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Trans-Pacific Partnership – Is It Really that Bad?

May 13th, 2013

By Tracy Turner

If you read the statement of SIFMA on Japan negotiations in the TPP, then look at exactly what (not who, but what) SIFMA represents – it gives you a feel for TPP expanding the ‘rights’ of securities firms, banks and asset managers. In plain English, TPP expands the rights of the uber rich and reduces the rights of the ordinary. SIFMA Statement on Japan Joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership. ... "that for a 21 st century ... should remain an integral part of our current trade agenda." ... In very plain English, Japanese TEPCO, which built 150 nuclear reactors on top of a volcano, should enjoy a bill of rights that strips you and I of our Bill of Rights...

Most Americans do not bother looking at the official positions and talking points of Green Peace and the Sierra Club on TPP. The Sierra Club's introduction paragraph: "An Explosion of Fracking? One of the dirtiest secrets of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement. The United States is quietly negotiating an expansive trade agreement with ten other countries that could dramatically increase exports of liquefied natural gas to overseas markets without any domestic oversight. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement, therefore, could increase dirty fracking and carbon emissions; put sensitive ecological areas at risk; and increase natural gas and electricity prices, impacting consumers, manufacturers, workers, and increasing the use of dirty coal power". More Here by Sierra Club. Read GreenPeace New Zealands' position on TPP.

Read Trans-Pacific Partnership: Agenda 21 Meets Global Corporate Takeover – by Susanne Posel of Occupy Corporatism here: Trans-Pacific Partnership: Agenda 21. Also this Naked Capitalism article sheds some light on TPP.

The Teamsters Union is calling TPP the largest trade deal in human history. The Communications Workers of America and 23 Senators sent President Obama a letter asking him to protect Communication Workers Jobs in America. Is TPP the new way for Democrats to fund election bids (replace labor unions with Asian multinational campaign donors) and fund re-election in political races? Are the Democrats essentially selling out American products, jobs, unions, workers, people and consumers rights to Asia in return for Asian campaign money? Are the Democrats and Republicans selling Free Speech rights away in return for fat checks from Asia into their campaign coffers?

The fact that most of TPP (other than one leaked chapter, TPP Investment Chapter) remains shrouded in secrecy in America cannot bode well for the middle class and those struggling with financial chaos in our post-9/11 security-industrial complex. Americans do not have their rights protected by our government in secret meetings by “trade representatives” who only represent big business. Obama, the Congress and the courts appear neck deep in a secret plot to give the rights of the American people to Asian businessman with fat checkbooks.

What will TPP mean for the average Canadian, American or Mexican (NAFTA citizens)? Further degradation of good jobs in the job market, worsening income inequality, polluted ecosystems with depleted natural resources and weakened social services. Long term, TPP will mean less schools, libraries, hospitals and emergency rooms, less firemen and less police. TPP will ultimately push a paradigm shift of pay-per-use of police and fire services. NAFTA caused such a paradigm shift but on a smaller scale; TPP will cause a massive shift of poorer people paying more for 'social' services.

Like NAFTA, TPP is showing the bait of "trickle down" economics which will rapidly be replaced by the hook of decades of personal liberties and economic erosion of ordinary persons. In Mexico, Canada and the US, 30-50% of the countries workforce will probably end up in menial, unstable and/or part time jobs. People's lives will be lived precariously with money running out well before the next paycheck. Politicians and Asian business people will be those who fare well under TPP.

The small amount of news coverage on US news, BBC and the larger Internet news websites frequently applaud TPP or hide its downside. The website Americanexpatchiangmai.com shows many activists protesting against TPPcalls the TPP a triple threat, threatening: “free speech, Internet privacy and due process”. It is a no-brainer to add massive Internet Censorship (in addition to current) to the preceding three threats.

Raul Burbano, Kristen Beifus and Manuel Pérez-Rocha wrote this article: Facing the Threat of the Trans-Pacific Treaty. This 'treaty' excludes the residents of all of the countries involved - it is a Kleptocracy/Oligarchy/Plutarchy treaty.

So which is the greater or lesser evil, losing free speech and Constitutional rights? Losing financial and socio-economic well being? Or having Asian Pharmaceutical companies represented by three attornies who do not care if defective Asian drugs killed or maimed you or a family member?

According to the AFL-CIO, the NAFTA trade agreement cost Americans 700,000 jobs. NAFTA, CAFTA and TPP are high water marks for Corporatism and Globalism. Deals like TPP lock the entire country into a deal that generally benfits the Monsanto-like corporations and hurts individuals. These deals frequently lead to environmental degradation (over-fishing, over-logging, mining with Cyanide or Lead Arsonate above watersheds, etc.). These deals often hurt native, indiginous people the most (here in the US, these deals will probably ressurect Uranium mining on Indian reservations).

TPP is scheduled to have final 17th round negotitation talks in Canada in July. TPP will replace the ACLU, the AFL-CIO, US EPA, the USDA and US Food and Drug administration with a three-lawyer tribunal ruling 40% of Earth's inhabitants. No room for corruption, there, either.

The US Trade Deficit has alreay hit astronomically high numbers and this TPP agreement will put America into even more foreign debt while destroying American people’s rights, jobs and overall well-being. Trade deficit will exceed one-trillion dollars in the first 1-2 years of TPP. The carrot is the same carrot promised under NAFTA – trickle down economics. The reality is that the Bill of Rights for 40% of the planet is being replaced by a multinational corporation ‘Bill of Rights’…

Watch the video and just imagine Canada and Japan filling their swimming pools full of New Zealand milk... During the Vietnam War, people in many countries, people became vivid, vital antiwar and ecological activists. The public intolerance for war, mapalm, agent orange and for government secrecy became the new normal.

Circa 2000-2014, the new normal is that it is okay for a three-attorney tribunal to rule 40% of the planet like Uber-Kings, as long as Chrysler can sell a few cars in Tokyo and no Canadian swimming pools are filled with New Zealand milk... Read more on TPP here.


Tracy Turner was born into two extended families of bookworms - one horticultural and one petroleum industry. Semi-retired from IT and Botanical Garden Plant Propagation, his main interest are science, news, politics national and world events. Urges anyone to ask several IT professionals about web censorship; which is becoming rampant. Twitter, Facebook and Myspace are not free speech - they are places of monitoring, censoring and personal data harvesting. If you love freedom, become active in free speech and freedom of the press activism.

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