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Something that the U.S. Press Hide about 9/11

April 1st, 2016

Eric Zuesse

The U.S. government’s hiding the fact that the Saudi royal family and their friends had financed the 9/11 attacks is hidden from the American public by the American news-media, as will be documented in the links to this news-report:

On March 28th, I had issued a news-report, "U.S. Still Demands Assad’s Removal in Syria”, and one of the reader-comments (from “guest”) responded there with:

For the life of me I can't understand why the U.S. government is utterly obsessed with getting rid of Assad. Do the Saudis and those other little feudal sharia law fiefdoms in the Persian Gulf have that much control over this government?

I answered:

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Yes. After all, despite their having funded Al Qaeda (for which see this evidence
and this http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2016/02/terrorists-arent-hitting-u-s-now.html, which latter shows that even Secretary of State Clinton knew in 2009 that they still were), the 28 pages in the U.S. Senate report are still prohibited from being released to the public; and, moreover, the U.S. government has now officially blamed and fined Iran -- the Saud family's arch-enemy -- as having caused 9/11:
http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2016/03/u-s-government-blames-911-iran-fines-iran-10-5b-iran-refuses-pay.html, and so how can there be any doubt about it?

Additional reader-comments are here invited, either here or at that site ("U.S. Still Demands Assad’s Removal in Syria”), in order to discuss further this alleged cover-up by the U.S. news-media, of an alleged cover-up by the U.S. government, of the real source of the 9/11 attacks. Obviously, the news-media do not want it to be discussed, but a few of the smaller ones, those few at least that have more of a desire to get the truth to the American people, do want it to be discussed; and you happen to be reading one of those few right now.

So, these are the only places that allow this matter to be publicly discussed. You might also want to get your friends involved in this public discussion, by passing this post along to them and suggesting that they, too, contribute with their own comments, to the public discussion of America’s alleged news-suppression. Do they think it’s real: if not, then why not, and how can they explain the facts that are documented and the evidence that is linked-to, in those news-reports and careful analyses?

This discussion is not relevant to peripheral issues such as whether persons in the George W. Bush Administration might have wanted the 9/11 attacks to succeed and allowed them to happen in order to turn the U.S. into some sort of police-state, or whatever; it’s relevant only to the specific question of the integrity of the U.S. press. The question as to whether the U.S. press is, essentially, fake (as journalism; not fake as propaganda, but authentic as propaganda), is more basic than any of those peripheral issues, because even if George W. Bush (and/or his subordinates) committed treason, the press is an institution, which is more enduring, and which is still ongoing as it was then. The Sauds, and the way that the U.S. government has been treating them, and the way that the American press has been dealing with that fact, are relevant issues here; but many of the other pet issues, which are so widely speculated about by American dissidents, really are not, and should be discussed elsewhere and not regarding the present issue. The relevant subjects here are: the press, the Sauds, and the U.S. government (and, by “U.S. government,” is meant not only the George W. Bush Administration, but the Barack Obama Administration, and congresspersons of both political parties during both Administrations). But, above all, it’s the press (since they’re the ones who are refusing to report about the rest). This is centrally a question regarding the U.S. news-media: they are the focus here.

For examples of issues that are relevant, here are some of my other recent news reports and commentaries that are relevant:

“Obama’s Fakery, ‘News’ Media’s Suckery”

“Putin & Assad Have Liberated Syria From The U.S.-&-Jihadist Alliance”

“Hillary Clinton’s Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy”

So, it’s obvious that this question, about what the U.S. ‘news’ media are hiding from America’s voters, can affect electoral outcomes, and the type of government (or perhaps it should instead be called “the type of regime”) that rules this country. Because, after all, if the nation’s press are assisting the nation’s government to hide from the nation’s voters, key things that drive the nation’s international affairs and foreign policies, then this issue about the press is really also an issue about whether the U.S. government is some sort of democracy, or, instead, some sort of regime, which is merely claiming to be ‘democratic’.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs

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