Leave the British Press Alone – No ‘Royal’ Charter, No Regulation

March 19th, 2013
Michael Collins Great Britain's three political parties just made a deal to provide a degree of regulation for the British press. The deal produces a Royal Charter that establishes a press regulator at arms-length from the government plus a regulation… more »

Rupert Watch, Murdoch Faces Shareholder Rebellion in UK

July 20th, 2012
By Michael Collins News Corporation is facing an investor rebellion in Great Britain that parallels a similar rebellion occurring in the United States. (Image) "A consortium of 18 heavyweight investors is calling for Mr Murdoch to stand down as chairman… more »

When was the last time a legislative body denounced any business leader by name?

May 4th, 2012
By Michael Collins May Day! How remarkable (even though Rupert Murdoch was denounced by a committee of the House of Commons, not the entire body). Murdoch is "not a fit person" to run "a major international company," we were told in a report released by… more »

Where's the criminal investigation of the Murdoch Empire? Shareholders to the rescue

April 4th, 2012
By Michael Collins There was something tawdry and disgusting about the phone hacking by Rupert Murdoch's News of the World. The News Corporation owned tabloid hacked the phone mails of several thousand citizens of Great Britain. Victims included… more »

Ray Adams is the man in the latest Murdoch scandal

March 29th, 2012
By Michael Collins Ray Adams is a name you will hear more frequently as the latest and perhaps most fatal Murdoch - News Corp. scandal emerges. When Murdoch was setting up his BSKYB cable network in England, he had some serious competition. ITV had a… more »

No Hurt No Cure Says UK Austerity Czar - Brought to you by Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking

September 14th, 2011
By Michael Collins "George Osborne insisted that the government would stick unwaveringly to its austerity plans, despite admitting that the long-term damage caused to the economy by the credit crunch was forcing him to revise down estimates for growth… more »

Murdoch Hearings + Cameron Statement - See No Evil, Hear No Evil

July 20th, 2011
By Michael Collins The Murdoch's and their former chief executive of News International testified before a House of Commons committee yesterday. Their hours of explanations can be summarized in a phrase: we knew nothing. (Image) Rupert Murdoch was too… more »

Running Rupert to Ground – Vox Populi, Vox Dei

July 18th, 2011
By Michael Collins How will they get rid of Rupert Murdoch and his toxic enterprises? July 4, 2011 may turn into the people's Independence Day. On that day, stellar journalist Nick Davies of the Guardian released his story; Missing Milly Dowler's… more »

Is News Corp Finished - Senator Rockefeller Tells Feds to Investigate Fox Hacking of 9/11 Victims

July 13th, 2011
There are some crimes so universally offensive that even mentioning the suspected crime has devastating effects. Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) raised just such a question yesterday. In a brief press statement, the Senator said: "The reported hacking by… more »

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