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Did the Jews Lose Europe?

June 1st, 2014

By Gilad Atzmon

Following the surge of right wing parties in Europe’s Parliamentary election, Forward, the once-progressive Jewish outlet asks, “Have the Jews Lost Europe?” The tone of this question implies that until just a few days ago, at least some Jews believed that Europe was, in part, a ‘Jewish property.’ Such views were not baseless; Jewish Lobbies have dominated British and French policies by means of aggressive lobbying (CFI, LFI, CRIF etc’).

Following the European poll, Dave Rich, deputy director of the ultra Right Wing Jewish para-military Community Security Trust, is concerned. He detects a growing resentment of Jewish politics in Europe. His article in the Forward’s openly examines whether Jews have lost their grip on the European continent.

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West should reject falsification of Egyptians' will]

June 1st, 2014

Khalid Amayreh

By now, it should be sufficiently clear that the coup gang in Egypt, led by Gen. Abdul Fattah Sissi, has embarked on a scandalous falsification of the Egyptian people's will.

Sissi and his puppet government had designated 26 and 27 May for voting to elect a new president following the military coup against Muhammad Mursi, the only democratically-elected president in Egypt's entire history. Sissi had no real opponents to compete with in last week's elections as the leaders of the main rival political force in the country, namely the Muslim Brotherhood, remained locked up in jail, with their party declared a terrorist group by a notoriously pliant justice system that is at the military's beck and call..

Hamdeen Sabahi, a shockingly disingenuous candidate, never posed any real challenge to Sissi. His reluctant campaign and obsequious discourse toward the coup leader, caricatured a weak and confused man whose only "qualification" was his pathological dislike of the Islamists.

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The Rise of the European Right: Reaction to the Neoliberal Right

June 1st, 2014

James Petras


The European parliamentary elections witnessed a major breakthrough for the right-wing parties throughout the region. The rise of the Right runs from the Nordic countries, the United Kingdom, the Baltic and Low countries, France, Central and Eastern Europe to the Mediterranean.

Most, if not all, of these emerging right-wing parties mark a sharp break with the ruling neo-liberal, Christian and Social Democratic parties who have presided over a decade of crisis.

The ‘new Right’ cannot be understood simply by attaching negative labels (‘fascist’, ‘racist’ and ‘anti-Semitic’). The rise of the Right has to be placed in the context of the decay of political, social and economic institutions, the general and persistent decline of living standards and the disintegration of community bonds and class solidarity. The entire existing political edifice constructed by the neo-liberal parties bears deep responsibility for the systemic crisis and decay of everyday life. Moreover, this is how it is understood by a growing mass of working people who vote for the Right.

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Egypt's Illegitimate New President

June 1st, 2014

by Stephen Lendman

Egypt's sham process has no legitimacy. Elections are farcical when held.

General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ran practically unopposed. Hamdeen Sabahi masqueraded as an opponent. He supports junta rule.

On most everything that matters he's anti-democratic. Anti-populist. Anti-what ordinary Egyptians deserve.

Egyptian elections require more than one candidate. Doing so provides a veneer of legitimacy. It's fake.

Junta power runs Egypt. Sisi heads its current regime. He's Egypt's Pinochet. He's Washington's man in Cairo.

He's a US War College graduate. He maintains close Pentagon ties. He has no legitimacy whatever. He reflects fascism writ large.

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Mercenary Extremists in Eastern Ukraine

June 1st, 2014

by Stephen Lendman

On May 29, Itar Tass headlined "About 300 Ukrainian mercenaries from Syria fighting in south-eastern Ukraine - source."

Most "are from western regions of Ukraine, a source in the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces says." More on this below.
A previous article explained the following:

Bild am Sonntag is Germany's largest Sunday circulation broadsheet. It reported Academi operatives near Slavyansk.

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Syrians Working to Preserve Jewish Cultural Heritage

June 1st, 2014

Franklin Lamb

It’s always encouraging when one comes upon some inspiring human enterprise, here in Syria or elsewhere, that refutes the worn shibboleths and clichés about how this or that group, or this or that religion, hates others and won’t cease targeting them until they are destroyed and burning in Hell.

In Syria today there is much evidence to refute the claims, often politically motivated, that Jewish cultural heritage sites are being singled out for destruction by rabid anti-Semites. One example of this is the Eliyahu Hanabi Synagogue in the neighborhood of Jobar, on the outskirts of Damascus. For centuries, Jobar has been inhabited by a peaceful, mixed community of Muslims, Christians, and Jews, many of whom often attended events together at the synagogue.

