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If the Script Calls for Credible “Bad Guys,” Then Invent Some!

March 10th, 2011

Peter Chamberlin

The best-laid plans of America’s sickest minds are unraveling before their bloodshot evil eyes. The further the CIA mind-twisters stretch in trying to make their crazy “militant Islamist” scheme work somewhere in the Muslim world, the more the edges ravel on the magnificiant whole-cloth of lies that they have so lovingly woven for us. We should all be allowed to smile just a little when the CIA’s dumbest “mind-fuck” plans fail, if it were not for the fact that they have gambled our futures on their plots.

The great thing about “al-Qaeda” is that they are the terrorist group that has something to offer for anyone who needs a patsy to fulfill a task, whether that be to cover a political assassination of an annoying individual, a military incursion into an innocent country, the suppression of national civil rights, or even the use of martial law tactics against unarmed citizens.

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Egypt: Peering into the revolution’s crystal ball

March 10th, 2011

Eric Walberg

Comparisons between Egypt’s revolution and others during the past abound and are instructive. They suggest two scenarios for the post-revolutionary period.

Egypt’s revolution is considered to be a startling new development, the result of the Internet age. But it is actually more like the traditional revolutionary scenario predicted by Karl Marx in the mid-19th century, a desperate protest against mass poverty resulting from rampant capitalism. Its association with the overthrow of authoritarian regimes in Eastern Europe and Russia in the 1990s, as epitomised by the adoption of the Serbian Otpor’s clenched fist masthead, is thus superficial. A more apt comparison in economic terms is with the Philippines, also a poor country with a large peasant population.

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Pack Journalism Promotes War on Libya

March 10th, 2011

by Stephen Lendman

America's major media never met an imperial war it didn't love and promote, never mind how lawless, mindless, destructive and counterproductive.

Despite Washington already bogged down in two losing ones, Obama's heading for another on Libya, the media pack in the lead clamoring for it, perhaps by "shock and awe," supplemented by special forces death squads on the ground recruiting, inciting, and arming opposition elements.

Notably favoring intervention, a New York Times February 24 editorial headlined, "Stopping Qaffafi," saying:

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"Why Joseph Biden will be the Next Vice President of the United States" (OpEdNews 404 – Repost)

March 9th, 2011

By Robert Singer

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October 9, 2008

Why Joseph Biden will be the Next Vice President of the United States

A Palin/McCain presidency will not happen. Not because it violates the law of presidential politics, but because it violates the law of vice presidential politics. You can have a vice president more powerful than the president but not more popular. Nixon, Bush, Cheney – powerful, yes, but about as popular as Ohio’s electronic voting machines. Palin/McCain are on the bridge to nowhere in the 2008 election.

Sara Palin has been compared to Dan Quayle in that both were selected to give the illusion that the public voted for the candidate the puppet masters had decided beforehand would be President.

Dan Quayle, whose Christianity involved questioning the family values of a mythical television character, would allow the pundits to speculate it was the Evangelical’s that voted for the unpopular H.W. George Bush. No one expected Evangelicals to actually vote for Bush/Quayle; that was a bonus and made fixing the election easier.

Sara Palin will allow the pundits and John McCain to blame his loss on his advisers who forced him to accept Sara Palin over his friend Joe Lieberman. After all, the public would not be expected to vote for McCain with a Hockey Mom one 72-year-old's heartbeat away from the presidency. The puppet masters had it easy in 1988 when the gullible Evangelicals voted for Bush. Palin’s performance in the vice presidential debates was remarkable and if her Joe Six-Pack popularity continues, it will make fixing the election harder.

Barack Obama, an unknown senator four years ago, travels in the same circles as other members of the super-secret Skull & Bones society of Yale University--George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and even John Kerry. John Kerry pretended to be running for president in 2004. The puppet masters did their best to “swift boat” Kerry, but it wasn’t enough. Americans didn’t want another four years of Dubya. Mark Crispin Miller, author of Fooled Again, said Kerry conceded because his campaign advisers pressured him to do so, even though his vice presidential running mate, John Edwards, preferred to wait until they had more information. “Kerry’s caving in like that gave an enormous gift to the right wing,” Miller said. “They (the conservatives) could now claim, ‘well, even their (the Democrats’) candidate doesn’t think it was stolen. And they (Kerry and his advisers) left … the American people hanging out to dry there.”

Kerry’s decision not to fight left millions of Americans wondering if democracy had been stolen – along with the last two presidential elections.

The Candidate for Change, Barack Obama, might just be the most remarkable man the world has ever seen--intellectual, oratorical, governmental and a genius. He rose from obscurity to power with his top economics adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. And if you need more proof, his beautiful wife, Michelle, is reputed to be closely linked to the Council on Foreign Relations.

It doesn’t matter who you vote for on November 4th. Senator Barack Obama from the state of Illinois will be the next president of the United States; Governor Palin aka Hockey Mom is Obama’s insurance policy.

