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No American will be able to avoid the depopulation agenda

August 2nd, 2021


Death by vaccine, death by starvation, death by illegal thug, death by military thug

In the past five months the price of basic foods: meat, beans, wheat, corn, have more than doubled and so has the price of gasoline. Now the average American with a job is struggling to feed their family. Biden stole the multi-million dollar fund for the farmers, established by Trump using Chinese tariff money, and flushed it down the democrat black hole of corruption called 'infrastructure'.

Biden recently issued an odd edict to farmers offering them one and a half times the value of their crops to destroy them, while threatening to remove federal farm subsidies if they don't. A week later democrats in California drained the state's massive open air reservoirs into the sea. A one year supply of rain water used by both the residents of California and the farmers for growing America's food. When asked why they would do such a thing during the worst drought since 2017, the democrat appointed officials said, "to see if the salmon would swim up stream again". The "just in time" food delivery system will break down and collapse from interruptions in agricultural production.

Biden, the most loved most popular president in American history according to CNN, wants you and your children to take COVID-19 mRNA injections that have already killed over a million Americans. The hospitals are finally starting to fill up with people injected with the pathogenic primer, and it isn't even winter yet.

While hundreds of thousands of Americans are dying from the death shots, hundreds of thousand of Africans and other nationalities are flowing in through opened Mexican American boarders each month. The globalists are diluting and replacing the American citizens the way Sweden, Norway, Germany, and France were diluted. Too many violent uneducated immigrants were brought in for their cultures to absorb. Their laws were broken, women and children raped, their way of life ended.

The Democrat politicians believe the world's starving masses in their billions will provide a future voter base. The Democrats prefer to rule in a crowded communist hell rather than share power in a thriving free republic.

50% of the American people still fully support Biden and the death shot agenda and they want the vaccine. They want an additional billion illiterate poverty stricken people to come to America, and they want the utopian socialist communist paradise they were promised by their collage professors. These same Americans do not want the right to own a gun or to speak freely. Democrats want the first and second amendments of the constitution removed. They also want police and prisons abolished and criminals released into the population. They are unwitting anarchists and satanists because they believe in order through chaos.

The Pathological liar and chief will coerce and threaten American families into taking the injections and the media will try to scare and shame the people into it. When that no longer works the traitors who stole America will change the laws granting themselves unconstitutional powers. FEMA and US military will go to the homes of the unvaccinated. Americans will have two choices, take the injections, or be taken to a FEMA camp.

At some point Martial Law will be declared as it facilitates the removal of all rights and the implementation of emergency powers acts, confiscation of guns, separating family members in camps, the seizure of resources, food, water, fuel, medicine etc. Many Americans will hide their guns to avoid confiscation. American homes will be bathed in blood as the bullets fly. It will be a daily scene across the United States as vaccine murder squads go door to door. Many will choose the third unwritten option, to fight to the death rather than be taken to the camps only to be executed by guillotine.

No American will be able to avoid the depopulation agenda. Biden has plans to round up American antivaxers living in remote rural areas and transport them to FEMA camps. All Americans who refuse the vaccine will be considered criminals and will be arrested and quarantined. To carry out a round up of the unvaccinated covering over three million square miles of rural land will require millions of soldiers. Biden could call on help from the UN or Chinese forces already positioned on the northern and southern boarders.

The globalists use their media daily to ratchet up the pressure and fear. CNN and MSNBC propagandists claim those who don't receive the shot shouldn't have the right to buy food. This kind of propaganda coming from the globalist media represents the next level of fear and coercion. The talking heads who propose the removal of food are suggesting that people who refuse the deadly COVID-19 mRNA injection should be starved to death.

The globalists are moving ahead according to a predetermined schedule and they're running out of ways to convince the American people to take the shots. Forced vaccines are coming. For now its voluntary, but that will change after they get FEMA and the military in place. According to the Deagle Report, which has been removed from the net, America will suffer a 70% population reduction, the highest percentage in the world. This is because America has been singled out as the worst polluter and consumer of natural resources.

Death by vaccine, death by starvation, death by illegal thug, death by military thug, death by BLM antifa thug, death by FEMA camp, death by 5G. Its time to move out of the cities and find land with water. Get off the grid grow food, get some chickens and get guns.

The globalists have stated repeatedly that private ownership of land will be abolished. Although Biden will send US forces and probably UN and Chinese troops to hunt down Americans in rural areas, getting out of the cities still offers the best chance for avoiding starvation capture and death. Leaving the United States is also an option. One would need to leave now and go to a free country.

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