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NYT Fairy Tale about Paris Attacks

December 2nd, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

The NYT is America’s longstanding leading voice for wealth, power and privilege exclusively - state-supportive propaganda its specialty, the most important news “fit to print” systematically suppressed.

Evidence indicates attacking Paris on November 13 was a false flag, a strategically planned military operation for events now unfolding, almost certain state-sponsored horrors to come, much like post-9/11 - the mother of all false flags, US dirty fingerprints all over what happened. A previous article discussing the Paris incident said how could a handful of heavily armed terrorists outwit French (as well as perhaps EU and US) intelligence - successfully executing attacks on multiple sites with military precision during the height of Friday evening activities, unnoticed until they started shooting, especially when at least some of them were known to state authorities and almost certainly were kept under close surveillance.

None of this registered with The Times, explaining a false flag attack strictly verboten, never when these things occur.

Instead, it created a fairy tale about “Paris attackers hon(ing) their assault through trial and error,” absurdly calling 28-year-old Abdelhamid Abaaoud the mastermind of what happened, when clearly the incident was sophisticated state-sponsored terrorism - likely considerable planning preceding it, not by garden-variety terrorists.

Elements involved in what happened were triggermen for powerful Western (and very likely Israeli) interests, the incident used for fear-mongering to get French, other European people, Israelis and Americans to believe escalated wars and greater erosion of fundamental freedoms affords them better protection from terrorism - when the opposite is true.

With unnamed “investigators” alone mentioned as its source, nothing confirming their account, meaningless hearsay unless proved otherwise, The Times ignored the most likely culprit(s) (CIA, Mossad and French intelligence) - instead concocted a tale about Abaaoud, the designated fall guy, like falsely connecting Mohamed Atta to 9/11 and calling bin Laden the mastermind, dying at the time in a Pakistani hospital, pronounced dead of natural causes three months later, Obama having nothing to do with taking his life.

The Times claimed Abaaoud left a Kalashnikov behind in a rented car (implausible on its face), paid no heed to security cameras, boarded a No. 9 subway train, returned to the scene of the crimes, and “walked past the shattered cafes and bloodied concert hall that had been among his targets” - with no verifiable proof supporting his involvement in anything, regardless of his whereabout that evening.

The Times claimed he spent “a year plotting terror in Europe” with no success until November 13. Again, where’s the proof? None offered, accusations without evidence alone.

Unnamed investigators cited claimed he planned more attacks to follow, and intended to die himself as a suicide bomber in the heart of the Paris region’s business district.”

Was a note discovered, verified in his handwriting, stating all this? Or are these claims pure rubbish, the usual Big Lies covering up state-sponsored terrorism, the facts eventually revealed when it’s too late to matter, huge damage already done.

The entire Times scenario has a familiar odor. Major media reports have no credibility whatever, entirely one-sided, suppressing what people most need to know, substituting managed news misinformation and Big Lies.

Recently leaked emails showed CNN global affairs correspondent Elise Labott communicated with Clinton State Department staffer Philippe Reines, then “tweet(ed) on request” showing support for his boss.

Ignore scoundrel media accounts about Abaaoud and other alleged Paris attackers. When killed or unable to explain their side, they tell no tales.

Don’t ever expect long ago discredited major media admissions about false flags and other forms of state terrorism - the real threat humanity faces, not garden variety bad guys whoever they are.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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