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The Only Option for Ukrainian Nazis Not Taken: Unconditional Surrender

April 24th, 2023
The Only Option for Ukrainian Nazis Not Taken: Unconditional Surrender

Stephen Lendman

Russia’s only choice is to demand unconditional surrender. Nothing less is acceptable.

On Monday and Tuesday, Ukrainian Nazis got a taste of Russia’s overwhelming military superiority when unleashed — and how defenseless the regime and its US/NATO patrons are against it. Hegemon USA-dominated NATO wants Russia co-opted. Vladimir Putin earlier said the following:

💬“(T)hey want to defeat us on the battlefield.” “Let them try.” “(E)veryone should know that, by and large, we have not started anything in earnest yet.

On Monday and Tuesday, a page was turned. A new reality dawned. In response to one US OK’d Kiev terrorist attack on Russian infrastructure too many by damaging the Crimean Bridge, Russia significantly degraded the regime’s power grid, greatly disrupted its communication systems and impeded its ability to move troops and arms by rail to frontline positions. All of the above was achieved in 2 days.

Throughout Russia’s liberating SMO since February, US-controlled regime troops never achieved a strategic triumph, never captured a single city — just largely open spaces of no strategic importance because Russia saw no reason to defend them.

Multiple Russian strikes this week on strategic regime targets stopped short of destroying them altogether. Yet its actions this week sent a clear and unequivocal message: If hegemon USA-controlled Kiev continues cross-border terrorist attacks on Russian targets, its military will retaliate with overwhelming force, the regime to pay dearly for its actions.

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Bobby Steps Up

April 22nd, 2023
Bobby Steps Up

James Howard Kunstler

“It is neither our position nor our circumstances that define us, according to the Stoics, but our response to those circumstances; when destiny crushes us, small heroic gestures of courage and service can bring us peace and fulfillment. In applying our shoulder to the stone, we give order to a chaotic universe.” — RFK, Jr.

Of course, Yahoo News, and all the rest of the in-the-tank news media greeted Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential announcement by branding him a “noted-anti-vaxxer,” as if that’s a bad thing. Yes, noted, thank you very much. Reuters elaborated: “Kennedy has been banned from YouTube and Instagram for spreading misinformation about vaccines and the COVID-19 pandemic.” By now, whenever you see the agit-prop platitude spreading misinformation, does your brain not instantly translate that into telling the truth? And by now, does banishment from social media not tell you that certain guilty parties recognize a truth-teller when they see one?

Bobby Kennedy stepped up on Wednesday and gave a long and comprehensive speech so rich with historic resonance, intelligence, and flat-out bravery — in the face of, let’s face it, a Satanic opposition — that he made every other figure aspiring to high office within memory look like quality-control rejects from evolution’s Homo sapiens assembly line. For 90-minutes in a Boston ballroom, RFK, Jr. told America the truth: that its entire matrix of leadership has laid one trip after another on our country going all the way back to the murders of his father and uncle, and he did it plainly, gently, humorously at times, but with an unmistakable gravitas and decorum that must scare the beJeezus out of the low life-forms currently running things.

Most of all, Bobby demonstrated that there is a way out of the bad-faith wilderness America has been lost in for years. He spoke to the audience in the ballroom, and to the country, in an adult conversational tone, without notes, as if he expected that voters would actually understand the problems we face: the wicked partnerships of corporations and governments to swindle and gaslight the public; the reckless military adventurism-for-profit campaign that has bankrupted the USA, now culminating in the Ukraine fiasco; the botched response to the Covid-19 episode and the chicanery that induced it; the insults to our ecosystem that are destroying the other organisms who live with us on this planet; and the financial chicanery that is driving America into inflation and bankruptcy. He reminded the nation of the good-faith efforts sixty years ago to end racial injustice — which has lately turned into a series of dispiriting hustles to promote antagonism and separation.

