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Netanyahu Apocalyptic Over Treating Iran Fairly

April 4th, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

He's one of many hardline lunatics infesting Israel - a rogue leader, nuclear armed and dangerous, waging permanent war on Palestine, threatening the entire region.

Iran and P5+1 countries inch toward trying to cobble together something they can call success after 18 months of nuclear talks - a framework deal leaving much unresolved ahead of trying to reach agreement by end of June.

Netanyahu is going all-out to sabotage efforts by all means possible - maybe including war if other methods fail.

He's adamant against treating Iran fairly. He invents all sorts of Big Lies.

He finds reasons to unjustly demonize the Islamic Republic. Eliminating it as a regional rival is longstanding Israeli policy to achieve its hegemonic ambitions.

Chances for Washington normalizing relations with Iran are virtually nil - even if major issues relating to its nuclear program are resolved.

America's deal-making history is duplicitous and then some. Expect no change in its dark side in dealings with Iran or other independent countries.

Expect business as usual hostility. Expect regime change to remain official policy.

Expect reasons fabricated claiming Iran violated nuclear terms agreed to - Big Lies invented to resume old policies.

On Wednesday, Netanyahu ranted like many times before - repeating his usual Big Lies.

It's hard imagining why anyone takes him seriously. He lost credibility long ago.

"The concessions proposed to Iran in Lausanne promise a bad deal that will endanger Israel, the Middle East, and world peace," he ranted.

He called it inconceivable to negotiate with Iran for a deal aiding its (nonexistent) nuclear weapons program.

The whole world knows none exists. Netanyahu knows. He lies claiming otherwise. He represents the far outer edge of Israel's lunatic fringe.

One baseless accusation follows others. "…Iran's claim that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes doesn't square with (its) insistence on keeping underground nuclear facilities, advanced centrifuges and a heavy water reactor," he bellowed.

"Nor does it square with Iran's insistence on developing ICBMs, and its refusal to come clean with the IAEA on its past weaponization efforts."

"Iran is accelerating its campaign of terror, subjugation and conquest throughout the region, most recently in Yemen."

"A better deal would significantly roll back Iran's nuclear infrastructure."

"A better deal would link the eventual lifting of the restrictions on Iran's nuclear program to a change in Iran's behavior."

"Iran must stop its aggression in the region, stop its terrorism throughout the world and stop its threats to annihilate Israel."

"That should be non-negotiable and that's the deal that the world powers must insist upon."

Fact: Netanyahu is a known serial liar.

Fact: He substitutes Big Lies and rants for hard facts. Nothing he says holds water.

Fact: Israel's Mossad says Iran's nuclear program is peaceful.

Fact: Its underground facilities are for protection from Israeli or US bombing.

Fact: Its centrifuges and heavy water reactor are entirely legitimate. They fully comply with Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT provisions.

Fact: Iran's nuclear program is the world's most intensively monitored.

Fact: Israel denies the IAEA permission to inspect its known nuclear weapons facilities - in brazen violation of NPT it refuses to sign.

Fact: Iran hasn't attacked another country in centuries. It seeks mutual cooperation with all other nations.

Fact: Israel wages permanent war on Palestine. It shoots young children for target practice. It brutalizes them.

Fact: It commits horrendous high crimes against peace. It gets away with mass murder.

Fact: Torture and state terror reflect official policy. So does stealing privately owned Palestinian land for exclusive Jewish development.

No nations threaten world peace more than America and Israel.

None pose a greater risk to humanity's survival.

None more egregiously spurn rule of law principles. None more mock democratic values.

Nothing matters more than stopping these monsters before they mass murder everyone.

Their maniacal drive for world dominance may wipe out everything except beetles and bacteria.

With apologies to TS Eliot, they may end things with a bang, not a whimper.

A Final Comment

As of late Wednesday afternoon Lausanne time, no nuclear deal was announced. According to Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araqchi:

"It is not possible to have a deal without lifting sanctions. All sanctions must be removed."

Most of all all economic, financial, oil and banking ones. "Removing them should be based on a clear and precise perspective."

"Otherwise there would definitely be no deal." None so far was announced.

How long talks continue remains to be seen. Is even a preliminary framework agreement too much to achieve? Are even major Iranian concessions not enough?

Will longstanding US anti-Iranian hostility prevent what's in the best interests of all parties?

Will failure defeat even modest success? Will things end up back at square one? Will war on Iran be more likely?


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs

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