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Washington Wants War on Donbass

May 22nd, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

John Kerry and Victoria Nuland are warriors, not peacemakers - neocons masquerading as diplomats.

They deplore peace. They live by the sword. They foster violence and instability worldwide.

Last week, Nuland was in Kiev meeting with its illegitimate officials - discussing revved up war on Donbas when Obama OKs it.

On Monday, she was in Moscow meeting with Russian officials. Discussion focused on Ukraine.

Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said "(w)e have the Russian president's orders to establish bilateral contacts…to discuss certain issues of the Ukrainian crisis resolution."

"That's exactly what we are doing" with no illusions about Washington turning a new lead. Karasin said Moscow's goal is to prevent escalated conflict in Donbass and establish "real dialogue between Kiev and the Donetsk and Lugansk republics."

"So far, this goal has not been achieved. Kiev is ignoring all the initiatives coming from Donetsk and Lugansk."

So is Washington. Nuland lied claiming Kiev officials have no intention for resumed war. "Preparations for this kind of operations are in progress there," Karasin stressed. More on this below.

Both sides agreed to maintain contacts as events dictate. Separately, Sergey Lavrov said Washington has its own interpretation of Minsk - "although (it's) unambiguous about the right things agreed" on by Normandy four participants (Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine).

"(T)here is nothing to debate about," Lavrov stressed. Visits to Russia by John Kerry and Victoria Nuland produced no breakthroughs. Nor were any expected.

At best, dialogue between both countries was maintained (Kerry and Lavrov meet often) despite each side's polar opposite worldviews.

As long as fundamental US policy calls for forcing Russia into client state status through regime change, normalized relations are impossible. At the same time, diplomatic ones can be maintained.

Nothing US officials say have credibility. Serial lying is longstanding practice. So is lawlessly interfering in the internal affairs of other countries - often belligerently.

Following her meetings in Moscow, Nuland said "(t)he United States' role here is to support the full implementation of Minsk."

Fact: Hundreds of US combat troops are training Ukraine's Nazi-infested National Guard and likeminded battalions for escalated war on Donbass.

Fact: The Pentagon conducts numerous provocative military exercises close to Russia's border.

Fact: Washington continues supplying Ukraine with heavy weapons covertly.

Fact: Poroshenko makes belligerent statements about fighting to regain control of Crimea and Donbass "to the last drop of blood."

Fact: Ukraine agreed to three peace initiatives - Minsk II the most recent in February.

Fact: It violated them straightaway. Aggression never stopped. It continues low-level ahead of revving it up full-scale at Obama's discretion.

Nuland lied claiming "(t)here is no indication from our own information or from my consultations in Kiev that anybody on the Ukrainian side…has any intention of launching new hostilities."

False! Multiple ceasefire violations occur daily. On Monday, reports from Donbass indicated Kiev forces launched massive shelling on Donetsk - including its airport already in ruins and surrounding areas.

"The start of shelling came unusually early yesterday," one report said. "(I)n the two preceding days, the bombardments started exactly at midnight."

"Voroshilovsky, Tekstilshik, Leninsky, Buddenovsky districts, and the rest of Donetsk shook with the blast waves of explosions."

"(A)bout 2-3 Ukrainian shells landed every 5 seconds." Tweets from reporter Murad Gazdiev said:

"Ukrainian shell hits apartment building in #Donetsk. Elderly man buried under rubble. Survivors in shock."

"Dust covered pensioners. Survivors of Ukrainian shell impact recount moment of horror - curse Ukrainian govt, army."

Washington wants to bully its way into Normandy Four talks. On Sunday, Lugansk People's Republic official Vladislav Deinego said:

"I am skeptical about the idea of the United States’ joining the talks on Donbass. To involve an instigator of turmoil in the settlement process is like placing a bear in command of a bee-garden."

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov expressed similar skepticism in diplomatic terms saying:

"I have spent much time studying speeches, statements, analyzing what is said in the contacts with us and our representatives behind closed doors."

"I have been fixing for quite a time the American party’s aspiration for joining these formats, but we do not see reasons for that."

US-installed fascists running Ukraine created nightmarish conditions nationwide. People are voting with their feet and leaving.

"How Our People Have Been Fooled: Ukraine Moves to Russia," headlined Fort Russ.

Growing numbers of Ukrainians seek safety and opportunities cross-border unavailable internally. When asked why, one answer was "(a)nd where should we work and how to survive?"

"We were deceived…If we knew what was going to happen, that blood will spill, and we will be unemployed, then we would buy (US-ousted President) Yanukovych another Golden loaf of bread (referring to his lavish residence, a symbol of corrupt governance).

Ukraine is undergoing slow-motion depopulation. Unemployed workers and others seek new horizons in Russia or elsewhere.

Youths reject war, violence and destruction - especially against their own people.

Washington bears full responsibility for horrific conditions. Expect no change in its imperial ruthlessness.

Expect Ukraine to remain in the eye of the storm. Expect endless wars to continue. War profiteers demand them.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs Network.

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