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Russia under Siege - from Ivan the Terrible to the Present Day

April 20th, 2023
Russia under Siege - from Ivan the Terrible to the Present Day

Elena Panina

Unfriendly countries are trying to cause maximum damage to Russia's economy, industry and financial system, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said.

The head of the government drew the attention of participants of the international export forum "Made in Russia" to the fact that unscrupulous Western competitor countries are trying to oust Russia from global trade and intimidate the entire business community. The politician stressed that the gold and foreign currency reserves were simply stolen from Russia by the West.

For our part, we should add that the thuggish attitude of the Anglo-Saxon states and their henchmen towards other sovereign countries is, unfortunately, the norm for them.

No matter how hard we try to restrain emotions in the analysis of international relations and make forecasts on mutually beneficial development in a positive way, facts are stubborn things, and we should not hope for a sudden "repentance" of the dishonest participants of the world economy and politics.

Historians assert that till 1917, the gold stock of the Russian Empire was 1337 tons. The government tried to evacuate the country's wealth, but the turmoil of the Civil War made its "adjustments". It is known that some of the Russian gold was "lost", probably because of the traitors among the White Guard commanders and the numerous gangs which prowled the vast expanses of Siberia. However, it is known for certain that more than half of the reserve was placed in banks in the United States, England and Japan.

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America's Marxist-Left has disturbing Nazi socialism parallels: Cultural tyranny and media-induced mass formation psychosis

April 19th, 2023

S.D. Wells

America's Marxist-Left has disturbing Nazi socialism parallels: Cultural tyranny and media-induced mass formation psychosis

The mass authoritarianism “delusion” of the Left is well underway in America, and nearly every person who voted for nearly any Democrat cannot see it. They are under the spell. From the fixed election to the scamdemic, the Democrats are brainwashed under a liberal umbrella that just keeps sinking them deeper into what is termed mass formation psychosis. It really ramped up in America under Obama’s watch, but it all dates back to a powerful and evil little dude named Adolf Hitler.

Remember, the majority of German citizens were also brainwashed by Hitler’s propaganda, and after WWII, the rest of the world wondered how all these German citizens, many of whom were highly educated, got so brainwashed and apathetic toward the Holocaust during the Nazi reign of terror. How did it happen?

Simple answer: They were under the spell of mass formation psychosis. They agreed that killing off certain races/creeds/quality of humans would cleanse the world and heal the ailing German economy. The main targets were Jews, Blacks, gays, autistic children, the elderly and anyone with a handicap. Similarly, the liberal youth of today, coupled with the adults who watch CNN and read the newspaper, are the epitome of the fully-brainwashed extremists who would gladly watch Republicans and Conservatives who voted for Trump be slow-walked into the gas chambers or shot in the head twice for being “fascists,” or “white supremacists,” or whatever other scapegoat name they slap on us all. It’s a cultural tyranny and there’s no way to talk these folks out of their psychosis, because the media has told them the same lies for so long, they all believe them wholeheartedly.

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Looking into the eyes of pure evil

April 18th, 2023

Danijel Turina

Looking into the eyes of pure evil

[August 20, 2022] For the last week or so, the Ukrainians have been shelling the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (that has been taken by the Russians at the very onset of the war and not part of any military action). The Russians have arrested two Ukrainian agents inside the plant, who have been providing the Ukrainian military with the coordinates guiding artillery fire.

The danger isn’t from them hitting the reactors; nothing short of a nuclear bomb could penetrate the reactor dome. The main problem is the interruption to the power supply to the water circulation pumps in the reactors, which is what triggered the Fukushima Daiichi incident, because this is the weak point of the solid fuel fission reactors; if you either cut the cooling, or the moderator rods get stuck on the outside position, you get a meltdown. You can guard against this by initiating a complete reactor shutdown.

