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Putin to Run for Reelection

December 12th, 2017

Stephen Lendman

In a Tuesday article, I discussed Russia’s electoral process. It shames America’s money-controlled sham system, fantasy democracy. Russians have the real thing.

I noted a Kremlin source saying Putin would announce his candidacy and register as required as late as possible - likely this month, no later than the January 6 deadline.

An anti-imperial peace champion, I earlier called him the world’s preeminent leader - along with Sergey Lavrov, eminently deserving of Nobel Peace Prize recognition, notably awarded to warmakers, not peace advocates.

Both officials have gone all-out for peace and stability in Syria and Ukraine. Washington’s agenda is polar opposite under GOP or undemocratic Dem. leaders - supporting terrorism, Russia under Putin effectively combating it.

The Clintons, Bush/Cheney, Obama and Trump are war criminals, as well as shameless demagogues and serial liars.

At a Wednesday meeting with veterans and workers of the GAZ automobile plant, Putin announced what was expected, but uncertain until he declared his candidacy for reelection, saying:

“Yes, I will run for the president of the Russian Federation. Russia will move only ahead and in this advance nothing and nobody will stop it.”

“Certainly, the foundation is always laid by people like you, the toilers in the broadest meaning of the word, comprising workers, scientists, engineers, designers, teachers and doctors.”

They’re “not just the backbone of our country, but they are our country, they are Russia. With active participation of people like you, we will solve any, even the most challenging tasks we face.”

Putin’s term expires on May 7, 2018. Russia needs him remaining at its helm for another term.

If reelected, a virtual certainty given his overwhelming popularity, he’ll be president until 2024 - champion of world peace and mutual cooperation among all nations, the bane of US imperial lawlessness.

Russia’s presidential election will be held on March 18, 2018. Earlier on Wednesday, Putin attended an award ceremony. Asking the audience if they’d support his bid for reelection, he received a thunderous “Yes.”

He responded saying the reason for running again is “he desires to make people’s lives in our country better and make the country itself more powerful and protected.”

I’ve stressed before he says what he means and means what he says - unlike duplicitous US politicians.

He’ll be running for his fourth term as president, two consecutive terms allowed under Russian law.

Following Putin’s earlier two terms, Dmitry Medvedev was elected Russia’s president, serving from May 2008 until May 2012.

Given Washington’s hostility toward Russia and risk of nuclear war, Putin’s leadership is vitally needed.

He represents an important counterweight to America’s imperial ruthlessness, notably allied with China.

Sino/Russia unity on vital issues is what Washington fears most.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman)

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