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Baghdad OKs Russia Bombing ISIS in Iraq

November 1st, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

A previous article cited the Turkish Anadolu (News) Agency, saying Baghdad authorized Russia to bomb ISIS elements crossing from Syria into Iraq, according to its parliamentary security and defense committee chief, Hakem al-Zameli

He confirmed it, saying “Iraq agreed with Russia, which leads the (Baghdad-based intelligence sharing) joint data center, to hit the ISIL militants heading from Syria into Iraq” - despite Joint Chiefs Chairman Joseph (“Fighting Joe”) Dunford warning Iraqi officials not to permit it, during his hurried trip to confer with them last week, saying they may lose so-called US aid, the kind letting ISIS capture and control large parts of the country. Russia’s intervention in Syria and now Iraq changes things dramatically in the region and potentially globally - challenging Washington’s imperial agenda significantly for the first time, throwing it into disarray, compounded by Jordan agreeing to cooperate with Moscow militarily against ISIS.

Lunatics in Washington are reeling. Russia’s impressive display of military might against ISIS shows it’s a formidable adversary, a force to be reckoned with.

Putin made a strategically important move at the right time against the right enemy. Sooner would have been much better, but the point is he acted responsibly against a scourge threatening all Middle East countries and others.

He’s fighting the enemy America claims to be against. Clear evidence shows otherwise. He’s increasingly gaining allies. Will EU nations be next - fearful about their nationals joining ISIS, then returning home and turning on their governments?

They’re already unable to cope with the human refugee flood, continuing daily because of America’s endless wars. A potential domestic terrorist threat may ally them with Russia to confront it.

Cracks in Washington’s imperial strategy are visible for the first time in memory. Expect something like the following scenario to unfold. As Russia destroys ISIS positions in areas of Syria and Iraq being struck, their elements will scatter elsewhere in both countries.

Expect Russia to widen its campaign in response, hitting them wherever they are, with permission from Damascus and Baghdad - to the consternation of US officials, unable to do anything about it except wage ineffective propaganda war.

Russia’s campaign changed the geopolitical dynamic. The center of gravity resides in Moscow. Washington is hugely on the back foot - Putin now preeminent world leader, Obama and lunatics around him exposed more than ever as humanity’s scourge.

The anti-ISIS coalition includes Russia, Syria, Iraq and Iran, China in the wings because of its own terrorist threat, Jordan a junior partner, perhaps other regional countries joining them - plus the newly formed Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) anti-terrorism alliance aimed at preventing its spread to Central Asia.

Again, it bears stressing. Putin’s move is hugely important. How things turn out remains to be seen, but at least a world leader now commits to fight a scourge free people everywhere want contained, neutralized and eliminated.

Everyone wanting to stay safe supports his righteous mission - gangster nations like America, Israel, Britain, the Gulf States and other rogue allies alone oppose it, backing a terrorist scourge vital to eliminate.

Putin is a world hero. So is Sergey Lavrov, both deserving universal support and Nobel Peace Prize recognition, head and shoulders above all others for the award - polar opposite the criminal class in Washington.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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