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Nazi-Infested Ukraine Waging War OF Terror, Not on It

April 17th, 2023

Stephen Lendman

Nazi-Infested Ukraine Waging War OF Terror, Not on It

Photo: People look through the front windshield of a damaged trolleybus in Donetsk, January 22, 2015. Alexander Ermochenko/Reuters

Time and again, the empire of lies, Ukrainian Nazis and its MSM co-conspirators falsely blame Russia for their own crimes of war, against humanity and every imaginable dirty trick.

Russia’s liberating SMO includes strikes on military related targets exclusively with precision-guided munitions. To minimize civilian casualties, no residential areas are targeted.

Not according to NYT rubbish in its latest fake news edition. Based on fabricated Biden regime taking points, the Times falsely accused Russia of attacking a residential area in Sloviansk, Donetsk. No Russian attack occurred.

Yet the Times falsely accused Russia of “kill(ing) at least 11 people in “a five-story apartment building” — Ukrainian Nazis its source. And this Times trash, saying:

“Russia sent a barrage of missiles into a residential area of Sloviansk on Friday, according to Ukrainian officials (sic).” “(H)ead of the regional military administration, Pavlo Kyrylenko, said that 21 others had been injured (sic).” “He added that 34 apartment buildings were damaged in the barrage, along with an administrative building and shops.”

The above account tramples on truth as part of longstanding US war on Russia by hot and other means. In stark contrast to how Russia complies with its international law obligations, the collective West and Ukrainian Nazis do whatever they please extrajudicially.

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Feminism & The Biosecurity State — Letter From A Father

April 16th, 2023

Jon Shields (pseudonym)

September 2020 – January 2021

Dear Mary,

I’m writing this letter in an effort to finally make you understand (1). I believe it will require a considerable effort on your part to achieve new insights and to liberate yourself from your habitual ways of thinking, from whatever you’ve been used to, and from what you have taken as life’s givens. Let me begin in this way:

Feminism & The Biosecurity State — Letter From A Father

«I greet you from the other side, Of sorrow and despair, With a love so vast and shattered, It will reach you everywhere.» ~ Leonard Cohen

We’re a [feminist state] now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you [men] are studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors...and you, all of you [men], will be left to just study what we do (X).

Mary, like I said in a text message in September, we haven't met since February 19th (2020). That's a very long time concerning parents and their children. For many years now I've also noticed that you have seemed to want to limit your contact with me and that you were angry with me and didn't want to see me very much. But after the Covid-19 crisis in 2020 (the «pandemic»), this has become ever more apparent to me, probably because the crisis with its associated fearmongering has activated unsolved problems, both yours and mine.

If you’ve been angry with me, that’s OK. It is acceptable to be angry with someone. Society tends to suppress this emotion because it is considered inappropriate. Society is not always right. We need to find out why we are angry if this is at all possible. But most of all, we need to avoid getting attached to our anger. We've made it ourselves and therefore we can let it go. Let us also keep in mind the difference between anger and aggression. The former is an emotion, the latter a type of behavior. Emotions come and go, a bit like clouds do. They should be allowed to do so.

As a matter of principle, I’ve never spoken to you about your mother even though I’ve been angry with her. Yes, there was a lot to be angry about. As I see it, it is necessary that I now tell you a little about it. I believe you need to get a clearer view of the way that you’ve been brought up. That’s why I now have to include her in the analysis. I wish I didn’t have to do this.

Here is your main problem: Your mother has taken advantage of you by establishing a relationship with you based on her needs, not yours. (I will explain below.) This began at an early stage when you were a child and has continued up till now. It is difficult to change things at this late stage.

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The EU Brought to Its Knees by the Straussians

April 15th, 2023
The EU Brought to Its Knees by the Straussians

Thierry Meyssan
Translation by Roger Lagassé
(Version française ici)

A US grouping, constituted around the thought of the philosopher Leo Strauss, controls from now on both the Secretariat of Defense and the Secretariat of State. After having organized many wars since those of Yugoslavia, they imagined the one in Ukraine. It is now manipulating the European Union and is preparing to deprive it of energy sources. If European leaders do not open their eyes, their alliance with Washington will lead to the collapse of the Union’s economy. There is no point in believing that Europeans will be spared because they are developed. The Straussians wrote, as early as 1992, that they would not hesitate to destroy Germany and the EU.

