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The Colorado Springs Soldier-Murders, Guy Harvey Baker and the Hidden Costs of War

August 17th, 2009

Gary G. Kohls, MD

Given the sobering realities of horrific war crimes over in Iraq followed by rapes, murders and suicides in Colorado Springs, CO, by members of the U S Army’s Fourth Infantry Division, Fourth Brigade it is well to re-examine an old case of a similar nature perpetrated by an unfortunate ex-Marine who was also trained to kill without mercy or remorse.

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"Justice" — Fromme to Peltier

August 17th, 2009

Re-reported, edited by Carolyn Bennett

Dressed in red nun-like robes, Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromme drew a semi-automatic .45 pistol from a holster on her thigh, aimed the gun at U.S. President Gerald R. Ford, and pulled the trigger. Fromme was disarmed by Secret Service agents and members of the public thus preventing injury to the President. The gun was later found to contain no bullets in the chamber but a clip of ammunition.

Though she had not been charged in cult leader Charles Manson’s “Helter Skelter” massacres (only contempt of court for refusing to testify in that 1969 case), Fromme was reportedly among his earliest and most devoted followers. During his trial she with other followers camped outside the courthouse showing the letter ‘X’, copying Manson's marking, carved into her forehead.

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Eighteen Year Old Boy Dies After Jail House Beating by Sheriff’s Deputies

August 17th, 2009

Raymond Ponzini

Rutherford County jail, Tennessee

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is supposedly conducting an investigation into the death and possible murder of an 18-year-old boy who was taken to the Rutherford County jail in Tennessee.

It seems things went a little bit too far. Young Andron Reed died or was killed soon after he was handed over to County Sheriff’s deputies late Friday night. He had been arrested after leading state troopers on a high-speed chase down Interstate 24, which ended in a slight accident. Luckily for all no one was injured according to the highway patrol officers who took Andron and his brother Octavius into custody at the scene. Of course Andron was arrested on a variety of charges ranging from evading arrest to driving under the influence and even assault, but how many times have we heard about people being falsely charged with assault by the police to justify or cover their actions.

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”Global Warming” Issues: Journalists Show Their Bias

August 17th, 2009

Michael R. Fox, Ph.D.

Journalists Show Bias on Global Warming Issues.

Read these quotes:

“As scientific evidence has accumulated that the planet is warming and that humans are behind it, many previous skeptics have been won over. There remains a vocal cadre of critics, however, at least some of whose arguments have shifted over the last several years from outright denial that the earth is warming to insisting it's unrelated to human activity — and even if it is, likely nothing much to worry about."

"Some of the most vocal skeptics have done relatively little recent peer-reviewed scientific research on the topic, and some have had their voices amplified via financial support from industries opposed to any government regulation or taxation of greenhouse gas emissions."

"Others do have training and experience, at least in some aspects of the wide-ranging issue, and are not bankrolled by industry. But overall, their number represents a distinctly minority position in the ongoing and normal colloquy among scientists about the evidence of climate change and its likely impacts."

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Health Care Zeke: The other Emanuel

August 16th, 2009

Carrie Budoff Brown

There’s an Emanuel brother behind President Barack Obama's budget, but it’s not the one you think.

Ezekiel J. Emanuel, big brother to White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, is quickly emerging as a key player in Obama’s health-care overhaul, the biggest push to expand coverage in two decades.

Known as Zeke, Emanuel has labored behind the scenes on the issue for years, well-known to people who follow it closely. But he has significantly raised his political profile by signing on as a top adviser to White House budget chief Peter Orszag. And there he was Thursday, a fidgety presence at the back of the briefing room, nodding in approval as Orszag detailed the budget, and trading conversation with aides around him. “He has been detailed at Peter’s request to be the chief kibitzer on health care reform and health care issues at the OMB,” [Office of Management and Budget] said Robert Reischauer, president of The Urban Institute, who has worked health care.

