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Russia Irresponsibly Blamed for Everything

August 2nd, 2017

Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman)

Sino/Russian unity is a vital deterrent to America’s rage for global dominance.

The world community should join them in opposing US imperial madness, confronting it responsibly. Humanity’s survival depends on it.

According to the neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post, Vladimir Putin is on a collision course with Washington, irresponsibly blaming him for launching a new Cold War.

WaPo: “Mr. Putin chose to seize Crimea from Ukraine, annex it and then instigate an armed insurrection in southeastern Ukraine in 2014, violating all post-World War II norms of national sovereignty. The war in the Donbas region was a tactic by Mr. Putin to” destabilize Ukraine.

Fact: False on all counts! WaPo deliberately and maliciously lied like virtually always about Russia, Putin, and others opposing America’s ruthless agenda.

Fact: It ignored America’s February 2014 coup, replacing Ukrainian democracy with fascist dictatorship.

WaPo: “The sanctions imposed by the United States and Europe were a response to Mr. Putin’s ill-considered impulse to use violence as a tool of intimidation and coercion.”

Fact: Illegal sanctions targeted Russian sovereign independence and opposition to US imperial aggression - fabricated pretexts used to justify unjustifiable actions, EU nations shamefully imposing their own in deference to Washington.

WaPo: “Mr. Putin cannot escape responsibility for Russian attempts to damage the candidacy of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and, perhaps, tilt the election to Donald Trump.”

“(S)anctions imposed by President Barack Obama last December and recently tightened by Congress…are a logical response to Mr. Putin’s attempt to meddle in American democracy.”

Fact: WaPo, other media scoundrels, and everyone in Washington knows no Russian US election meddling occurred. Yet fabricated accusations persist.

Fact: “American democracy” is pure fantasy. None exists. Monied interests run things. Elected officials serve them. People power rests in the hands of the nation’s privileged class exclusively, needs and rights of others ignored.

WaPo and other media scoundrels represent wealth, power and privilege at the expense of peace, equity and justice. They mock legitimate journalism.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman)

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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