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Obama's Clean, Green Fukushima Plumegate Machine

February 24th, 2013

By Tracy Turner

What do Ann Coulter and Barack Obama have in common? Pay attention to the following video link where Ann Coulter uses the phrase, "the minimum amount of radiation, * you should be exposed to *." Ann Coulter's assertion that nuclear radiation is like a health suntan is insane. Here is what Japan now looks like, atomically speaking. The Obama administration Fukushima cover-up is known as Plumegate cover-up (primarily leaked on The Intel Hub).

Ann Coulter's not-so-subtle slip of the tongue, as if implied one has a minimum daily dose needed for radiation, as one does for Vitamin C. The West Coast of the US received Radioactive Iodine Fukushima, but the government forgot to mention radioactive Strontium 90 and Cesium 137. Any dosage of radiation is a cumulative cancer antagonist. Who do you trust more, Ann Coulter or Helen Caldicott? Do you trust Barack Obama with the nuke industry or Dr. Doug Rokke; Monsanto Lawyer Hillary Clinton or Nuclear Expert/Physician Dr. Helen Caldicott? Helen Caldicott has actually treated radiation victims.

Mining is just the first step, and then there is Uranium milling, more carbon from conventional power plants, and one more filthy, toxic nuclear HAZMAT site in need of decontamination. Nuke industry apologists use words like clean, safe and cheap, ignoring dirty, killer or Wake Up and When the Dust Settles by David Bradbury.

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UNESCO Peace Prize to a War Criminal

February 24th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

It shouldn't surprise. Nobel committee members prioritize doing it. America's Presidential Medal of Freedom honors genocidists. So does Israel's equivalent award.

UNESCO is the UN's educational, scientific and cultural organization. It stresses "building peace in the minds of men and women."

It "works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values."

Through dialogue it hopes "world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of UNESCO’S mission and activities."

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More Economic Straight Talk

February 24th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

There's far too little of it around. TV talking heads shun it. All's well in the world, they say. They don't dare report accurately. Their jobs depend on manipulative deception.

Financial truisms bear repeating. Money creation madness assures trouble. Irrational exuberance follows. So do bubbles.

Imploding is just a matter of time. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. It happened in 2000 and 2008. Perhaps this year or next is 3.0. The fullness of time will tell. Excess creates its own demise.

New era rhetoric doesn't wash. Market analyst Bob Farrell's Rule Number Three says "There are no new eras - excesses are never permanent."

Reality has final say. It arrives in its own due course. Often it's when least expected.

On February 22, market analyst Marc Faber said stock markets peaked. At the same time, bonds may rebound. "I think we have made an intermediate top, and it could be a longer-term" one, he believes.

Markets are "significant(ly) overextended." Bullish sentiment is extreme. "Everybody says 'sell bonds, buy equities.' And when everybody thinks alike, one has to be careful."

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Washington Backs Syrian Anti-Government Terrorism

February 24th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Make no mistake. Syria is Washington's war. It was planned years ago. Regime change is policy. At issue is replacing Assad's government with a pro-Western puppet one.

Washington tolerates no independent governments. It demands subservience to US policies. Outliers are targeted for removal. Options include war.

Mass slaughter and destruction don't matter. Unchallenged dominance is policy. It's longstanding, ruthless and lawless.

Western-recruited death squads ravage Syria. They've done so for two years. They're imported from abroad. Rules of engagement include mass murder, torture, and other atrocities.

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Israel instructs Obama: “Iranian and Syrian Sanctions are Not Painful Enough!” …impose an international blockade now!

February 23rd, 2013

Franklin Lamb


On 3/26/2013 Iran is expected to meet with other world powers in Astana, Kazakhstan to discuss its nuclear program. Discussions that the occupiers of Palestine fervently hope will not be successful. It is toward this end that their key demand this week to the US Congress, the White House and the European Union is “to cast responsibility on the Iranians by blaming them for the talks’ failure in the clearest terms possible.”

According to the Al-Monitor of 3/19/13, Israel also demands that the countries meeting in Kazakhstan “make it perfectly clear that slogans such as ‘negotiations can’t go on forever’ are their marching orders to the White House, and they want the Kazakhstan attendees to act “so severely that the Iranians realize that they face a greater threat than just Israeli military action.” “The message must be that this time the entire west, behind Israel’s leadership, is contemplating the launch of a massive military action.” Unsaid is that “the entire West” is expected to confront Iran militarily while Tel Aviv’s forces will mop up Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Syria if necessary.

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Palestinians Disqualify U.S. as Peace Broker

February 22nd, 2013

By Nicola Nasser**

The “unbreakable alliance,” which will be confirmed by the upcoming visit of President Barak Obama to Israel, will disqualify the United States as an honest broker of peace in the Arab – Israeli conflict in Palestine, a Palestinian veteran peace negotiator says.

