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Obama Bombs Syria’s Military

December 8th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

US, UK, French, Canadian, Israeli and Australian bombing of Syrian targets has nothing to do with combating ISIS or other terrorist groups as falsely claimed - entirely intended for regime change, wanting Western-controlled puppet governance replacing Syrian popular choices.

On Sunday, Syria’s Foreign Ministry reported US-led warplanes attacked an army camp in Deir ez Zor province - killing three soldiers, injuring 13 others, as well as destroying three armored vehicles, four military vehicles, an arms and ammunition depot, as well as 23mm and 14.5mm machine guns.

In Monday letters addressed to the UN secretary general and UN Security Council president, Syria condemned the US-led “act of aggression” in flagrant violation of UN Charter principles.

Council members were called on to take urgent appropriate measures to prevent a reoccurring incident - a willful unprovoked lawless act.

US air and ground operations in Syria violate international law, on the phony pretext of combating ISIS and other terrorist groups.

Syria’s Foreign Ministry said the so-called US coalition “lacks seriousness and credibility in the fight against terrorism.”

Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren lied, denying what took place, saying “(w)e’ve seen those Syrian reports but we did not conduct any strikes in that part of Deir ez Zor yesterday. So we see no evidence.”

Perhaps the Pentagon intends blaming Russia for its flagrant crime. Warren’s job is lying for his superiors. Assad called US-led coalition strikes on Syrian territory “a cancer” - supporting, not combating terrorism.

On Saturday, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said recent Pentagon and State Department statements resemble the “theater of the absurd, (wreaking of) double standards and quibbling.”

He referred to clear evidence of Turkish involvement in smuggling, refining and black market sales of stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil for ISIS and its own profiteering, as well as phony US claims about supporting (nonexistent) anti-Assad moderates.

“They either see it or not,” he said. “They divide the opposition. Either it is moderate or immoderate, even terrorists they regard as bad and very bad.”

“(W)e pointed out that this short-sighted position might echo with blood in the streets of your and our cities. We are certain that terrorism has neither comparative degrees nor nationalities. Terrorism is an absolute evil which must be fought in any its manifestations.”

“(T)he same fundamental truth” applies for clear evidence Russia revealed about Turkey’s involvement with ISIS in stealing and selling Syrian and Iraqi oil.

Syria will be deploying Russian-supplied S-300 air defense systems. Moscow controls virtually all Syrian airspace with its installed S-400s.

Both systems can target and destroy enemy planes or missiles. An unnamed senior Syrian military source said:

“Soon Syria will announce that any country using the airspace without coordinating with Damascus will be viewed as hostile, and (we) will shoot the jet down without warning.”

“Those willing to fight terrorism and coordinate with the military leadership will be granted safe corridors.” Russia alone is allied with Syria against ISIS and other terrorist groups.

America and rogue partners target Syrian ones exclusively, supporting ISIS and other terrorists on the ground - in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs

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