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What Ukraine Propaganda Looks Like

April 14th, 2014

by Stephen Lendman

It's like US propaganda. Like other Western propaganda. Big Lies repeat. They proliferate. They follow one after another. Truth is systematically buried.

The Ukrainian News Agency (UNA) is Kiev-based. It's part of the UA Inter Media Group Limited. It owns 61% of the Ukrainian TV channel Inter.

On April 13, it headlined "Foreign Ministry: There is Evidence of Russian Special Forces' Involvement in Seizure of Government Facilities in Eastern Ukraine."

Allegations are baseless. No evidence whatever proves them. John Kerry accused Russia of the same thing. Sergei Lavrov confronted him responsibly.

In diplomatic language, he said put up or shut up. Kerry's accusations ring hollow. So does UNA rubbish. It lied.

Kiev's illegitimate putschist Foreign Ministry substituted lies for truth. UNA quoted its statement saying:

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has all needed specific evidence of Russian special services' involvement in the separatist mutiny and seizure of government facilities in eastern Ukraine."

UNA responded saying:

"The Foreign Ministry informs, relevant testimony and proofs will be provided to the international community at the meeting on April 17 in Geneva, Switzerland."

"The statement underlines, the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine has decided to hold an antiterrorist operation against the large-scale endeavour on the State, protecting people's lives, Ukraine's territorial integrity and security."

"As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Edgars Rinkevics makes Russia responsible for the escalation of separatism and violence in Ukraine."

Rinkevics is part of the problem. He's not the solution. He's a reliable Western stooge.

"Officials of the European Union, United States of America, Ukraine and Russia are holding a meeting on April 17 in Geneva to discuss settlement of the political crisis in the Ukrainian-Russian relations," added UNA.

"Russia denies accusations of the Russian Federation's involvement in the blocking of the Internal Affairs Ministry and Security Service of Ukraine buildings in Ukraine's south-eastern provinces."

Fact check:

Washington bears full responsibility for destabilizing events in Ukraine. Rogue EU partners share it.

Eastern Ukrainian protests are spontaneous. They're local. They're homegrown. No evidence suggests Russian involvement.

Claims otherwise ring hollow. They repeat with disturbing regularity.

Ukrainians reject Kiev putschists. They want local autonomy. They want democracy. They want their rights respected.

They want what putschists deplore. They're struggling for fundamental freedoms valiantly. They're role models. They can teach Americans a thing or two.

They caught Washington by surprise. Obama expected an easy imperial trophy. He's got a tiger by the tail.

He's not used to ordinary people challenging him responsibly. He hasn't met any perhaps able to best America's might.

Kiev putschists seem confused on what to do. Local police won't attack their own people. How much better invading Kiev elements fare remains to be seen.

Separately, UNA headlined "NSDC Decides Start Large-Scale Antiterrorist Operation With Involvement Of Armed Forces In Eastern Ukraine."

According to illegitimate putschist president Aleksandr Turchynov:

"The National Security and Defence Council has decided to start a large-scale antiterrorist operation with involvement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

"We shall not allow Russia to replay the Crimea scenario in the eastern region of Ukraine."

Crimeans acted on their own volition. Russia had nothing to do with what happened. Turchynov lied claiming otherwise.

He urged Eastern Ukrainians to surrender. Abandon your struggle, he said. He promised "non-application of punishment" for those who comply.

He warned "aggressors and occupationists" of dire consequences.

He urged Eastern Ukrainians "not to be instruments in the cynical and alien war against their own country."

He represents fascist extremism. Growing numbers of Eastern Ukrainians reject it.

The National New Agency of Ukraine (Ukrinform) provides state-sponsored propaganda. Originally it was called the Bureau of Ukrainian Press (BUP).

It's state controlled. On April 13, it lied saying "Lavrov admits Russians take part in Ukraine's separatist rallies."

Lavrov denounced accusations suggesting it. He said Ukrainian Russian speakers are involved. Perhaps Russian nationals on their own volition.