This “unbreakable alliance” will doom whatever hopes remain during Obama’s visit for the revival of the U.S. - sponsored deadlocked “peace process,” on the resumption of which depends the very survival of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ leadership, and explains as well the Palestinian frustration, low expectations, unenthusiastic welcome and the absence of celebrations for their most cherished among world celebrities, in a stark contrast to the euphoria that is sweeping Israel in waiting for what the U.S. and Israeli officials are describing as an “historic” visit.

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One Thousand Days When One is Too Many

February 22nd, 2013

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers

Think of that, count it off . . . 1,000 days; that is how long Bradley Manning has been incarcerated without a trial.

Even though he has been incarcerated for nearly three years most Americans have no idea what he did, why he did it or how he has been mistreated coming from the commander-in-chief to the courtroom at Fort Meade.

[Painting by Jeff Patterson of theBradley Manning Support Network.]

The mass media has made sure to keep Americans ignorant about what is going on and why it is important. But many do see through the misinformation and are standing with Brad. We take action because like Brad, we want the truth to be told, the truth to be known and understoodso we can improve the country.

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Chris Dorner: Crazed Killer, Innocent Hero or Neither?

February 22nd, 2013

By Ruth Hull
[Ruth Hull is an activist and writer whose career has included work as a criminal defense attorney, a licensed private investigator, and an educator. On February 12 Ruth traveled to Big Bear and conducted her own Dorner investigation. Read her first hand report below on Christopher Jordan Dorner [3 names], a 33 year old violent domestic terrorist and author of numerous version of a “manifesto,” who stars in the latest episode of rampage killing TV.]

It is not surprising Chris Dorner is an enigma, representing different things to different people, given that the press has failed to present an accurate picture. Readers are forced to sift through enormous amounts of false information that has been published and broadcast on the man in order to get any clue as to who and what he was.

photos by Ruth Hull

Any honest comparison of the two manifestos makes it obvious that the longer version was not written by the same person who put up the original manifesto (supposedly written by Dorner). Unfortunately, unethical publishers and television networks prefer the sensationalism of the fake manifesto to the truth while honest publishers are in short supply. The writing style, education level, and focus are obvious distinctions between the original and the portions added to make up the second manifesto. The “fake” one was clearly written by someone more interested in pushing national issues like gun control and other issues than in discussing matters of importance to the life of Chris Dorner. In fact, Dorner made it clear that he wasn’t writing about the federal government in the original manifesto. Michael Ruppert (an expert on LAPD corruption), Cynthia McKinney (a six-term Congresswoman and International hero) and Jim Stone were all able to download the original before Dorner’s site was hacked and the fake was added. See my article:

Someone went to a lot of trouble to create that fake manifesto. How much further did the falsifications regarding Dorner go? Did he write any manifesto at all? Did he continue investigating the police after leaving the force and wind up framed for murders committed by corrupt officers fearing exposure by some evidence Dorner had uncovered? Were people killed because they were helping Dorner expose corruption? Law enforcement went to a lot of trouble to try to silence Dorner, shooting women and burning down cabins. What were they afraid he would say if he talked? If officers crossed the line in shooting at women and torching a house, how many other times did they cross the line in this case?

If we suspect Dorner may have been framed, then we need to ask the following question. Who would have had the motive, ability and opportunity to kill those people and fake the chase, as well as the technical skills to hack into Dorner’s website to replace the original manifesto with the fake version? In this case, are the foxes not just guarding the henhouse but investigating who ate the hens while torching the henhouse to destroy the evidence they pretend to be seeking?

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Guilt by Accusation

February 22nd, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Police states govern this way. Israel's one of the worst. Racism is institutionalized. Arabs have no rights. They're considered subhumans. They're viciously persecuted.

World leaders turn a blind eye. Washington provides generous support. It's longstanding policy. Bipartisan support affirms it. Doing so conspires with high crimes.

Palestine is Israeli occupied territory. State terrorism threatens everyone. Multiple pre-dawn raids occur daily. Beatings, arrests, torture, and imprisonment follow. Wanting to live free is called terrorism. So is praying to the wrong God.

Gaza is an open-air prison. Thousands of Palestinian political prisoners languish in gulag hell.

Israel holds them in 17 prisons and four interrogation centers. Four others are for shorter-term detentions. All but one are in Israel. Sending Palestinians there violates Fourth Geneva's Article 76. It states:

"Protected persons accused of offenses shall be detained in the occupied country, and if convicted they shall serve their sentences therein."

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Straight Talk on Israel

February 22nd, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Zygmunt Bauman is UK-based University of Leeds Emeritus Professor of Sociology. His work spans five decades. He's now aged 87.

His wide-ranging interests include consumerism, globalization, ethics, power, the status of workers, intellectuals in society, and nature of modern relationships.

He's best known for analyzing links between modernity and the Jewish holocaust, postmodern consumerism, and discussing broad moral/political perspectives.

He distinguishes between earlier modernity forms ("solid modernity") and what's commonplace today. It's characterized by fragile social relations, he believes. They're created and broken by neoliberal harshness.

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