From the Axis of Evil to the Least Popular Country

March 9th, 2011

Kourosh Ziabari

A poll recently conducted by the BBC World Service in 27 countries shows that Iran is considered to be the least popular country of the world, followed by North Korea, Pakistan and Israel.

Iran which was dubbed a part of the Axis of Evil by the former U.S. President George W. Bush in his State of the Union address on January 29, 2002, is now under the merciless spates of psychological attack by the world’s mainstream media over its controversial nuclear program.

To the Western mainstream media, Iran can only be defined in the framework of its contentious nuclear program and a number of stereotypes which seem to be inseparable from the West’s depiction and portrayal of Iran.

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Why is Alex Jones' site attacking Michael Moore?

March 9th, 2011

By Raymond Ponzini

A union member, a CEO and a Tea Party member are sitting at a table with 12 cookies. The CEO grabs 11 cookies, turns to the Tea Partier and says “The Union’s out to take your cookie!” Is that true Mr. Jones, are the unions and Michael Moore really out to take my cookie?

I first noticed something amiss about Alex Jones' position towards working people when he came out against the ‘Public Option’, which was a government run health care plan and not a corporate HMO plan. He was right to condemn the Obama administration's health care plan because it ended up being a massive insurance company swindle, which Jones dutifully pointed out. But Jones was also against Single Payer or any government run public option health care, which at the time was being heavily supported by thousands of doctors and nurses across the country. I was disappointed in Jones for his lack of sensitivity to the tremendous health care inequity that exists in America. Even if the public option had been flawed and inadequate it would have competed with the brutal ‘for profit’ health care system, which now causes the unnecessary deaths of some 50,000 uninsured Americans every year. And it would have sent a clear message to the super rich who own the health care system that they would have to stop letting people die so they can make more money.

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Bradley Manning Is Punished for Seeking a More Perfect Union, He’s Accused of Telling the Truth in a Time of Lies

March 9th, 2011

By Kevin Zeese

Reports that Bradley Manning is being held nude every night at the Quantico Brig, then forced to stand naked in the hallway while he waits for his clothes, shows the inconsistency of the treatment of Manning with basic American values of due process, fair trial and human dignity.

Here is how his lawyer David Coombs describes his treatment:

“The Brig has stripped PFC Manning of all of his clothing for the past three nights, and they intend to continue this practice indefinitely. Each night, Brig guards force PFC Manning to relinquish all of his clothing. He then lies in a cold jail cell naked until the following morning, when he is required to endure the humiliation of standing naked at attention for the morning roll call. According to Marine spokesperson, First Lieutenant Brian Villiard, the decision to strip him naked every night is for PFC Manning's own protection. Villiard stated that it would be ‘inappropriate’ to explain what prompted these actions ‘because to discuss the details would be a violation of PFC Manning's privacy.’”

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Do Ideas Matter in Economic Policy, or Just Special Interests?

March 9th, 2011

Ian Fletcher

It’s a depressing thought, familiar to everyone who has ever argued with anyone else about economics: do ideas about what’s true and false, right and wrong, in economics even matter for policy-making in Washington? Or is everything just sewn up by the power of special interests before anyone even starts to think?

To take one currently important example, some people believe that free-trade economics is irrelevant, and that free trade is American policy simply because big corporations and other vested interests have the political muscle to impose it.

I actually believe this is false, which gives me hope for this country.

For a start, without economics, vested interests can’t tell whether free trade benefits them or not, just as a company can’t know whether or not it is profitable without resort to accounting principles. Vested interests can indeed see money piling up in their bank accounts under free trade. But is this more or less money than what they would have gotten without free trade? Without economics, they can’t tell.

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Obama's Lawless Authorization of Military Commissions Injustice

March 9th, 2011

by Stephen Lendman

On March 7, New York Times writers Scott Shane and Mark Landler headlined, "Obama Clears Way for Guantanamo Trials," saying:

By Executive Order (EO), Obama authorized their use "with revamped procedures but implicitly admitt(ed) the failure of his pledge to close the prison camp."

Since taking office, Obama broke every important pledge he made with regard to:

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State Terror Put to the Ultimate Test: Qaddafi’s War on Libya

March 9th, 2011

By Numerian posted by Michael Collins

The extraordinary brutality employed by the Qaddafi regime against its own people has few modern precedents. Dictators tend to reserve their use of state terror for political or sectarian enemies. Saddam Hussein attacked those segments of Iraqi society not content to submit to a government reserved exclusively for Sunni Arabs, and Saddam’s Ba’athist neighbor Hafez al-Assad killed up to 20,000 members of the Syrian arm of the Moslem Brotherhood when they threatened his rule. (Image)

Perhaps the only equivalent instances occurred in Cambodia under the psychotic dictatorship of the Khmer Rouge, and in China during the Tiananmen Massacre. In both cases, the oppression was identified more with the ruling party than with a dictator; China’s government was in fact leaderless following the sudden death of Hu Yaobang, which precipitated the Tiananmen protests. Libya, on the other hand, has been under the unforgiving dictatorship of Muhammar Qaddafi and his family since 1969.

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