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Ukraine Provoking Confrontation with Russia

May 23rd, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

Ukraine is a proxy US dagger targeting Russia's heartland - run by fascist putschists, headed by an illegitimate Washington-approved oligarch president.

It's waging war on its own people. It tolerates no opposition. Its economy nears collapse. Growing numbers of its population are impoverished, unemployed and angry.

In a Wednesday BBC interview, Poroshenko sounded deranged saying Ukraine is in a "real war" with Russia. "I think (Moscow is) preparing for an offensive" this summer.

"I think we should be ready, and I think that we do not give them any tiny chance for provocation. That will totally be their responsibility."Russian officials accused Ukraine of "broken commitments" - making agreements, then breaching them straightaway. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said there's a "serious lack of trust" between both countries for good reason. Kiev officials say one thing and do another consistently. Their word is meaningless.

Addressing Russia's upper house Federation Council on Wednesday, Sergey Lavrov condemned "radicals in Kiev and some other capitals" for provoking "further escalation" of conflict in Donbass.

He warned of "terrible consequences both for Ukraine and the entire European security system."

Washington directs Ukraine's geopolitical agenda. Donbass is Obama's war using Kiev forces as proxy foot soldiers.

Despite months of all-out Russian efforts to resolve things diplomatically, Lavrov said "we are back at the point where we were a year and a half ago."

Nothing was accomplished. Obama didn't wage war on Donbass to quit. Peace and stability defeat Washington's agenda. Endless conflict continues.

Kiev upped the ante. It terminated its military cooperation treaty with Moscow. It was signed on November 25, 1995 - ratified by Ukraine's parliament in 2002.

Lawmakers claimed termination aims at "protecting Ukraine's national interests, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity."

They lied saying Russia "unilaterally violated the norms and principles of the international law and carried out armed aggression against Ukraine" - despite no evidence proving Kiev's blatant Big Lie, repeated in Washington, other anti-Russian European capitals, and NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Kiev further damaged relations with Moscow. It scrapped an agreement permitting military transportation between both countries.

It cancelled another one on military transit to Moldova through Ukrainian territory. It was signed in 1995.

Joint forces from Russia, Moldova and Transdniestria along with Ukrainian military observers maintain peace on both sides of the Dniester River.

Their presence prevents violence. No outbreaks occurred during their deployment. It lets Chisinau and Tiraspol negotiate disputes peacefully.

Moldova called for involving OSCE observers. Transdniestria says Russia's presence guarantees their unrecognized republic's security.

Last October, Russian Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin said Moscow won't let Kiev meddle in the breakaway region's internal affairs. Russian citizens in Transdniestria will be protected, he explained.

On May 19, illegitimate Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said "(w)e are terminating the operation of the 1993 agreement on military-technological cooperation with Russia."

It pledged mutual cooperation to preserve and develop military products and provide military services.

It prohibits selling or transferring these products and services to foreign individuals, entities or international organizations without their original owner's prior consent.

In March 2014, Ukraine suspended military sales to Russia. In mid-June, Poroshenko prohibited cooperation with Russia in military-related activities.

In late August, Kiev's national security and defense council directed its cabinet of ministers to terminate exports of military and dual use products to Russia.

On Thursday, Kiev's parliament terminated agreement with Russia on mutual protection of classified information. It's been in force since 2002.

At the same time, Kiev refused to guarantee protection of human rights and other fundamental freedoms of Donbass residents.

It rescinded its commitment required as a signatory to various international law treaties and conventions - including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and UN Charter.

An explanatory note said "the objective need to take measures to repel armed aggression of the Russian Federation, Ukraine has to temporarily rescind its commitments to upholding certain human rights (in Donbass) within the limits permitted by relevant international agreements."

Throughout months of conflict, Kiev forces committed horrific crimes of war and against humanity. Its Thursday parliamentary ruling changed nothing on the ground.

Endless war continues. Relations with Russia remain hostile. Kiev risks initiating direct confrontation.

Perhaps Washington has this strategy in mind. US diplomatic overtures changed nothing. Follow policies, not diplomatic rhetoric or niceties.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programsNetwork.

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