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Western Lunatics Risk Nuclear War

March 21st, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

Washington's rage for world dominance may kill us all. Nazi lunatics they installed in Ukraine may set the whole continent ablaze.

They're furiously rearming, regrouping and mobilizing for greater war. They'll launch it any time at Washington's discretion.

Stop NATO's Rick Rozoff reports US-dominated NATO trains for air war in Europe.

US Army Europe's "Freedom Shock" can deploy troops, weapons and equipment anywhere in Europe quickly.

Training and other exercises can become real combat any time following Pentagon orders.

US-dominated NATO prepares for European war. Gunslinger generals may start WW III.

Supreme Alliance commander US General Philip Breedlove's loose talk about nonexistent Russian aggression making things "worse every day" in Ukraine promotes war, not peace.

His number two matches his bellicosity. Deputy NATO commander General Adrian Bradshaw lied saying:

"Russia’s actions in Crimea and eastern Ukraine demonstrated the readiness of Russia to begin a process of change in the sovereign borders of sovereign states by force, which was a major deviation from internationally accepted legal norms."

"This would have implications…for all EU member states of the Alliance, particularly those of the eastern flank."

"We need to show clearly that we are steadfast in that we stand behind the provisions of Article 5."

It considers a real or contrived attack on one member an attack on all. It calls for collective self-defense.

"Our response so far has been entirely defensive," said Bradshaw.

It's "necessary to assure our allies, especially those from the Eastern flank that we stand firmly behind the principles laid down in Article 5, (and) will not allow aggression by a state to any of our allies."

NATO's only threats are ones it invents. It's Eastern European buildup risks direct confrontation with Russia - a possible unthinkable war between the world's most formidable nuclear powers.

Putin readies Russia for what hopefully won't be necessary. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered Northern Fleet (NF) forces to full alert combat readiness exercise drills.

"The(ir) main task…is to assess (NF) capabilities in fullfulling tasks in providing military security of the Russian Federation in the Arctic region," said Shoigu.

Exercises include 38,000 military personnel, 3,360 pieces of equipment, 41 ships, 15 submarines, and 110 warplanes and helicopters

"New challenges and threats of military security demand the further heightening of military capabilities of the Armed Forces, and special attention will be paid to the state of the newly formed strategic merging" of Northern Fleet forces, said Shoigu.

Land, air and sea exercises began on March 16. They continue through March 21.

Russia is preparing to repel potential aggression on all its borders.

All branches of its military are conducting major exercises nationwide - including in the Volga region, Urals, Western Siberia, Far East and Pacific, North Caucasus, and along NATO bordering states from the Arctic to the Black Sea.

Given US belligerence, Russia intends to be ready for any eventuality. It may need to respond quickly.

Overall current exercises involve about 76,000 troops, over 10,000 military hardware pieces and special equipment, 65 warships, 16 support vessels, 15 submarines, 200 warplanes and various type helicopters.

Last December, Russia's Defense Ministry announced plans for at least 4,000 military exercises this year - a massive undertaking given Washington's threat to world peace.

Media scoundrels promote war. Neocon Washington Post editors are some of the worst.

It featured neocon Joshua Muravchik's op ed promoting war on Iran. Maybe he plans a follow-up one urging Washington nuke Russia.

He outrageously calls Iran "violent, rapacious, devious and redolent with hatred for Israel and the United States."

Not a shred of evidence supports his bluster. Claiming Iran continues pursuing "its quest for nuclear weapons" is polar opposite US and Israeli intelligence publicly stated assessments.

Muravchik ignored them. "What is Netanyahu to do," he asked? Lunatics like him want war.

He claims it's the best alternative to sto Iran from gaining what it doesn't have or want.

He outrageously calls its government "akin to communist, fascist and Nazi regimes that set out to transform the world."

"A nuclear arsenal…would vastly enhance (its) power to achieve that goal," he absurdly claims.

Iran hasn't attacked another country in centuries. It threatens none now. It supports regional peace, stability and mutual cooperation.

America, Israel and rogue Arab states alone threaten regional security.

Giving lunatics like Muravchik feature op-ed space shows WaPo editors support his ideological extremism - including naked aggression on a nation threatening no one.

"Sanctions have never stopped a nuclear drive anywhere," Muravchik blustered.

"Does this mean that our only option is war? Yes," he claims. "The United States would have to make clear that it will hit wherever and whenever necessary to stop Iran's program."

Forget about deals and sanctions, he urges. Another US war against another independent country threatening no one is his solution to maintaining US regional hegemony.

It bears repeating. Maybe his next op-ed will urge nuclear war on Russia. Maybe likeminded lunatics infesting Washington have that in mind.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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