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Why does the US govt support attacks on civilians in Ukraine?

May 31st, 2014

Michael Collins

Support by the United States government for Ukraine reached stunning levels of immorality with the clear endorsement of the Kiev government's attacks on civilians in eastern part of that nation. Numerous reports (see below) in the world press indicate that the Kiev government is indiscriminately attacking the city of Slavyansk. That leaves no doubt that the Ukraine army and National Guard are attacking civilians. (Image: Save Donbass Children)

In addition to the widespread news of attacks on Slavyansk, there are also on the scene reports of Ukraine bombardments of the following eastern Ukraine cities: Seemyovka, Slavyansk, Kromatorsk and Donetsk City.

This represents a high-risk path for the Obama administration and the new cold warriors in Congress. It's one thing to kill civilians in the context of seeking to overcome the latest evildoers. It's quite another to support a government led by an oligarch that orders attacks on entire cities with irregular troops drawn self identified Nazi sympathizers and the nation's regular forces.

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Manufacturing Crisis Irresponsibly

May 31st, 2014

by Stephen Lendman

It's longstanding US policy. Enemies are invented when none exist. War on terror duplicity continues.

It's fake. It creates fear. It's used to justify the unjustifiable. It's to advance America's imperium. One country after another is ravaged and destroyed.

Ukraine is in the eye of the storm. So is Syria. Iran's turn awaits. Washington wants its sovereign independence eliminated.

It wants pro-Western stooge governance replacing it. Iran's nuclear program is peaceful.

It has no military component. It never did. Claims otherwise are Big Lies. Sixteen US intelligence agencies once said so. No longer.

They dispel notions about a weaponized Iranian nuclear program. They do annually. It doesn't matter.

Neocons infest Washington. Big Lies about Iran's nuclear policy persist. They do so despite public knowledge otherwise.

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Reactions to Obama at West Point

May 31st, 2014

by Stephen Lendman

This writer's accompanying article called his address typical Obama demagogic mumbo jumbo.

He justified the unjustifiable. He defended the indefensible. He repeated one Big Lie after another. Media scoundrels reacted.

The New York Times headlined "Obama Warns US Faces Diffuse Terrorism Threats," saying:

He "tried…to articulate his vision of the American role in the world on Wednesday, telling graduating cadets here that the nation they were being called to serve would seek to avoid military misadventures abroad, even as it confronts a new set of terrorist threats from the Middle East to Africa."

Fact: America's war on terror is subterfuge deception to advance its imperium.

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Upstaging the voters: Ordering the Hiring of the Unqualified

May 30th, 2014

By Ruth Hull

Suppose you were hiring a doctor, and a mechanic walked into the room Would you hire him for your next surgery? If not, why would you hire someone without financial expertise to be your State Controller, the person who controls California’s finances? John Perez is out of a job next January and many of us feel sorry for him? Maybe the mechanic is down and out too. If Perez wins on Tuesday, maybe there is hope for the mechanic who wants to be try his hand a neurosurgery.

As a voter, you are the hiring manager for the jobs on your ballot. A review of the resumes of the candidates running for the State Controller position, shows that there is one qualified candidate with decades of effective experience in financial leadership and management. Other candidates are making a gallant effort to twist their experience into the appearance of something connected to finances. In politics, winning elections is rarely about qualifications. Usually money, insider deals and power determine outcomes. So things are looking up for mechanic who wants to operate on you.

Sometimes voters actually do research before marking their ballots. To the surprise of John Perez, despite massive pressure, Democratic delegates refused to endorse him at the California Democratic Convention of 2014. With money and power in his back pocket, John is counting on the electorate to be less informed than delegates from his own party. Who needs credentials when you have ads financed in part by private prison guards?

A two person race with results to be determined June 3, 2014

The Republicans have not won the California Controller’s race since 1970. More specifically, nobody but a Democrat has won that seat since 1970. That was 44 years ago. With California’s strong Democratic registration, the long history of elections for that office and the long-established voting trends in California, June 3, 2014, almost certainly, will determine the outcome of this race. On June 4, 2014, the Republicans and independents could wake up to find that the state money, including their money, is about to be controlled by someone whose idea of finances is making deals to keep certain Democrats in power and funding special interests. Republicans, independents and Democrats have a choice and together, on June 3rd, will decide whether an experienced financial whiz or a Party leader takes charge of their money. Whatever the outcome, based on almost half a century of results, November 4, 2014 will more than likely be no more than a crowning of the effective winner of June 3rd.

Betty Yee – can her years of relevant experience win her the Controller’s position?

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