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Healthcare Solution: Eliminate the Middleman.

October 8th, 2013

"Tony Soldo"

Obamacare is not socialized medical Heathcare, it is Capitalized Heathcare.

Obamacare will increase the profits of all healthcare corporations, with insurance companies being the biggest winner.

Every single person will become an unwilling consumer of health insurance.

This is a Capitalist's dream come true.

The simplest and best solution to the healthcare issue is a Nationalized, Single Payer Health Care system, NHS.

Instead of continuing a three party system (health care provider, consumer patient, and insurance company), simply eliminate the third part of the equation, the insurance company.

Why permit a middleman corporation (insurance company) to stand between the buyer and seller of healthcare goods and services? Why continue a corrupt system where people purchase health care products or services (doctor visits, tests, operations, hospital visits, rehab, drugs,etc...) and then the insurance company negotiates with the health care provider, and both sides realize enormous profits, as the costs keep skyrocketing.

A Nationalized, Single Payer Healthcare System, NHS, would simply eliminate the middleman, the insurance companies, and the health care providers would send the bill for the doctor visit, test, operation, rehab, and drug, to the government agency, and they would simply send the pre-priced amount to the health care provider.

Setting and controlling all health care costs is the key to a system that must benefit all people, not just the few elite businessmen who operate within all healthcare corporations.

Every single company and corporation that is directly or indirectly involved in the health care industry, from insurance, to hospitals, to labs, to drugs, etc,...

Every one, is a for profit corporation that has million of stockholders who are buying and selling their shares everyday to increase their personal wealth, and they demand that the people running theses health care companies, increase profits, and those people running those corporations, like all people running all corporations, reward themselves millions of dollars annually, in salary, bonuses, stock shares, and retirement benefits.

That is the biggest reason for our out of control health care costs in the USA.

A Nationalized or even Global healthcare system, a single payer system, will work for the benefit of all people, not just the few privileged ones.

"Where's the money going to come from?" Will say the opposers.

"The government is going to tax me even more!" Will say the resisters.

"This is socialism, communism! this is not free market capitalism! this is not American freedom!" Will say the Tea Partiers.

The solution is so obvious that you may be embarrassed that you were not aware of it for your whole life.

The money to fund the NHS, National Single Payer Healthcare System... will come from...

The money you have been paying to your insurance company, so you won't even miss it, and as for the rising costs of health care, there will be a reset and standard price control.

But, instead of having to work for a large corporation to be able to afford healthcare, each and every person will be taxed through paycheck deductions, as they are now, and if you don't work you receive all healthcare for free.

While this may seem extreme, this will encourage our representatives to actually create more jobs for the people, instead of creating more profits for the corporations on Wall Street.

They may actually force the corporations to hire people in their own towns to work and get paid a living wage, rather than outsource jobs or ship in workers for minimal pay.

The only other tax law change would be applied to everyone making over $50,000 a year and up.

An additional 5% tax on all income before any deductions or write offs, to be paid directly to the NHS, National Healthcare System.

Don't worry, the doctors and staff and all workers within the healthcare industry will continue to earn the same pay, but the investors and CEOs of all healthcare corporations will not be receiving any more compensation, for they will be no more.

Because Healthcare products and services from the provider to the patient will be paid directly to the provider from the government, the corporation will be obsolete and be eliminated.

No more lobbyists bribing our representatives in Washington DC, no more Big Pharma reps bribing our doctors to push their drugs, no more deaths due to undiagnosed diseases, or refusal of treatment.

Remove the temptation of bribery and excessive profiteering, and allow the system to function as a beneficial way to improve the well being of all people without the lure of profits to obscure and blind those within the healthcare industry and within our government.

People over profits.

This will work so well, the people will be demanding their representatives in Washington DC, to Nationalize other industries like Energy, Oil, and Banks.

Eliminate the Middleman.


Tony Soldo www.Facebook.com/TonySoldo=

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