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They can not exterminate the humans

September 25th, 2021


Ultimately they have been deceived by evil and will fail.

The governments of the world are gripped by engineered chaos and corruption. They are locked in a death spiral. It's the end of order and freedom. Chaos, disorder, injustice, and repression are the 'new normal'. The elite controllers of the political puppets are listening to evil entities. Possibly beings brought through the portal of CERN. Or they are listening to artificial intelligence. Now it's all about evil, control, repression, and death. This is the obvious direction the world has been taken in.

The elite believe they are making the correct choice although there are numerous options. They are wrong. They have been deceived. The elite believe that omnicide is the best plan to save the biosphere of earth. Omnicide, the genocide of human life. The elite have never suffered, known hunger and hopelessness. never been tested like the common person, and they have never grown as people. Their 'god like' privilege has stunted them and impaired their judgement.

They are caught in an unending karmic cycle of suffering of their own creation, for themselves and humanity. They have been lead to believe that the mass murder of humanity with deadly injections is the answer. It's only one answer, the wrong answer. It appears that the elite see humanity as ignorant inferior slaves which must be repressed, controlled, culled, and ultimately exterminated to save the earth.

They blame humankind, the slaves, for the perceived collapse of the biosphere. There has been no open disclosure of the facts and its a question weather or not the biosphere is really collapsing. There is no question about the responsibility of ordinary people for environmental changes. The people are not responsible for 99% of the destruction of earth's biosphere. The global elite bear full responsibility for 99% of the destruction which has taken place.

They detonated thousands of nuclear and hydrogen bombs. They forced humanity to use fossil fuel cars and fossil fuel power plants which we proudly charge our hybrid cars with. They own industrial manufacturing and control power generation technology. All the old dirty methods of power generation such as nuclear, coal, and oil. are responsible for 70% of environmental destruction which increased sharply during the industrial revolution.

The rest of the global warming is caused by nuclear explosions and the burning of rocket fuel in the upper atmosphere which not only heats the atmosphere but releases chemicals that damage and break down our upper atmosphere. Tens of thousands of passenger jet flights around the world every day are heating and polluting the upper atmosphere.

There are many other constant contributing events such as: a burning field of tires thirty feet deep covering a quarter square mile. Oil fires at sea and on land in the endless search for oil. The killing of large areas of the ocean which become dead zones and no longer aid in atmospheric purification. The constant burning and clearing of earth's rain forests, the green belt around the equator of the earth.

The ocean produces most of the oxygen about 75%. It is a waste product of tiny living creatures called plankton, favorite food of the largest wales. They are killed by pollution and radiation from Fukushima. The rain forests produce another 20% of the oxygen. The elite are destroying the earth with their fossil fuel energy. The system is based on greed without regard for the forests and the earth itself.

The Fukushima nuclear disaster has already begun the process of killing the oceans of the earth. Everything from the Pacific is unfit for human consumption. The Atlantic was once considered the most polluted ocean. Eventually the radiation will reach around the world. The beautiful Gulf Sea has already been severely damaged by the Gulf oil spill which was actually not oil, but leaking aviotic fluid from a massive chamber deep beneath the oil fields. The damage continues. These are some of the real causes of the collapsing biosphere of earth.

The common man is but a powerless cog in a massive system built up over thousands of years, a system owned and controlled by ten families some of which have ruled the earth for thousands of years. The elite bear full responsibility for their system which threatens the biosphere.

There are some 2000 inventions which can not be patented. There are many clean efficient cheap power sources that would upset the globalist order of coal, oil, and nuclear power. Clean virtually free and plentiful energy sources have been repressed for over a hundred years. Because of their greed and fear of losing control the global elite suppress these technologies and the creative intellect of humanity. They will not let humanity solve our environmental problems with new clean energy sources. Instead they have been convinced to blame their own incompetence, their bad choices on their powerless human slaves, and the flatulence of cows.

They control the wealth and resources of the planet and control the political puppets of the planet. They are megalomaniacs and egotists at best. They have been lead astray by pure evil and have forgotten the laws of the universe. For every action, every word, every thought, and every deed, there is an equal and opposite reaction. They can not escape the order of the universe. Karma is real. They can not escape the suffering they are creating and they will suffer and die in many incarnations for what they do now to humanity with their extermination plan.

They will not kill all humans. they will fail as many have failed before. Yes, they will destroy civilization and themselves.They will bring an end to their inter generational power and wealth, but they will not kill all humans. Humans infest the earth like parasites and will survive the global elite.

Billions of innocent gullible people with be coerced, lied to, and threatened into the poison death shots. Billions will starve to death through the intentionally engineered food shortages. Their media lies and fear are fooling billions, but not the old souls who are awakening.

There will be no where on this earth the trillionaire billionaire class can hide from the fury of humanity. They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. With their inhuman advisors they will ultimately fail in their goal of omnicide, and the billions who survive their deceit will hunt them to the ends of the earth and destroy them all.

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