted. If that includes your house, too bad for you.

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Obama/Donilon: Staring down the generals

October 14th, 2010

Eric Walberg

What is United States President Barack Obama’s new National Security Adviser to make of the latest news from AfPak?

In the past 10 days, 150 NATO-bound oil tankers were torched in Pakistan, mostly by Taliban but some apparently by their own drivers, who siphoned and sold the fuel and then destroyed the evidence of their theft. Win-win for locals, none of whom are naive enough to believe killing more of their brothers is a good idea. 500 oil tankers and containers that left Port Qasim in Karachi for Kandahar did not even reach the AfPak border. This, while the key Khyber Pass was closed, holding up thousands of supply trucks that did make it intact, after Pakistan shut the border in protest against the almost daily, illegal and unsanctioned US air strikes that have killed 1800 Pakistani civilians.

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Boston University's Islamophobic Pro-Israeli Conference

October 14th, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

A personal note. I grew up in Boston from the mid-1930s - mid-1950s through college. Then after military service and summer courses at BU, out-of-town grad school followed in the fall.

It was a different time, good and bad. Eisenhower was still president. Unemployment was low. Anyone wanting work found it. Most years the economy grew during a post-WW II expansion. Inflation was low. The average new car cost $1,500, a typical home under $10,000. College was affordable. Harvard's 1952 full year tuition was $600. Four years later it was $1,000 - for a full, two-semester year. During the period, anyone could attend evenings at $5 a course and get a Harvard degree for about $175, the way my mother did it, graduating with me in the same class, the first ever mother and son to do it.

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Nobel Politics

October 14th, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

Since first awarded in 1901, Nobel Peace recognition went to 98 individuals and 23 organizations. Last year, another war criminal won, Barack Obama, one among many previous ones. A earlier article on the Nobel Committee's long and inglorious tradition may be accessed through the following link:

Nearly always, politics, not merit, determines awards. Consider past winners, including Henry Kissinger, three Israeli war criminals (Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin, and Menachem Begin), the Dalai Lama (a past and likely current CIA asset), Elie Wiesel (a hawkish Islamophobe), Kofi Annan (a reliable imperial stooge), and Al Gore, (another war criminal, neoliberal extremist, and no friend of the earth), a previous article on him may be accessed through the link below:

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A question for the British Foreign Secretary “Mr Hague, is it not your responsibility to keep seaways open?”

October 14th, 2010

Stuart Littlewood

Dignity, Mavi Marmara and now Irene…

“The unbroken thread of Conservative Party support for Israel that has run for nearly a century from the Balfour Declaration to the present day will continue. Although it will no doubt often be tested in the years ahead, it will remain constant, unbroken, and undiminished by the passage of time.” No prize for guessing which leading politician uttered these words.

It was your goodself, Mr Foreign Secretary, back in 2008.

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What's Behind the Foreclosure Crisis

October 13th, 2010

By Numerian posted by Michael Collins

"MERS acts as nominee in the county land records for the lender and servicer. Any loan registered on the MERS® System is inoculated against future assignments because MERS remains the nominal mortgagee no matter how many times servicing is traded. MERS as original mortgagee (MOM) is approved by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, FHA and VA, California and Utah Housing Finance Agencies, as well as all of the major Wall Street rating agencies." About theMortgage Electronic Registration System, MERS

The foreclosure scandal surrounding the US financial industry is being portrayed by the banks as a technical problem which requires that some documentation errors be fixed. The White House has rejected the calls of many in the Congress for a nationwide moratorium on foreclosures on the grounds that there are quite a lot of them that are legitimate and should be processed. Government officials say it is going to take just a little bit of time to sort out these from the flawed foreclosures.

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Democracy is the USA

October 13th, 2010

By Timothy V. Gatto

It’s about time that Americans get over themselves and look to Latin America with a new eye. The changes that are happening to the nations of South America are astounding. Hugo Chavez is not the strongman dictator that the United States would want you to believe he is. Evo Morales is not the dictator that the U.S. State Department would like you to believe he is. The leaders of South America are a vibrant breath of fresh air and an example of what we here in the United States could become.

It is no accident that left-wing governments have appeared in South America. The leaders of the US can only blame themselves for the rise of socialism to our south. Years of American imperialism and of the heavy hand of the CIA and the DEA are prime examples of why the left has come to power. Even though the media of the left leaning Bolivarian States is controlled by the right (consisting of the corporatists and the wealthy landowners), the people of Latin America have managed to see through the veneer of their lies and have turned out and elected people with visionary foresight to share the resources of their respective natural resources with the people. They are taking the wealth that for centuries was in the hands of the few and sharing it with the many.

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37 years after the October war

October 12th, 2010

Salim Nazzal

In the Arab orient they call it Tichreen war, in Egypt they call it October war, in other parts of the Arab world they call it Ramadan war, in Israel they call Yom Kippur war, in other parts of the world they call it the 1973 war, all these names are to name the war that took place 37 years ago between Arabs and Israel. The question is how to place this war in the Arab history.

In the view of most Arab historians, the importance of this war lies in two major points; the first is that this war was initiated by Arabs to free their land for the first time after three repetitive defeats in 1948, 1956, 1967.

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Every Tattoo Tells a Story and Expresses the True Ken O'Keefe

October 12th, 2010

eileen fleming

Ken O'Keefe in NW US

"Our greatest responsibility is to hand over a better world to all children, and the 800,000 children in Gaza, are my children. I would rather die in pursuit of justice than back down. How can anyone accept the unacceptable!"

Kenneth Nichols O'Keefe, is a strikingly handsome 41 year old naturalized Irish, Palestinian, Hawaiian and world citizen, who began expressing his spirit on his skin with tattoos while a U.S. Marine who served in the 1991 Gulf War.

During 13 days on the road with Ken, his mother and the crew who documented his non-stop speaking engagements through the NW US and into Victoria, Canada, Ken informed me that his first tattoo was the “meat tag” on the left side of his chest.

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