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I'm Voting for Trump!

September 29th, 2020

By John Justice

Biden is a professional politician with 50 years experience. He helped China get 'Most Favored Nation Trading Status', forcing American workers to compete with Chinese prison slave labor. Biden was paid millions by the Chinese communists, but it cost America over 10 million jobs and destroyed our manufacturing base.

Among Biden's other claims to fame was his Crime Bill, one of the key contributors to mass incarceration in the 1990s, it led to more prison sentences, more prison cells, and more aggressive policing especially hurting black and brown Americans. Biden voted for the Iraq war which killed nearly 2 million innocent people and spread hundreds of tons of depleted uranium over the Earth. He voted to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act which led to the Savings and Loan debacle and massive bank bailouts costing taxpayers 160 billion dollars. He voted for changes to welfare rules making it harder for families to get the assistance they need.

Trump is just a self made billionaire who knows how to run a successful company with thousands of employees. He has no experience as a professional career politician and can't be bribed or bought like one. He removed America from GATT, NAFTA, and TPP, bad trade deals that were bleeding America of hundreds of billions of dollars every year. Trade deals made by corrupt professional politicians like Biden who line their pockets by selling out their country.

Trump reduced unemployment to its lowest level in 50 years and brought our manufacturing back from Asia, something Obama said couldn't be done. Trump reopened 7 closed steel mills bringing American steel manufacturing back. He got permanent funding for black colleges, and passed prison reform, which Obama promised to do but never did. With 2.2 million people behind bars in the United States meaningful prison reform was long overdue. Thousands were set free from serving long prison sentences for minor and non-violent crimes while saving the taxpayer millions of dollars. President Trump's list of accomplishments is long and amazing.

Within his first two years in office he has achieved more for the American people than any president in history. Although Trump is not a professional Washington politician like Biden, he has proven to be a great and brilliant leader. The globalist media and tech giants have marched in lockstep to destroy President Trump since the 2016 election. Propaganda, smears, lies, and media hit jobs have utterly blotted out Trump's accomplishments. Those who control the social media have created a generation of conformists and followers. Although lied to repeatedly they continue to believe to think to hate exactly as they are told.

In both social and broadcast media the president is under constant and unrelenting attack. Every day a new scandal, a new accusation, a new lie, a new smear. All this from a tiny gang of trillionaires who are extremely angry that Trump took America away from them four years ago, and for a brief instant made it free and great again. Their will supersedes that of the American people. Irregardless of any democratic election they will not allow Trump to be the president of the United States. They have determined that America will go back to mediocrity, corruption, exploitation, business as usual.

China will stop paying tariffs and pay much less in the form of bribes. Globalists and their corrupt political puppets will go back to looting, enslaving, and killing the American people as they see fit. The globalist media will tell the people how good it is that Trump has been removed and how happy everybody is, and what a good president Biden is. Hitler's propaganda Minister Goebbels said 'repeat a lie often enough and it becomes accepted as truth’. Eventually the people will accept what Big Brother social media says and what the globalist broadcast media tells them. Because when they hear the same lie coming from all sources simultaneously it must be truth.

Pathological Liar: https://youtu.be/BQKveS9reWA


By John Justice

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