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The Lessons of Ukraine and Russia: A Readjustment for Survival

December 2nd, 2013

DENNIS MASON interview of Lyndon LaRouche

DENNIS MASON: Good evening; it's Friday, November 29, 2013. This is our weekly broadcast of the Friday night webcast with Mr. LaRouche. My name is Dennis Mason. Joining me in the studio tonight is Jason Ross. We will be posing a series of questions to Mr. LaRouche. Lyn, we'll dive right in.

The first question comes from an institutional contact around Washington, DC, which I will read. He writes: "Mr. LaRouche, with the Thanksgiving holiday past, every member of Congress seeking re-election is now in the active phase of campaigning. The Glass-Steagall issue remains a prominent issue with growing support within the American population, among state legislators, and in Congress.

The recent speech by Senator Elizabeth Warren highlighting her Senate bill to re-instate Glass-Steagall was well received and widely publicized. At this point, the only clear opposition to Glass-Steagall is coming from Wall Street and from the Obama White House. What is your advice to members of the Congress? How do you see the Glass-Steagall fight in the coming days? What kind of timeframe do you see for its passage? How will President Obama respond?"

LYNDON LAROUCHE: I wouldn't worry too much about President Obama. I think the gentleman is on the way out; and it's a question of when the delivery of his removal is going to occur. The more interesting thing nowadays, is sudden shifts from a regional situation such as the United States or the trans-Atlantic region.

On the other hand, what we're actually dealing with is a global process with many aspects of complexities, but they all boil down to one general process of what is converging on a single effect. Were headed for a struggle over a complete new definition of the planet Earth — civilization. You cannot break it down to independent elements which are going to coalesce, or bounce against each other. You have to realize that what's happened, for example, in Ukraine. Now the Ukraine operation, which is now, you have a process in which the European euro system is about to disintegrate, and part of this thing is the effect of the Ukraine. The Ukraine is a pivot, because the reality as Ukraine has understood, they cannot deal with a system on a local unit kind of thing; not one nation with another. This is a process. What you have is, Germany is probably on the way out of the European Union, or something to that effect. We have the entire region — you have first of all the Ukraine is on a special degree. The Ukraine cannot accept the European proposal because it would be a death knell for the Ukraine. So the Ukraine is now moving in a separate direction together with Russia and with others. And this thing is being connected all the way across the Pacific coast.

This also, the U.S. situation is determined by the interaction with this. What you've got is, you've got an international system which is an imperial system centered around the Anglo-Dutch empire. And this system of this Anglo-Dutch empire, of which the United States is only a part, is in a process of disintegration. We have at the same time a breakdown in terms of the relationship of our policy, our national policy in this process. In other words, the United States is not really that independent in the process. The trend is to move to an Eurasian orientation, which probably will draw in Germany, and if so, it will also involve Switzerland and Austria and so forth. So we're looking at a grand scheme underway, the exact conclusion, the way it's going to sort out, is not predetermined. But you can probably with a good deal of guessing and understanding, particularly if you are an international traveler you may pick these things up more quickly than living in one country or two countries.

So the Obama factor is almost predetermined under present trends to be thrown out of office. And everything is being set up in a pattern which converges on the idea that Obama is going to be thrown out of office. And we have new developments every day in that direction. So the problem of trying to answer that question is that the question itself is no longer relevant. We have new kinds of conditions, and there's a voluntary effort in this involved. Nations are being presented as nations or temporarily nations or whatever to try out some options; and what they're doing generally is going against options that are not acceptable to them.

And so by deduction or reduction, Ukraine is now going back to be part of Russia — not entirely that, but that's the direction it's going in. This is going to other parts of Asia which is going to also roll up in this same direction. And you have the euro system is about to be chopped up; it's not viable. Spain is not viable in its present form; Portugal is not viable. Italy has a quasi-viable aspect, but it's not totally viable. What's happened to Greece is a crime, and so on and so on. Everything is changing on a global basis. You cannot take these cases one at a time. You can talk about them from a one at a time basis, but you cannot define them in terms of a one at a time case, or even if you pair them. What is happening between the Ukraine and Russia, which has a reaction against it from Western Europe, is part of the picture. So everything goes on a countdown.

If Ukraine were to accept being gobbled up by Western Europe, Ukraine's population would go through a death spiral. So everything is interlocked, more or less intensely, and this thing is going to change from day to day, week to week. The world as a whole is in an upheaval in which the parts are in a sense interacting as if they were one process. It's a global process. There may be parts that are on the edges of the fringes of the operation, but in general this thing is going. The present system is finished. The present global system will no longer exist; something new will emerge. What is not certain is what is going to emerge with what. But this is a wild-eyed situation, and there are no simple explanations available; except that the world in its present form is bankrupt.

And Ukraine is opposing being gobbled by Western Europe because they couldn't live under those conditions. And that's the kind of process you're getting. So, simple explanations, simple motives, simple kinds of schemes don't mean much anymore. This is a new world order, and we don't know yet know — even approximately — what the outcome is going to be.

