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Project Camelot … Robbie Parker … Sandy Hook: Connect the Dots

April 4th, 2014

By Robert Singer

I have been writing about the Sandy Hook Conspiracy Paradox since Universal Pictures removed the movie “They Live” from the Internet. [1]

The Sandy Hook Conspiracy Paradox

The massacre, the worst school shooting in U.S. history, was staged by FEMA with crisis actors and made to look like a joint government-media operation false flag event. Furthermore, Adam Lanza, a scrawny, socially awkward 20-year old, mind controlled patsy, could not have shot 20 innocent children (and six adults) at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in less than five minutes, with an assault rifle [still in the trunk of his car] and handguns that his cheerful, self-reliant mother purchased for self-defense and target shooting, because [I repeat, he could not have shot anyone anywhere on December 14] according to the Social Security Death index, Lanza died the day before on December 13. [2]

However, a conspiracy involving the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the Newtown Bee doesn’t fly because someone from the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the Newtown Bee would have come forward and buzzed the real truth about what-really-happened.

"They Live” is the key to solving the paradox. Click here to watch a six-minute clip from the movie to understand why "They Live" is the solution to the paradox.

All of the people involved in Sandy Hook: the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the Newtown Bee, are humanoids that experience an alternate reality that we can't see because we don’t have “the right sunglasses.”

Note that the Sandy Hook massacre, the worst school shooting in U.S. history, could never have been a false-flag Hoax with crisis actors so Obama could get political support for a ban on assault weapons and water down the 2nd amendment.

Why? If the plan was to disarm American citizens by carrying out massacres like Sandy Hook, then you have to ask yourself, what’s the point? What are Americans doing during Obama’s full-scale attack on the 2nd amendment? Answer: They are arming themselves to the teeth.

* Colorado was flooded with a record 4,200 gun-buyer background requests. Gun sales surged after the Connecticut Massacre.

* The Colorado Bureau of Investigation says it set a new record for single-day background check submittals this past weekend.

* In San Diego, Northwest Armory gun store owner Karl Durkheimer said Saturday "was the biggest day we've seen in 20 years. Sunday will probably eclipse that." In southwest Ohio, from dawn to dusk, a Cincinnati gun show had a line of 400 people waiting to get in, said Joe Eaton of the Buckeye Firearms Association. [3]

Sandy Hook, like Aurora, Columbine and Tucson, was never a conspiracy about gun control or mental health; Sandy Hook was however, a conspiracy to instill fear, anxiety, apprehension and foster feelings of fear, resentment and rage in order to create negative energy. The controversy and the negative energy generated by the debate over the 2nd amendment was a conspiracy to make us believe in a conspiracy to take away our guns. The humanoid population feeds off the conflict, controversy and negative energy.

Project Camelot … Robbie Parker … Sandy Hook: Connect the Dots

For me The Sandy Hook Shooting HOAX and LIES - Robbie Parker Fake Actor video uploaded by Shannon Lemonds is the smoking gun that proves the Sandy Hook Hoax is a conspiracy to make you believe in a conspiracy. According to TheRicoman video, Sandy Hook Hoax: This Didn't Go as Planned, Robbie didn’t “pull it off” when he says: “You know if you are going to tell a lie, especially a big lie where you say that you are a grieving parent and your child died ohhh ... then you better pull it off.”

But in fact Robbie Parker did “pull it off.”

Robbie Parker wasn’t “caught off camera” laughing and smiling before he gives a “B” performance playing the part of a grieving parent. Parker’s performance started when he was "caught" laughing off camera and asking if he should read from the cue cards. Robbie Parker isn’t giving a "B" performance of a grieving parent; he is giving an "A" performance of a grieving parent giving a "B" performance of a grieving parent.

TheRicoman video is disinformation but keep in mind there is information in dis-information. The video has a connection to Project Camelot and Kerry Cassidy. Kerry and TheRicoman display the same Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) characteristic when they repeat the word “ok” throughout their speech. I claim TheRicoman1973 and Kerry Cassidy’s repeated use of the word “ok” is indicative of someone under the influence of mind control. You can read about the influence of NLP in the article Sandy Hook Hoax: Did It Go as Planned?

There are numerous videos on YouTube exposing Robbie Parker and the Sandy Hook Hoax. However, as of today, only the Shannon video has an advertisement. The ad is about a “Project Camelot in 2009” that no longer exists. [4]

Project Camelot is about aliens, alien abductions and the hidden truths behind conspiracies and the paranormal mysteries. [5]

Notice the header below. Shannon’s YouTube ad reads: THIS IS PROJECT CAMELOT [PROMO TRAILER] by ḰIḒṔṴJẶ ṖṜῼDṶḈṪIῼNṤ

To recap:

May 4, 2010
A PROMO TRAILER video about Project Camelot, when Bill and Kerry were still together, is uploaded by ḰIḒṔṴJẶ ṖṜῼDṶḈṪIῼNṤ

January 2010
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy decide to pursue different lines of research. Bill moves on to head up Project Avalon and Kerry became the sole head of Project Camelot.