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Israeli policy as evil stupidity: Yeshayahu Leibowitz quotables

August 16th, 2009


Cited in a recent Ha’aretz piece about the decline of the israeli left, the late academic Yeshayahu Leibowitz is described as remarking that he is not sure whether Israel’s policies since 1967 are evil stupidity or stupidly evil. In another, verbatim citation, Leibowitz is quoted as having said, more resolutely, in 1990: “Everything Israel has done, and I emphasize everything, in the past 23 years is either evil stupidity or stupidly evil.

Along with a number of other academics such as Ilan Pappe and Neve Gordon, journalists such as Amira Hass and Gideon Levy, and other critics of conscience such as David Grossman, it is good to see instances of intellectuals fulfilling their proper role of speaking up. In Liebowitz’s case, he is not as well known outside Israel. In 1969 he reportedly began describing the “inevitable Nazification” of Israeli society. Further, by the time of the (first major, 1982) Lebanon War, he became known for using the term Judeo-Nazi to describe the Israeli army. He also called for soldiers to refuse to serve in the IOF.

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The Great Government Swine Flu Conspiracy

August 16th, 2009

by Walter Brasch

More than 230,000 cases of the Swine Flu have been confirmed world wide. About 2,100 persons have died. As much as one-fourth of America's workforce may be infected by Swine Flu when it peaks in Winter, according to studies conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDC scientists isolated and developed the seed strain of swine flu. Working furiously to manufacture the vaccine are five major drug companies, which received about $1.8 billion in federal funding to produce the anti-virus. Leading the testing, analyses, and education campaigns about the swine flu, in addition to the CDC, are the U.S. Public Health Service, the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Federal Drug Administration, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in addition to the Department of Health and Human Services, which developed the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza protection.

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August 16th, 2009

Allen L Roland

Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock

To me the spirit of Woodstock was not just the spirit of the freedom seeking 60's ~ it was the final set of the weekend when Jimi Hendrix played his solo version of the Star Spangled Banner, which included all the sounds and anguish of war, and which still moves and shocks listeners now as it did then:

40 years ago I was a stockbroker intent on making money while more than 400,000 people converged on the town of Woodstock intent on having fun and watching big names like Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix.

Many feel that the music and spirit of Woodstock during those three days ( August 15 -17,1969 ) was more of a revelation to the millions who listened to the album and saw the movie ~ but I think it was indeed a revelation of human connectedness particularly with the deep on going unrest and divisions of the Vietnam War.

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Israel Determined To Provoke Hezbollah In Order To Kick-Start A Regime Changing War Against Iran.

August 16th, 2009

Damian Lataan

Israel seems determined to provoke its enemies hook or by crook in order to get a war going against Iran. If they’re not continually directly accusing Iran of having a nuclear weapons program – despite the total lack of any evidence to even suggest Iran has any nuclear weapons program – then Israel is accusing Hezbollah of wanting to attack Israelis and Israeli interests outside of Israel warning that, if any Israeli is harmed, Hezbollah will be held responsible. Just to help the provocation along, Israel is also still sending their military jets into sovereign Lebanese airspace. In their latest piece of warmongering chutzpah, Israel is accusing Hezbollah of stockpiling rockets in order to strike Israel. The ploy here is to use this as some sort of casus belli to attack Lebanon in the hope of dragging Iran into the fray – and then, of course, the US.

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Raising Progressive Offspring

August 16th, 2009

By Emily Spence

One's living in a proactively progressive family is not easy from a number of standpoints. Especially as a youngster, one can feel torn between wanting to fit in with contemporaries and standing up for an altogether different viewpoint and lifestyle -- an alternative that could cause one to be ostracized and shunned by peers.

Relative to this, I well remember the day that Justin, the empathetic son of leftist friends, burst through his kitchen door and started to cry. His mother and I asked him about the reason and he replied that he couldn't figure out the response that he should take in a heartrending situation. Therefore, he simply felt overwhelmed in frustration and anguish.

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