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America's Marxist-Left has disturbing Nazi socialism parallels: Cultural tyranny and media-induced mass formation psychosis

April 19th, 2023

S.D. Wells

America's Marxist-Left has disturbing Nazi socialism parallels: Cultural tyranny and media-induced mass formation psychosis

The mass authoritarianism “delusion” of the Left is well underway in America, and nearly every person who voted for nearly any Democrat cannot see it. They are under the spell. From the fixed election to the scamdemic, the Democrats are brainwashed under a liberal umbrella that just keeps sinking them deeper into what is termed mass formation psychosis. It really ramped up in America under Obama’s watch, but it all dates back to a powerful and evil little dude named Adolf Hitler.

Remember, the majority of German citizens were also brainwashed by Hitler’s propaganda, and after WWII, the rest of the world wondered how all these German citizens, many of whom were highly educated, got so brainwashed and apathetic toward the Holocaust during the Nazi reign of terror. How did it happen?

Simple answer: They were under the spell of mass formation psychosis. They agreed that killing off certain races/creeds/quality of humans would cleanse the world and heal the ailing German economy. The main targets were Jews, Blacks, gays, autistic children, the elderly and anyone with a handicap. Similarly, the liberal youth of today, coupled with the adults who watch CNN and read the newspaper, are the epitome of the fully-brainwashed extremists who would gladly watch Republicans and Conservatives who voted for Trump be slow-walked into the gas chambers or shot in the head twice for being “fascists,” or “white supremacists,” or whatever other scapegoat name they slap on us all. It’s a cultural tyranny and there’s no way to talk these folks out of their psychosis, because the media has told them the same lies for so long, they all believe them wholeheartedly.

Virus mania and hate-everything-Russia mind control in full effect by the fake news liberal mass media complex

Even though the entire Trump-Russia-Collusion narrative dragged on for 4 years and was totally debunked on all fronts, the brainwashed “libs” still think America needs to “save” Ukraine from the evil monsters who “fixed” the 2016 election for Trump. Plus, they cherish wearing their communist-issued scamdemic COVID masks as a sign of solidarity, paranoia and personality-voided world they’ve sunk into. It’s almost as if the masks have a hidden swastika symbol on them that only they can see.

Most democrats today are EXTREME liberals, even if they don’t identify themselves as such. They believe Trump is a terrorist who sent his minions to Washington DC and the capital building on January 6, 2020, to hang Mike Pence if he did not push for an election investigation and electoral college accountability review. These extremist also believe everything the CDC lied about regarding the Fauci Flu. They are all under complete and utter hypnosis, and nothing any conservative person or organization tells them gets processed or internalized whatsoever by them. Their brainwashed mind is made up.

Paranoia and insanity have spread like a virus in the United States, creating tens of millions of psychopaths who think the Biden presidency and CCN news are real

The extreme Left (nearly all Democrats today) are a huge cult that’s been trained to hate America, hate white people, hate straight people, hate all Russians, hate all Republicans, hate anyone without a COVID mask on, and hate anyone who criticizes the violence and hatred projected by BLM and Antifa. To them, we are all “white supremacists” and “conspiracy theorists” who want “dictator Trump” to rule the country like a tyrant.

Democrats are the Branch Covidians under a psychopathic spell, and it was all cast by Obama, fake news, the CDC, and the Chinese Communist Party. It’s like a never-ending episode of Black Mirror, and they are the guinea pigs of the whole fascist “experiment,” but don’t realize it.

SOROS-HITLER PARALLELS – How the “anti-fascist” fascists are turning the USA into a nation that resembles Nazi Germany

George Soros may not be the next Adolf Hitler, but he’s got the billions of dollars needed to pay extremists all over the world to turn imbalanced nations into volatile hell-holes. George Soros himself was a member of the Schutzstaffel (“SS”) of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, and served under Hitler and Himmler. He’s an atheist who believes in open borders, subversion tactics and destroying national economies to increase his personal wealth.

Soros funds violence in America, including Antifa/BLM riots, pays criminals to disrupt peaceful conservative rallies and protests, and organizes real “insurrectionists” who look to overthrow governments (for installing dictators and communist politicians at all levels).

Here are several “arenas” of control for George Soros, where he slings millions and even billions of dollars to create chaos, lawlessness and outright hate, all to make himself richer and more powerful. This is all taking place in the USA right now:

Citizens are being taught to hate each other for racial and religious differences.

There is no prosecution for crazed Leftists who commit murder or rape (thanks to the corrupt DAs and judges funded by Soros).

Fake news is the propaganda machine that scapegoats all the problems of the nation on specific (rival) politicians, citizens, groups and organizations (that are innocent).

The DC jail holding the Jan. 6th prisoners is like a concentration camp, with no right to a trial and no hope for being freed in the foreseeable future.

Chemical and biological weapons of genocide are being utilized to cull and exterminate the populace of opposition and “resistance” forces using forced vaccination with clot shots.

The leaders of the nation are communist fascists who pretend like they are fighting to save the country and its economy from (fake) enemies of the state.

The Nazi war chest (Soros’ $$ billions) is still being used to fund riots, chaos, corrupted elections and the funding of SS “police” forces (new heavily armed IRS, FBI, FDA, EPA).

Source: naturalnews.com. IMG: Scott Olson/Getty Images
AWIP: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/aK7o

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