December 14, 2012
1 year 4 months from today The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting takes place in Newtown CT.

One year ago
Shannon Lemonds, uploads the Sandy Hook Shooting HOAX and LIES - Robbie Parker Fake Actor video.

April 2 (today)
The only Robbie Parker Video that has a YouTube ad is Shannon Lemonds' version.

April 2 (today)
The ad is a PROMO TRAILER video about Project Camelot uploaded by ḰIḒṔṴJẶ ṖṜῼDṶḈṪIῼNṤ over 3 years ago.

What are the odds that Shannon Lemonds had a financial incentive when she placed an ad about Project Camelot on her Robbie Parker video?

What her YouTube ad does is link Sandy Hook to the “They Live” humanoids (aliens) that I claim are behind the Sandy Hook Hoax.

Kerry Cassidy … Robbie Parker … "They Live": Connect the Dots

Want to connect more dots?

Click here to read about a Kerry Cassidy and TheRicoman connection.

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle (rds2301@gmail.com)


[1] “They Live” is a movie about a nameless, unemployed drifter referred to as “Nada” (Roddy Piper) who discovers a special pair of sunglasses that allows him to see an alternate reality of a bleak world populated by humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces.

The movie was available to download for free since 2007. Read the following to find out what happened in the beginning of 2013 that caused Universal Studios to remove the movie on copyright grounds.

My Favorite Dog Tricks – Blocked by Youtube
“They Lived” at Sandy Hook
Yahu Answers!
EARLY CREATION Facebook Pages: Real, Fake or Really Fake
Negative Energy for Dummies

[2] Sandy Hook School Shooting: The Adam Lanza Death Certificate Conspiracy

[3] Gun background checks in 2012 shatter previous records in colorado - www.huffingtonpost.com/.../gun-background-checks-in-_n_248110... - Jan 15, 2013 – 2012 was a good year to be in the gun business in Colorado. ... The most recent spike in background check requests came in the immediate .... Colorado flooded with record 4200 gun-buyer background check requests after .

[4] From the About Us at the Project Camelot Website:

Kerry Lynn Cassidy is the CEO and co-Founder of Project Camelot. Project Camelot has been in operation for the past over 8 years and since January 2010 Kerry has been running Project Camelot on her own.

Special note: As of January 2010 Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy decided to pursue different lines of research. Bill moved on to head up Project Avalon and Kerry became the sole head of Project Camelot. They occasionally combine forces to work on various projects but primarily concentrate on their own projects.

Kerry conducts interviews documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as researchers and experiencers covering all aspects of reality both on and off planet. She speaks at conferences around the world on the subjects of ETs, the Illuminati agenda, mind control, the matrix, prophecies, Kundalini activation and more. Kerry is an intuitive and spent years researching the occult and studying Eastern philosophy. While spending dedicated time in meditation, she linked her chakras in her 20s and has had multiple samadhi experiences since then.

[From Tall Whites vs. Nordics and Aldebaran Visitors, Hellyer disclosure written by Kerry Cassidy on Jan 11, 2014]

Recently Sorcha Faal has taken the Paul Hellyer statements and twisted them to make it appear that the Tall Whites (a race who keep largely to themselves) and are described very well and extensively in the CHARLES HALL BOOKS: http://www.millennialhospitality.com/, are the same race as those known as the Nordics. This is incorrect.

The race known as the Tall Whites is a completely different race than the Nordics often called Tall Blonds by some. This is an important disctinction and should not be confused as is done whether inadvertantly or more likely purposefully by Sorcha Faal (whatdoesitmean.com). In Sorcha's article he/she talks about a race of beings that is working with the U.S. governement (the secret government) and the two governments reportedly mentioned by Edward Snowden operating in America (one secret one what I call "surface"). While this part is quite true, the secret government in both the U.S. and Russia, China and other countries as well are ALL working with various races of beings including the Greys, Reptilians (of many types), Draco, Raptors (see my interview with Navy Captain Mark Richards for more on this), Tall Whites, Nordics (of many types) and more. Some of these races are friendly and have shall we say service to others, well meaning goals but many are what we call service to self and are not friendly (although they may pretend to be) and have some very self-serving even detrimental to humanity at large intentions such as invasion and takeover.

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