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Death of a Generation?

September 27th, 2020

by Angela Vullo

A funeral for a teen who committed suicide

He never made a lot of money. His name was never in the paper. He’s not the finest character that ever lived. But he’s a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid. He’s not to be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog.” Death of a Salesman

Sept. 18, 2020–Despite the threat of spreading, and even dying of COVID, America’s youth are defying the warnings. Many believe that the virus is a hoax, and keep putting their lives and the lives of their loved ones at risk. What is causing this irrational behavior?

It might be said that no one really cares whether these youth live or die, but only if they spread the virus. If the concern about their well-being were so great, it would have surfaced long before COVID came along; because this same group of people was already dying early, and even if they may not be dying of COVID today, they are definitely dying unnecessary deaths.

For some time now, the rate of death among young people has been increasing. For many of them, turning to drugs, and even suicide, appeared to be the only way out of their miserable existence. COVID merely added to their malcontent.

It’s the economy, stupid

Millennials were born into this world as the economy shifted increasingly rapidly in the 1980s from a real economy of manufacturing to one of deregulation and free trade. The measure of productivity became the economy of making money. For those who were not tempted by the lure of Wall Street and big money, and basically wanted to live an “average life” of having a family, a stable job, and owning a home, that life no longer was possible. What was offered to them instead was the gig economy or just settling for no job at all. When many Millennials were hit hard by the 2008 recession, they lost their jobs and even had to move back home with their parents.

With no job, no money, and no purpose in life, it’s extremely difficult to fulfill life’s dreams and expectations. It is quite understandable that many of them would flee into the virtual world, seeking approval by a circle of like-minded friends to try and relieve their depression. . . .

The only way out

A proposal in the U.S. Congress offers the country a way out. It is similar to what was done by Franklin Roosevelt, when he used the Reconstruction Finance Corporation as a national bank to rebuild the country during the Great Depression. On March 31, 2020, HR 6422, “The National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2020” was introduced by Rep Danny Davis (D, IL), which calls for $4 trillion to be invested into industries and manufacturing, building infrastructure and creating 25 million new jobs. The bill explicitly identifies urgent investments into disadvantaged communities, minorities and specifically youth apprentice programs. The money alone might sound appealing, but without a workforce to build the infrastructure it is merely pie in the sky.

Apprentice programs are urgently needed for our young people, especially for those who do not want to go to college or can’t afford it. HR 6422’s National Infrastructure Bank would offer them a new life, a way out of their lives of despair, with high-paying “jobs with dignity” rebuilding the country. Without this offer, many of them would not even be motivated to pass the drug test to qualify for the job.

As under FDR’s leadership, aggressive government action to create opportunities for youth can rebuild morale, and the will to live and contribute to society. FDR’s CCC, created in his first 100 days, ultimately involved more than 3 million young men, providing them not only with work, but with training which qualified them to join the burgeoning economy or the military during the economic mobilization for World War II.

Who could possibly be against this great idea? But it would require a strong commitment from the federal government, like what FDR did, in order to restore our people’s faith in government. It would unite the country with a commitment to the future. Wasn’t this once the basis for the American Dream?


Read article here: https://americansystemnow.com/death-of-a-generation/

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