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September 11th, 2009

Allen L Roland

Photo: Richard Drew, AP

There came a moment for Jonathan Briley, as he clung to those windows high above the streets of New York, with the unbearable heat and smoke drawing near ~ that he chose to jump, versus burn to death, and in that moment of complete surrender he became a graceful sacred angel returning to source . His image captured by Richard Drew continues to shock and demand justice for those who perpetrated or allowed this crime:

I watched again last night the brilliant and moving (70 minute) video THE FALLING MAN which has still not been released in the U.S. and which can be seen by clicking on

Very little has been written about the over 200 people who jumped to their deaths from the World Trade Towers on 9/11 and instead the press has stressed the heroism and patriotism of the time ~ but I maintain that the jumpers were also heroes as well as graphic reminders that justice must be served on those who either perpetrated or allowed this tragedy to occur.

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We’ve become our own predators…

September 11th, 2009

By Jason Miller

“As we devour them to satiate our appetite for power and wealth, we devour ourselves, making for a bizarre act of self-cannibalization.”

Our dominant culture, in which I fully admit to participating (despite my significant efforts to minimize my involvement) is wreaking havoc on this “pale blue dot” we call Earth. Climate change, scarce and tainted water, devastating levels of toxins in the environment, rampant consumerism that generates truckloads of fetid refuse per second, massive deforestation, and the Sixth Extinction[1] implicate humanity, and our socioeconomic/cultural construct we euphemistically call “civilization,” as nothing short of the living embodiment of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Our species, by virtue of our chosen ways of interfacing with the world, personifies Death, Famine, War, and Pestilence. Despite our numerous worthwhile attributes and accomplishments, humanity specializes in slaughter, mayhem, abject cruelty, genocide, ecocide, and all manner of destruction.

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Problems Defending Palestinians in Israeli Courts

September 11th, 2009

by Stephen Lendman

Established in 1992, the Addameer (Arabic for conscience) Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association provides support for Palestinian prisoners and works to end torture, arbitrary arrests and detentions, other forms of abuse, and unjust and unequal treatment in Israel's criminal justice system that handles Jews one way and Palestinians another.

In January 2007, it published a report titled "Defending Palestinian Prisoners: A Report on the Status of Defense Lawyers in Israeli Courts" in which it explained obstacles lawyers face in representing Palestinians in military and civil courts. They're hampered by military orders, Israeli laws, and prison procedures that prevent them from adequately helping clients - from their time of arrest through detention, trial, imprisonment, appeal, and other constraints against justice.

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What Role Did the U.S.-Israeli Relationship Play in 9-11?

September 11th, 2009

by Jeff Gates

On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attack would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was: “It’s very good….Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel).”

Intelligence wars rely on mathematical models to anticipate the response of “the mark” to staged provocations. Reactions thereby become foreseeable—within an acceptable range of probabilities. When Israeli mathematician Robert J. Aumann received the 2005 Nobel Prize in economic science, he conceded that “the entire school of thought that we have developed here in Israel” has turned “Israel into the leading authority in this field.”

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When We Allow Fear to Overcome Reason

September 11th, 2009

Paul Hill

Paul Hill says his claim has not yet been settled

On Christmas morning in 1776, upon crossing the Delaware River and securing victory in the Battle of Trenton, George Washington sat astride his horse and issued instructions to his lieutenants. "Treat surrendering prisoners with humanity,'' he told them. "Let them have no reason to complain of our copying the brutal example of the British army.''

It is ironic that these words uttered by an American general would lay the ground rules for the humane treatment of prisoners worldwide.

Washington knew from the cold reality of a vicious war that the moral high ground is not won by access to depravity and revenge against those in captivity, but in the knowledge that retaining the moral high ground would ultimately result in victory and, as such, inspire mankind. Washington stood among the carnage in the darkest hours on the cusp of a nation's freedom and willed his reason to overcome his fear.

