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Hillary Clinton Endorses GMOs

May 25th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

Independent studies show genetically modified foods and ingredients harm human health.

Reports indicate White House meals are organic. Michelle Obama's book titled "American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America indicate the first family's commitment to organic (non-GMO) foods in their personal diet.

What they want the rest of America to eat is another story altogether - especially if Hillary is elected president in November 2016.
At a July 2014 biotech conference, she publicly endorsed GMOs saying "I stand in favor of using seeds and products that have a proven track record."

She attacked GMO critics adding "(t)here is a big gap between what the facts are, and what the perceptions are."

The Clinton and Bush II families ate organic foods. Walter Scheib was White House executive chef from 1994 - 2005.

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Tags: hillary

Netanyahu: Hate-Mongering Racist, Mass Murderer, Serial Liar

May 25th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

Netanyahu heads Israel's most extremist government in history. He deplores peace and stability.

Permanent war on Palestine is official policy. So is treating Arabs the way Hitler treated Jews.

Nothing Netanyahu says is credible. He agrees to one thing. He does another. How anyone stands him, they'll have to explain. Some past and present Israeli officials don't trust him.

A May 22 Haaretz editorial blasted him headlined "World not willing to buy Netanyahu's deceit anymore," saying: He's "steering Israel onto a destructive collision course with its most important allies."

Last week, he lied telling EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini he "support(s) the vision of two states for two peoples - a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state."

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Tags: netanyahu

Grand Theft Poroshenko

May 25th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

It shouldn't surprised. Illegitimate oligarch Ukrainian president Poroshenko continues making money the old-fashioned way.

He profits from shady business deals, greasing palms, outright theft, abusing power and benefitting at the expense of his people.

He faces growing criticism at home and abroad. America may be losing patience with the stooge it installed.

US-controlled Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) reported on his dubious role in a high-value Kiev land deal.

During his tenure as president and years earlier he "quietly appropriated more than a hectare of protected land in Kiev's elite Pechera district and recently quashed an inquiry into the damage of an 18th-century structure caused by construction work on his plot," the report said.

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Obama Supports Nuclear Proliferation, Opposes Disarmament

May 25th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

No country threatens humanity's survival more than America. It's ruthlessness and recklessness risk ending life on earth.

Nuclear weapons threaten everyone. They represent potential disaster waiting to happen.

America and Russia hold over 90% of the world's nuclear weapons. Survival depends on eliminating these WMDs once and for all.

Martin Luther King warned against nations "spiral(ing) down a militaristic stairway into the hell of (potential) thermomnuclear destruction."

Anti-nuclear expert Dr. Helen Caldicott says "reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear energy is destroying the earth that we live on. It threatens not only our future, but the future of life as we know it."

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Global March Against Monsanto Day

May 25th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

Monsanto is one of the world's most hated companies for good reason. Institute for Responsible Technology founder, consumer advocate, GMO expert Jeffrey Smith calls the company "the world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit."

Its goal is eliminating natural seeds altogether and replacing them with patented genetically modified ones producing what critics call frankenfoods.

Its PR story features five Big Lies:

1. GMOs are needed to feed the world.

2. They've been thoroughly tested and proved safe.

3. They increase crop yields.

4. They reduce toxic chemical use.

5. They can be contained and co-exist with non-GM crops.

Truth is polar opposite on all counts. Independent studies show GM foods and ingredients harm human health.

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Obama's War on Yemen Rages

May 24th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

Washington announced new weapons sales to its rogue Middle East allies - notably Israel and Saudi Arabia.

They're replenishing supplies for more war, including deadly weapons designed for mass slaughter and destruction. Claiming they're for self-defense mocks their real purpose.

A region awash with powerful weapons is getting more - a bonanza for US defense companies, a nightmare for people throughout the Middle East.

Riyadh continues using its weapons for naked aggression on Yemen - ongoing terror-bombing and shelling.

Civilian neighborhoods and other nonmilitary sites are regularly targeted. On Thursday, a northern Hajjah province-based international humanitarian office was struck. At least five deaths and 10 injuries were reported.

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Memorial Day Dishonor and Disgrace

May 24th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

General Smedley Butler was right. War is a racket - based on Big Lies, waged for wealth, power and dominance.

Wars have nothing to do with upholding democratic values, humanitarian intervention or fighting for peace, stability and security.

They have everything to do with conquest, colonization and control - forcing one nation's will on others, stealing resources and exploiting populations.

America dishonors its war dead - sacrificed on the alter of greed and lust for power.

Privileged elites let others do their dying for them - making the world safe for bankers, war profiteers and other corporate predators. Innocent youths are sent to die based on Big Lies. Sick and/or wounded returning home are often abandoned. Epidemic levels of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affect hundreds of thousands of combat forces and vets. Many go untreated.

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U.S. & Europe Boycott Russia’s Celebration of Its 9 May 1945 Victory Over Hitler

May 24th, 2015

Eric Zuesse

At first, a few progressive heads-of-state in Europe were appalled at U.S. President Barack Obama’s pressure for them to reject Russia’s invitation to an upcoming 9 May 2015 celebration of victory against Hitler, and Czech President Milos Zeman even came out publicly saying, in a conspicuous face-slap to Obama, on 3 January 2015, that the U.S. overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 had been a coup and that “only poorly informed people” were comparing that to Czechoslovakia’s own “Velvet Revolution” against communism on 29 December 1989. Zeman even said that Ukraine’s 22 February 2014 U.S. overthrow of Yanukovych, or the event (under the cover of public demonstrations at the) “Maidan, was not a democratic revolution” but instead a coup. Or, as the head of Stratfor, the private CIA firm, has acknowledged, it was even “the most blatant coup in history,” because it was so well doumented in videos taken by bystanders at the time, as well as by internal intelligence leaks (such as this and this). So: indeed, “only poorly informed people” didn’t know about it. (And some still don’t.)

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May 24th, 2015

Gaither Stewart


As the reader will grasp I am a romanticist in the arts. In literature—also in political literature—in plastic arts, and in music. However, I am neither a painter nor a musician and unfortunately cannot play any musical instrument. Nonetheless I consider the role of music in our lives of extreme and strangely enduring significance. An echo of something. A remembrance. A reminder. A moment of our childhood. A reflection of human powers. Of people come and gone. Of places fixed in our memory.

In my early adult years spent in Germany I listened chiefly to the great masters of classical music. In Italy I became attached to operatic music. Both Italian and German. And I wrote stories and novels against a background of Wagner and Richard Strauss and the Italian operatic greats.

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Final Phase In Battle To Stop Rigged Corporate Trade

May 23rd, 2015


By Mackenzie McDonald and Margaret Flowers

On Thursday, despite the cold and rain in Washington D.C., people took to the streets to protest Fast Track for rigged corporate trade deals like the nearly complete Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

The protest at the US House of Representatives began with a march around the House Office Buildings on Capitol Hill highlighting a shift to the final phase of the conflict over Fast Track for rigged corporate trade deals. Right now everyone agrees that opponents of Fast Track have the majority in the US House of Representatives but an ‘Obama Onslaught,’ supported by lobbyists for transnational corporations is expected. The movement against rigged corporate trade is going to have to escalate its campaign if we are going to hold the majority and stop fast track for the TPP and other rigged corporate trade agreements.

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