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Caught red-handed

March 11th, 2013

By Khalid Amayreh in occupied Palestine

It is fairly certain by now that Arafat Jaradat, who died earlier this week at an Israel jail, was tortured to death by his murderous interrogators.

An Israeli propaganda effort to dilute the issue and create an impression of ambiguity surrounding the incident seems to have failed to dispel the damning evidence corroborating the torture hypothesis.

The autopsy performed on the innocent victim's body showed unmistakable signs of physical torture, including lacerations, internal bleeding, broken limbs as well as scars of violent beating and muscle tear.

Besides, the indecisive tone of Israeli denials strongly suggests a certain foul play and that Israel has something to hide.

Israeli officials have not completely denied any wrong doings, contenting themselves with reiterating a general statement that "it is too early to determine the exact causes of Jaradat's death."

In fact, the unspoken reactions of the Netanyahu government and Shin Bet seem to look like this: "Yes we have killed him, so what? No one can tell us what to do; we tell others what to do and what not to do."

This probably summarizes the true Israeli reflexes in such circumstances, reflexes that would be blurred with some diplomatic jargons or verbal prevarication.

Imagine, just imagine, the huge outcry Jewish and Zionist circles would make if a Jew was killed under torture in a given country. The Israeli foreign ministry, Congress and even the White House and State Department would leave no stone unturned in order to highlight the ugliness of :the "anti-Semitic" incident. The shipyard dogs of the Zionist hasbara machine would make the imagined Jewish victim a household name all over the world.

However, the generally weak reactions by the international community to the ostensibly cold-blooded murder of an innocent man caricatures a shockingly hypocritical and unethical world whose behaviors are driven by power politics rather than considerations of justice and morality.

Take for example the reactions of the U.S. , Israel 's guardian ally. The American government, while refraining from issuing a strong condemnation of Jaradat's murder, urged "both sides" to exercise restraint. Needless to say, the skewed statement would have us believe that there is a certain moral symmetry between the Palestinian victims and their Israeli murderers and tormentors.

It is really sad that the U.S. , a political, military and economic superpower, is proving to be , once again, a moral dwarf.

By the way, this is not the first time Israel tortures Palestinian inmates to death. In fact, Israel has always resorted to this criminal conduct. I remember when I was 15 years of age when the body a local villager, named Salem Safi, was returned to his family with broken bones and muscle tears. That was in 1972. Indeed, it is widely believed that more than 250Palestinian were murdered to death by Israeli torturers.

Now, more than 40 years later, Israel is the same Israel, a country that adopts a modus operandi of murder and lie toward the Palestinian people. Its "justice" system sanctions torture, especially when the victim is non-Jewish.

I hope the people of conscience all over the world will strongly condemn the latest crime. I hope the free media in the world will highlight the crime. This is because the Palestinian community depends to a large extent on the good will of the world for its survival and steadfastness in the face of the Nazi-like state whose soldiers shoot and murder Palestinian school children and then claim a few hours later that they only fired into the air.

In any case, Israeli behavior is perfectly compatible with Zionist ethics, which are based on racism, criminality, and mendacity. In a certain sense, this Zionist evilness vindicates the view that Israel's demise won't be far away. Brutal, ruthless, and murderous states usually have a short life, and Israel will be no exception.

Before concluding this piece, I would like to illustrate another "incident" epitomizing the unparalleled humanity and magnanimity of "the chosen people."

A few days ago, a number of Jewish women ganged up on an Arab woman from East Jerusalem who was waiting at the railway station there. The female beasts beat the peaceable woman and removed here scarf, a dishonorable act in the Palestinian culture.

Many Jews, including security personnel, were looking on, probably enjoying the seen.

I know if this incident were to take place in France and the victim was Jewish, France in its entirety would be mobilized to condemn the savage act.

However, when Jews are the evil doers, and when helpless Palestinians are the victims, everyone seems to be so silent and so relaxed.

Meanwhile, much of the media continues to speak of a civilized world….and even Israel is shamelessly incorporated into that "civilized" world despite her nefarious sins and genocidal crimes.


By Khalid Amayreh in occupied Palestine
Source: The Palestinian Information Center



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