JASON ROSS: Well, I was going to ask you about Ukraine, but I think you already answered my question. I'm going to go through this anyway, and then ask you a follow-up on a similar subject. For those who aren't aware about this, during the last week, Ukraine stunned many people — although it didn't surprise people in the know — when it did not move forward on agreement on association with the European Union.

This was a decision that the Ukraine made a week ago. This agreement would have been signed today actually at a meeting of EU Eastern European nations. However, Ukraine's Prime Minister Azarov, invoking national security interests, said they would not accede to this deal with the EU, which would have forced the Ukrainian markets open under the ominously named "deep and comprehensive free trade agreement." Seems like being buried very deep underground.

The closer alliance with these disastrous EU policies would be a death sentence for many in the Ukraine who already, their markets are already 60% made up of imports — a lot of that just since their joining of the WTO which was five years ago. Instead, they are pushing for closer ties to the Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan customs union which would strengthen their ability to grow. The head of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine you are very familiar with, Natalya Vitrenko, she explained that Ukraine's exports to Russia are 60% finished goods, and their exports to the EU are 18% finished goods; meaning that the EU has a relationship with the Ukraine of importing raw materials from them. And she views joining the EU more closely in this manner being like a form of EU colonialism.

Some have pointed out, including President Putin and others, that why would anyone in their right mind want to join the European Union economic policy right now? You've got an increasing number of nations in the European Union have youth unemployment over 40%. Why would you want to join a 1200-page agreement with them on economics? Putin did point out that the unemployment in the Russian Federation is about 5.3%. So maybe you'd like to say more on this, but what you just said about Germany and orienting towards the East, would you like to say more on this? OK, good.
LAROUCHE: Well that's part of it. The point is, you have to really look at history in a longer term than recent events in order to understand this one. What you had is, you had a process which I was involved in, in a number of ways. I was involved in organizing, which is one of the reasons why I got into big trouble. We were organizing a collaboration between what is now the former Soviet Union and the United States and others, which is what became known as the Strategic Defense Initiative. And this has a long prehistory to it as well.

So what happened is the British and others moved in by killing President John F. Kennedy. What they did is, they began to move in a way to break up physical economies, and that led into the disintegration of the Soviet Union. But in this process, like the Ukraine and Russia and so forth, Belarus and so forth, what happened is that it was not a natural collapse of Russia, or of parts of what had been the Soviet Union. It was actually a different kind of collapse; it was an organized collapse. So today you still have the relics in the relationship between Ukraine and Russia for example, which is crucial in this case, is that actually the separation of Ukraine from Russia was forced on these nations, and meant crushing their productive capabilities. Now the Ukraine is going back, knowing that the European system is collapsing, which makes everything worse throughout Europe.

They're now going back to reconcile because they know in Ukraine that they were going to back into production because they're going to be employed, their income is going to come from things that are productive — actual product, not these fictitious gambling games, money games. So the point is that what you're having is a natural development, a natural coalition from central Europe, which may include Germany, because Germany does not want to be part of the euro system. It can't survive as part of the euro system. It has the same problem that Ukraine would have, the same kind of thing. So what you've got now, is you've a process which is leading into a reorganization of the type that I've been talking about. What you have is a world which presently, at the present moment, is divided between what? On the one hand, the Asian part of the world, going across the Pacific, that's one part of the world. And all the nations that are involved in that in greater Asia; that's one thing.

That is what can survive. Right now, the United States is disintegrating; the British economy disintegrating; the French economy; the Italian economy. Spain has collapsed, and so forth and so on. So therefore, you're at a non-survivable policy now. The United States policy now is a non-survivable policy. Europe is a non-survivable part of the world, and one part, Germany, is now being pulled into by a big suction draw into moving in the direction of the reunification in fact of practice between Russia and Ukraine. And the resumption of those relations as now in the form of so-called special trade relations, has now created a defense basis of defending that part of Europe and Germany if they want to come along.

It's going to have a relatively protected development, whereas the area to the west, that is France, England and so forth across the Atlantic is now under its present conditions doomed, unless we in the United States do something to connect in cooperation with the Asian complex, or the Eurasian complex. So now the fate is being dictated to us by reality, not much by choices. People find themselves taking the pathway of least problem or optimal problem, as in this case. And the whole planet, which is about ready to go into a general economic financial collapse, the entire planet is now moving to try to find some sections that can live together and survive this process. And that's what happened Spain, Portugal, large parts of Africa and so forth, these parts are right in the area with the United States right now, in the doom category.

And only by dumping Obama and what he represents, and dumping Wall Street, which is much more important in this, only the dumping of Wall Street can save the existence of the United States now. And that option, what has happened with the Ukraine, Russia, etc. complex, which touches Germany and so forth, this now becomes the option of reality for the United States itself. If we don't make that kind of choice, which means dumping Obama immediately, this United States economy is finished.


Read the full transcript at: http://larouchepac.com/node/29048

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