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Freedom of Speach Ends in Communist America

January 10th, 2021


Right now Little tech can ban people from Face Censor, Shitter, Screw tube, and shutdown platforms like Parlor. At first this will silence people and stop the truth from getting out. Later it will be impossible for the globalists to repress the truth. Only a small minority of Americans believe the election was fair and honest, those who watch the globalist media and voted for Biden. The majority of Americans who voted for Trump and the rest of the world knows the American presidential election was blatantly rigged.

It will soon be impossible for the American people to regain possession of their country. The Globalists will simply instruct their puppets to be more repressive. Eventually simply speaking openly against the election fraud will get one sent to a FEMA camp. It will be similar to the Stalin era in Russia when wrapping a vodka bottle with newspaper with Stalin's picture on it got a man sent to the gulag. The people were utterly terrified and lived in a state of fear. Their new Communist leaders used the media to lie to the people constantly and create a totally false narrative whenever it served them.

The innocent American people don't know what Communism is. Their naive children who now embrace Marxism were taught by their snot nose Marxist collage professors that Communism is a great romantic workers state where the government takes care of everybody from cradle to grave. We shall soon see if that is true, or will our new American Communism be a cruel and unfair system more akin to North Korea where people are executed, worked, and starved to death.

One thing is for sure the most important amendment of the united States Constitution is dead. Our First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech. That right our forefathers fought and died for has been taken away by our new globalist Communist masters. And soon the removal of the guns will follow. Just like Russia after the Russian revolution. All the guns were confiscated, thus sealing the fate of the Russian people and insuring the Bolsheviks that the people would never be able to rebel and seize power as they had done.

After the guns were taken a truly harsh system followed and the Russian people entered into the darkest and most repressed period in their history. We can only imagine what the Globalists intend to do to the American people after removing our guns. The Globalists plan to use all means at their disposal, camps, child welfare, Job termination, house arrest, and so on, to coerce people into taking the shots.

People are already starting to die from the vaccines and the majority of people don't want the shots. The globalists know the people don't want to take take the RNA vaccine. They must make life so terrible that people are more afraid of the hell the globalists put them through than they are of death. Or maybe the Globalists can make people so miserable that they want to die and will take the vaccine. This is probably why the bible describes this time as the Tribulation.


By the editor@thepeoplesvoice.org

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