Beginning in 1949, the German Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss taught at the University of Chicago. He soon formed a small group of Jewish disciples from among his students. He taught them orally, which was quite different from his writings. According to him, the democracies had shown their inability to protect the Jews from the Nazi final solution. To prevent this tragedy from happening again and the hammer from falling on them, his disciples had to be on the other side of the handle. He advised them to build their own dictatorship. Organizing his followers, Leo Strauss called them his "hoplites" (soldiers of Sparta). He [even] trained them to disrupt the classes of some of his fellow teachers!

Several of the members of this sect have held very high positions in the United States and Israel. The operation and ideology of this grouping were the subject of controversy after the attacks of September 11, 2001. An abundant literature has opposed the supporters and opponents of the philosopher. However, the facts are indisputable [1].

Anti-Semitic authors have wrongly lumped together Straussians, Jewish communities in the Diaspora and the State of Israel. However, the ideology of Leo Strauss was never discussed in the Jewish world before 9/11. From a sociological point of view, it is a sectarian phenomenon, not at all representative of Jewish culture. However, in 2003, Benjamin Netanyahu’s "revisionist Zionists" made a pact with the US Straussians, in the presence of other Israeli leaders [2]. This alliance was never made public.

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Dr Mike Yeadon's key testimony — Part I: The Eight Covid Lies

April 14th, 2023

Dr. Michael Yeadon

This is the first instalment of a five-webpage transcript of Dr Mike Yeadon's testimony to the 86th session of Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, held on 7 January 2022. In this transcript, covering the first twenty minutes of his testimony, Dr Yeadon establishes his credentials and rebuts critics of his motives.

Dr Mike Yeadon's key testimony — Part I: The Eight Covid Lies

(Photo: Covid measures as per global script, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, May 2020)

Career — I'm Dr Mike Yeadon. I describe myself as an industry veteran. I worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for all of my life.

My first degree was biochemistry and toxicology. English people don't like to brag, but I’m told I should. I was top of the year by a very long way.

As an undergraduate, I worked under military clearance at Porton Down: that's the equivalent of Fort Detrick. It’s where the UK military develops its so-called chemical defences. So I was under the Official Secrets Act—they must have thought I wasn't a crazy person at the time. I also worked for six months at the Police Forensic Service headquarters at Aldermaston, so i learned a lot of analytical techniques in that time. Then I did a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology, and after that I jumped into industry. I had seven years, seven happy years, at the Wellcome Research Labs, before they closed after being acquired by Glaxo. So my my career spanned the consolidation phase of pharmaceutical companies—we call it the “dirty snowball”. Companies became absolutely huge, and that's relevant to what's happening today: they are so large, so powerful.

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Contagious Vaccines

April 13th, 2023
Contagious Vaccines

Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Photo: Holes are literally being drilled into healthy living cells by the antibodies now produced to counter the spike protein. This antibody attack is more robust after booster shots. It’s a good idea to skip those booster shots if you haven’t already received them. (Palmer, MD & Bhakdi, MD: The Pfizer mRNA vaccine: pharmacokinetics and toxicity)

Government-funded research of lab-engineered viruses to create contagious self-spreading vaccines that bypass the consent of citizens. What could go wrong?

For two decades scientists have been quietly developing self-spreading contagious vaccines. The NIH funded this research, in which either DNA from a deadly pathogen is packaged in a contagious but less harmful virus, or the deadly virus’s lethality is weakened by engineering it in a lab. The resultant “vaccines” spread from one person to the next just like a contagious respiratory virus. Only five percent of regional populations would need to be immunized; the other ninety-five percent would “catch” the vaccine as it spread person-to-person through community transmission.

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