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Beware of the Antichristians

June 20th, 2012

Tony Soldo

When I proclaim that soldiers do not kill or die for my freedom, only Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose again, so that I may be free and live forever, I am simply stating my personal belief.

Everyone must find their own personal belief system to live by, even if you say you believe in nothing, that is a belief system, and you must hold tightly to it, or another belief system will replace it.

I do not mean to Torpedo/Drone strike the whole anti-war movement by using the dreaded "J" word.

Maybe the anti-war movement is more useless and meaningless than it appears, when it reacts so aggressively to any mention of Jesus Christ.

I do understand why this is, based on the history of so called Christians who have mass-murdered in the name of Jesus, and caused so much pain, suffering, division, and destruction, to so many innocent people around the world, but these mass-murdering war-mongering, people were false Christians, everyone of them.

They did the opposite of what Jesus said.

They were the Antichristians.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.

For the record; the words, teachings, and commands, found in the New Testament Gospels, clearly demand a follower of Jesus Christ to Love everyone, and harm no one, and to treat everyone as you want to be treated, and to help, feed, clothe, house, and care for, all humans in need, and forgive, bless, and pray for, your enemies.

Jesus never said to be a good American and serve your country, and He doesn't want you to worship the Flag either.

I am a follower of my Lord God, King, and Saviour; Jesus Christ, and a citizen of His Kingdom, not of this world.

If the 2 Billion humans on our small home called planet Earth, who call themselves Christians, actually read and believed the words, teachings, and commands, of their Lord and Saviour; Jesus Christ, there would be less wars and less poverty, because there would be 2 billion people NOT killing other people, in wars, or at home, on the streets, and those 2 billion people would be helping, feeding, clothing, and caring for all the needy people in the world, instead of hurting them through the Satanic system of capitalism.

They are the Antichristians.

My message to all Christians:

If you cannot follow the commands of our Lord Jesus to not be violent towards His creation, I will pray for you, but do not try to turn the teachings of Jesus into some excuse for war and violence.

It is a hard, narrow road to follow Jesus Christ, and I pray that you can stay on it, but you must accept that the ways of Jesus is the way of pacifism and peace.

Non-Christians should teach Christians to follow the words and commands of Jesus, by pointing out the message of peace and love that Jesus came to give all of us.

Even Gandhi understood this fact, when he said, "I like your Christ, I don't like your Christians, your Christians act nothing like your Christ."

Here are the Teachings of Jesus Christ:

The Sermon on the Mount

The Golden Rule

The Two Commandments

Do to the Least of my Brothers

I'll try to refocus the anti-war movement.

The rich old men who trick your children to join the biggest street gang in the world; the US military, and control all media to brainwash you to support the children as they kill and die for corporate profits, will never ever stop doing what they do, on their own, and the best way to slow down their agenda of total global enslavement and destruction is to convince the children to not join the military.

Making being a soldier unacceptable, despicable, and uncool in our culture and society, is the best way to end all wars.

"Without soldiers, wars would be impossible." A. Einstein.

Peace, Love, Jesus!


Tony Soldo is a Christian Pacifist Anarchist, and a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, ruled only by Jesus Christ. www.Facebook.com/TonySoldo=

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