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The Pentagon globalist media psyop to divide and distract America with a race war is working

August 19th, 2021


Tina Waddell beaten nearly to death for being white VIDEO

Blacks are killing, beating, and raping white people daily, but the mainstream media never reports it and the local news always calls it a random attack. It's never a hate crime when a black person does it. But if the media hears of a garage door pull chord with a small loop at the end it's declared a Klu Klux klan hangman's noose and reported every hour of every day on every channel for a month, that white people have committed another hate crime against blacks. According to CNN and the globalist media a hate crime is something that only white people do.

Biden said in a nationally televised speech that the biggest problem facing America is white supremacy. The globalist media is telling blacks that white people are all racists and need critical race theory brainwashing to make them understand that they are racist oppressors. And white people are the reason why life is hard and black people are poor. Is it any wonder that blacks are murdering white people in the streets in America now? This is happening because the elite and their talking heads in the media desire it. America is being intentionally divided dismantled and destroyed.

Brutal hate crimes against whites and Asians are driven by CNN MSNBC globalist media bias, and 'Critical Race Theory' training in the schools. Blacks have been taught that all white people are systemic racist oppressors. A societal environment of revenge and retaliation is encouraged. White people are deserving of brutal treatment as a form of reparations.

Real hate crimes not reported and not prosecuted. A black man driving over two little white boys in their front yard. A black man caves in a white woman's skull with a kick to her face as she plants flowers. A gang of black youths beats and gang rapes a young Asian woman coming home from work leaving her to die naked in the snow. And on and on it goes every day.

The Pentagon globalist media psyop to divide and distract America with a race war is working. While the globalists dismantle and destroy America economically and kill the people with death shots, black Americans are killing, beating, robbing, and raping hundreds of white Americans daily. The media will not report any of the hundreds of attacks against whites and Asians taking place every day in the United States. Instead the liberal globalist media and educational institutions fan the flames of hate and division to push forward their communist agenda.

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