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The greatest country on earth descends into a hell of suffering and death

April 29th, 2021


Wheat up 60% in past three months
Corn up 35% in past three months
Beans up 66% in past three months
bean oll up 100% in past three months
Beef up 40% in past three months
Chicken up 25% in past three months

Three months ago our election system was rigged and the globalists installed a puppet. His is the task of a henchman, an executioner, a traitor. There is evil on this earth that is beyond human comprehension. People will not believe what is about to happen until it is upon them. For some, those who have taken the shots, it has already started.

If they can't inject us they will economically break our country, tax us into poverty, gut our food production, and starve us to death. The globalists waited four years to get Trump out. Now they can move forward with their psychotic agenda to rob, loot, exploit, enslave, and kill, to their heart's content. It's all about war, greed, depopulation, and death.

The globalists are using Biden because he is the perfect immoral pathological liar who will do and say anything they tell him to. Now the unelected stooge is telling Americans, "the good news!" There are enough injections for everybody. There was enough Cool Aid for everybody in Jonestown Guyana. Like Jim Jones, Biden invites the world's broken masses, come, come to America, everyone is welcome here. Come and get your PCR test and vaccine, come to Bidenstown and drink the Cool Aid. Or at best It will be like Sweden, France, England, Germany, and Norway, flooded with too many immigrants for our culture to absorb. Our way of life ended, economy broken, our women and children raped and murdered, our laws and constitution compromised.

The faithful sheep who believed in the puppet politicians and their globalist media were the first to volunteer for the injections they are calling vaccines. More than one hundred million souls have taken the shots, but the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 mRNA injection is not a vaccine. A vaccine is a preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen such as a bacterium or virus, or an inert portion of the pathogen's structure. Upon administration to an individual the vaccine stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen, but is incapable of causing severe infection. The injections being called vaccines are an mRNA pathogenic primer that alters the immune system and human genome.

The liberals wanted what is happening now. They want to pay twenty times more for insulin, twice as much for gasoline, twice as much for food. According to the Liberal media Biden is a man of action and a much better president than Trump. Everything that made the lives of the American people better, more prosperous, secure, and free, everything that Trump had achieved in four years, Biden was able to destroy in only three months. Biden passed over fifty executive orders in his first two weeks in office, nearly every one directly or indirectly benefiting Communist China, but he called Trump a dictator for passing four executive orders in four years.

The liberals wanted the government agency Talon abolished because Talon had stopped 96% of child trafficking, the kidnapping of children out of the United States into sex slavery and death. The liberals don't object to the rape and murder of children and now have a leader who condones the pedophile lifestyle. Biden told ICE to release ms13 gang members into the American population to rape, rob, and murder. Now America has become a liberal DisneyLand of antifa thugs and black lives matter gangs robbing, burning, looting, and killing. All the Democrat cities are broken burned out hell holes that live on government handouts, the taxpayers.

What if the price of food increases another 50% in the next three months? What happens if this continues for another year? Could American families know hunger and starvation like north Korea? The liberals got what they wanted. Our corrupt globalist puppet leader has started a war in Syria and is trying to start a war with Iran and a world war with Russia. The American people can now look forward to endless wars, high taxes, over regulation, corruption, many millions more immigrants, economic collapse, poverty, and starvation. A poorly run giant banana republic looted and mismanaged into poverty by psychotic globalists and their incompetent political puppets.

It's even possible that the United States could descend into economic collapse, chaos, anarchy, and civil war. A country divided between a few million patriots with US military against a globalist funded mercenary army of international killers combined with antifa and black lives matter traitors. The total breakdown of law and order fed by starvation, hate, desperation, revenge, greed, lust for power, all the higher aspirations. Roving gangs of looters, murderers, and rapists. Warlords vying for rule over this city or that as battles rage between globalist forces and American patriots. Death and unspeakable brutalities become commonplace as the greatest country on earth descends into a hell of suffering and death. This is what the liberals wanted. Anything is better than Trump and his tweets.


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