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Putin at BRICS Summit

September 7th, 2017

Stephen Lendman

His straight talk is always refreshing - polar opposite double-talk from US leaders and most congressional members.

At the conclusion of the BRICS summit in Xiamen, China, he answered questions candidly during a news conference. He always says what he means and means what he says.

Nations have the right to determine the number of diplomatic offices they permit other countries to have. They can reduce the numbers at their discretion.

“It is another matter altogether that they have done this (to Russia) in a way that was absolutely uncivil,” Putin stressed.

No one has the right to seize the diplomatic properties of other nations. In response to the seizure of its San Francisco consulate, along with annex buildings in Washing and New York, Putin said he’ll file suit, seeking their lawful return.

In Nicaragua v. United States(1986), the International Court of Justice ruled against Washington for breaching international law and violating its sovereignty by supporting Contra death squads in the country, along with mining its waters and operating illegally in its airspace.

Washington rejected the ruling, refused to pay damages, and claimed the court had no “jurisdiction (or) competence” to render a judgment.

Russia is unlikely to fare better, even though as Putin explained “(t)he United States stripped Russia of the right to use our property, which is a clear violation of Russia’s property rights.”

He ridiculed the US, saying it’s “difficult to talk to people who confuse Austria and Australia.” The only time most Americans know anything about other countries is when their nation goes to war. Even then, not much, given the deplorable state of its major media, mocking the real thing.

Putin explained why nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles are vital for North Korea’s defense.

“Everyone remembers well what happened to Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Hussein abandoned the production of weapons of mass destruction,” he said.

“Nonetheless, under the pretext of searching for these weapons, Saddam Hussein himself and his family were killed during the well-known military operation.”

“The country was destroyed” because he had no ability to challenge US aggression. He abandoned his most effective deterrents.

North Korea understands what happened, repeated against Libya and Syria in 2011. They won’t abandon their most powerful weapons, fearful of US aggression, an ominous threat.

“Sanctions of any kind are useless and ineffective in this case,” Putin stressed. North Koreans would “eat grass, but they will not abandon (their main deterrent) unless they feel safe.”

“What can ensure security? The restoration of international law. We need to advance towards dialogue between all parties concerned.”

“It is important for all participants in this process, including North Korea, not to have any thoughts about the threat of being destroyed. On the contrary, all sides to the conflict should cooperate.”

“(W)hipping up military hysteria is…pointless” and hugely dangerous. Thousands of North Korean well-positioned, concealed and mobile long-range artillery and rocket launchers can cause mass slaughter and destruction in Seoul, a city of nearly 10 million people in harm’s way if war erupts on the peninsula.

It will cause “a global, planet-wide disaster and enormous casualties,” Putin explained. “Diplomacy is the only way to solve the North Korean nuclear problem.” Nothing else can work.

Washington hypocritically and arrogantly wants Russia and China it illegally sanctioned to support unacceptable sanctions against Pyongyang.

Nothing but ironclad safety guarantees will convince the DPRK to suspend its nuclear and ballistic missile programs - a likely unattainable goal given America’s deplorable history of breaching international treaties, conventions and other deals.

Deplorable US hostility toward Russia prevents improved relations. Putin remains hopeful things will change one day.

They haven’t for the past 100 years, other than short-term exceptions to the rule. Nothing will change for the better as long as bipartisan neocons infest Washington.

A Final Comment

Putin proposed sending peacekeepers to Ukraine as a way to help end over three years of conflict. Russia’s Foreign Ministry drafted a Security Council resolution to provide security for OSCE monitors - Blue Helmets to operate only along the contact line separating Kiev forces from Donbass freedom fighers.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

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