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NATO: Humanity’s Greatest Scourge

January 7th, 2016

Stephen Lendman

NATO is a US-dominated killing machine, a force for pure evil - a global imperial enforcer threatening world peace, a dagger in humanity’s heart.

It’s the lead instigator of global conflicts, a menace too great to ignore, intending to replace the UN, first as its military wing, then geopolitically.

America funding 75% of its budget is its dominant force, pressuring other members to play by its rules even when harming their own interests.

The Alliance wages endless premeditated wars of aggression in the name of peace. Its strategy and tactics include state terror on an unprecedented scale. Its aim is replacing all independent governments with pro-Western one, especially Russia and China, making the world safe for monied interests, no matter the human toll, world stability or ecological sanity.

As long as NATO exists, the unthinkable looms - possible humanity destroying global nuclear war, destroying planet earth to own it.

Russia knows what it’s up against, calling US-led NATO’s encroachment on its borders a threat to its national security. Saying its aggressive build-up contravenes international law and threatens world peace.

Washington and complicit allies want global dominance, risking greater conflicts than already - fostering anti-Russian hostility and worldwide tensions.

NATO is a US-dominated out-of-control monster, a metastasizing cancer, the greatest ever threat to humanity’s survival.

On Tuesday, its spokeswoman Oana Lungescu turned truth on its head, saying “(w)e categorically reject totally unfounded claims that NATO and its policies constitute a security threat” to Russia or other nations.

“NATO’s enlargement is not directed against anyone. (Each nation) has the right to (decide) whether it joins any treaty or alliance” - referring to recently inviting (or likely pressuring) Montenegro to join” the Alliance, adding another nation to the anti-Russian bloc.

Moscow’s updated national security strategy accuses NATO of violating the “principles of equal and indivisible security” in the Euro-Atlantic, Eurasian and Asia-Pacific regions.

US-dominated Alliance policy shows claims about it posing no threat to Russia or other countries entirely false.

It’s the gravest one humanity faces, a freedom-crushing monster, a scourge threatening world peace and life on earth.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs

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