Moscow has no involvement whatever. Separately, Ukrinform said putschist foreign minister Andriy Deshhytsia alleged Russian secret agents aim to disrupt the planned April 17 summit meeting.

Scheduled participants include Washington, the EU, Russia and Ukraine. According to Kiev's Foreign Ministry:

"Deshchytsia demanded an end to the provocative activity by Russian intelligence agents in the eastern regions of Ukraine, the purpose of which, according to the Ukrainian side, is to disrupt the meeting in Geneva and prevent finding a solution to the current crisis in the Ukrainian-Russian relations."

Ukrinform added:

"Deshchytsia will represent Ukraine at a meeting in Geneva with the foreign ministers of the US, the EU and Russia to discuss ways to overcome the situation that has arisen as a result of the military aggression by Russia against Ukraine."

No Russian aggression exists. None occurred. None is planned. Lies, Big Lies, and official state propaganda claim otherwise. Evidence supporting claims don't exist.

Separately, Ukrinform claimed "armed militants in Slavyansk used tear gas against police. They "poison(ed)" two or three policemen, it said.

No evidence whatever suggests it. Protesters across Eastern Ukraine seized government buildings nonviolently.

They've done so in 10 or more cities. Villagers are involved elsewhere. Rebellion sweeps Eastern Ukraine. Thousands are involved. New volunteers join them.

In Lugansk, most police switched sides. They support local autonomy. They back federalization.

They want fundamental rights restored. Perhaps it's just a matter of time until protests erupt nationwide. Repressed people only take so much. Events going forward bear close watching.

Kiev's Security Council convened an emergency session. A "large-scale" operation was announced. Military forces will be involved.

Unrest grips Eastern Ukraine. Presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev said Kiev authorities crossed the line. They're responsible for Slavyansk bloodshed, he said.

Deaths and injuries were reported. Right Sector neo-Nazis are involved. So are Western Ukrainian law enforcement elements. They attacked pro-federalization protesters.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is a loyal imperial tool. He issued a meaningless statement through his spokesman saying:

He's "deeply concerned about the deteriorating situation in Eastern Ukraine and the growing potential for violent clashes."

He "stress(ed) that further disturbances will not serve the interests of any side."

"He therefore appeal(ed) to all sides to work towards calming the situation, adhere to the rule of law and exercise maximum restraint."

"The United Nations stands ready to continue to support a peaceful resolution to the current crisis facing Ukraine."

Forthrightness isn't Ban's long suit. Nor pointing fingers the right way. He's on the wrong side of history. He supports imperial Western policy. He violates his own sworn mandate doing so.

He's a model duplicitous secretary-general. Washington chose him for that reason.

Russia's Foreign Ministry issued a forthright statement. It called on Security Council and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OECD) to urgently address Eastern Ukrainian crisis conditions.

"We are demanding that the 'Maidan' protesters who overthrew Ukraine's legitimate president immediately stop a war against their own people and meet all their commitments under the February 21 agreement," it said.

"The western sponsors of 'maidan' protesters, especially those who put their signatures under the aforesaid agreement and also the United States who is standing behind them, are obliged to bridle their fosterlings, who have gone out of control, and make them distance themselves from neo-Nazis and other extremists; stop using weapons against the Ukrainian people and immediately start a real national dialogue, in which all regions will take an equal part, in the interests of an early and fundamental constitutional reform."

"A possibility to avert a civil war is now in the hands of the West."

Responsible Russian proposals fall on deaf ears. Washington prioritizes imperial conquest. Western media scoundrels march to the same drummer. So do Ukrainian propagandists.

The struggle for Ukraine's soul continues. It's ongoing. It just began. Resolution doesn't appear likely anytime soon. Possible civil war looms.

At risk is spilling it cross borders. Potential East/West confrontation could follow. It bears repeating what earlier articles stressed.

Ukraine's geopolitical crisis is the gravest since WW II. Tinder box conditions exist. Irresponsible US policy risks global war.

Resolving things diplomatically matter most. Doing so requires restoring Ukrainian democracy.

Odds for success look slim. Greater conflict looks likely. It remains to be seen what follows.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book is titled "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs Fridays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


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