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9/11 World Trade Center Collapse: Kerosene Fire, Controlled Demolition or a Third Story

September 11th, 2009

By Robert Singer

September 11, 2001

I’ll get right to the point, I have read the books and watched the documentaries on September 11 for three years and the 9/11 official story is so stupid Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld didn’t expect you to believe it.

    Nineteen fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, crash airplanes into steel skyscrapers because they “hate our freedom to consume” and inexplicably on 9/11 jet fuel, which is basically kerosene that burns at about 400c, took on the qualities of an explosive demolition agent, vaporizing 70 tons of aircraft into a puff of smoke and causing 110-story buildings to collapse into a pile of rubble. [1]

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What will make or break the United States of America is the truth about 911: Investigate the theories behind the conspiracies

September 10th, 2009

by chycho

What will make or break the United States of America is the truth about 911, not its monetary policy, its fiscal irresponsibility, its inability to liquidate bad assets, its lack of transparency, its corporate run mainstream media, or even its inadequate health care. The truth about what transpired on 11 September 2001 will decide the fate of the United States. Everything else is secondary.

  • Lies of 911
  • he Theories Behind the Conspiracies
  • of 911 Must be Revealed
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    A Fresh Approach in Afghanistan: An End to War?

    September 10th, 2009

    By Ramzy Baroud

    Left out of the options under consideration in "Obama's war" is the only one with any chance of success.

    Despite assurances to the contrary in Washington and a major policy speech in London, one need not quibble with the obvious fact that the situation is deteriorating beyond repair in Afghanistan. Although international media is more concerned with what that means politically for United States President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, little attention is given to the browbeaten and war-weary people of that country.

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    Psychopaths in Power: Why Texas is the 'Gulag State'

    September 10th, 2009

    by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

    An innocent man has been executed in the Gulag State of Texas. This man, whose innocence is now proven, is the ultimate price that is paid for endemic, state-sponsored idiocy and less excusable psychopathy. Educational standards have declined under fascist GOP regimes --prominently Bush Jr and his successor Rick Perry, incarceration rates have risen and justice is applied inequitably. The death of innocents at the hands of a psychopathic, GOP dominated state is the price we pay for allowing the GOP any influence, any power.

      A report published yesterday in the New Yorker finds that Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in 2004 in Texas for setting a fire that killed his three daughters, was innocent. He is pictured at left with his two-year-old daughter Amber, who died in the fire. This is incredibly sad news, but it also marks the most conclusive evidence yet that an innocent person has been put to death in the United States. We’ve known for years that the arson science used to convict Willingham was flat-out wrong. Today’s New Yorker report goes further: it dismantles the case that sent Willingham to his death, point-by-point, proving that every shred of evidence used against him was false.

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    Europe’s Complicity in Evil

    September 10th, 2009

    Paul Craig Roberts

    Address to Mut zur Ethik Conference, "Sovereignty or Imperialism," Feldkirch, Austria, September 5, 2009

    There is a widespread supposition that Obama, being black and a member of an oppressed race, will imbue US foreign policy with a higher morality than the world experienced from Bush and Clinton. This is a delusion.

    Obama represents the same ideology of American "exceptionalism" as other recent presidents. This ideology designates the United States as The Virtuous Nation and supplies the basis for the belief that America has the right, indeed the responsibility, to impose its hegemony upon the world by bribery or by force. The claim of American exceptionalism produces a form of patriotism that blinds the US population to the immorality of America’s wars of aggression.

    Nothing is any different under Obama. Obama has escalated war in Afghanistan; started a new war in Pakistan; tolerated or supported a military coup that overthrew the elected president of Honduras; is constructing 7 new US military bases in Colombia, South America; is going forward with various military projects designed to secure US global military hegemony, such as the Prompt Global Strike initiative that intends to provide the US with the capability to strike anywhere on earth within 60 minutes; is working to destabilize the government in Iran, with military attack still on the table as an option; supports America’s new military African Command; intends to encircle Russia with US bases in former constituent parts of the Soviet Union; has suborned NATO troops as mercenaries in US wars of aggression.

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