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So why are they so awesomely beautiful?

May 28th, 2011

Raymond Ponzini

Colombians have a genetic heritage dating back some 500 years. They are predominantly descended from two groups of genetically diverse peoples: the Spanish who had survived an arduous journey across the Atlantic and a hundred mile trek through the Amazon jungle, and the indigenous South American Indians who had lived and developed in the ideal conditions of the southern hemisphere for some 10,000 years. Today 50% of Colombians are mestizo, which is a mixture of white, Spanish, and Indian ancestry. 25% are white, 20% are mulattoes, 4% are black, and 1% percent are Indians.

Perhaps the most important factor influencing the genetics of the southern hemisphere and Colombia is the equatorial sun. The energy of the sun at that latitude effects physical development and greatly enhances the nutritional quality of food. Typically the Colombian diet consists of a wide variety of fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables, fish, chicken, and beef, with very little canned food and fast food. In general Colombians have not been exposed to as many toxins as those living in the northern hemisphere.

Although there has been an ongoing revolution in Colombia for the past 65 years, many Colombian cities and towns are safer to live in than some American cities. Colombia is a relatively small country with a population of 45 million people, as compared to America’s 308 million.

The Hollywood standard of beauty does not apply to the women of Colombia. Of course there are beautiful American women, and beautiful women throughout South America and the world. The Colombian woman is unique both physically, culturally and perhaps also psychologically. When comparing the characteristics that quantify beauty, its plain to see why Colombian women are popular, and many Colombian women retain their beauty well into their forties and fifties.

Colombian women are genetically blessed with excellent bone structure and proportionate figures. They have well distributed areas of fat and muscle on their legs and backsides, or 'colas', as Colombians say. Their figures are often accentuated by slim flat mid sections, narrow shoulders, and beautifully curved full hips. Although they are often full breasted they do not tend to have large upper bodies like many western women. Possibly the introduction of hormones and steroids in meat products has made western women 'man-like'. BPA, a chemical widely used in plastic drinking bottles, and the resins that line cans, infant formula containers, and other consumer products. It has been shown to disrupt the hormonal system. BPA leads to reproductive defects as well as brain damage, cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes.

Colombians prefer proportionate toned women rather than muscular bodybuilders with little body fat. Generally Colombian women don't exercise very intensely, if they exercise at all. Many are naturally beautiful without doing anything. There are Colombian women with blond, brown, red, and auburn hair, and a large percentage with thick straight black hair. Most have dark eyes that vary from black to honey colored. With their beautiful skin tones of brown, light reddish brown, light brown, olive, and white, they are breathtaking in appearance and some would argue, unrivaled.

Americans drink water polluted with unhealthy levels of chemicals and contaminants. The chemicals most frequently discovered in high volumes were trihalomethanes, which consist of four different cleaning byproducts, one of which is chloroform. Many trihalomethanes are believed to be carcinogenic. The national average for the number of chemicals found in cities' water exceeding health guidelines is four. North Las Vegas has a total of 26 contaminants including an extremely high level of uranium, compared with a national average of eight.

Because of the Fukishima nuclear catastrophe and dozens of leaking nuclear reactors across the United States radiation has been detected in the drinking water of 13 US cities.

Mercury pollution is typically present in the drinking water of highly industrialized civilizations. It is also used by America as a preservative in vaccines called Thimerosal. Mercury is extremely toxic and deteriorates the kidneys and nervous system, impairs hearing, speech, vision and gait, causes involuntary muscle movements, corrodes skin and mucous membranes, and causes chewing and swallowing to become difficult. Reductions in intelligence due to mercury exposure affect between 316,500 and 637,200 American children each year. Mercury comes from industrial processes, agricultural processes, household, commercial and medical products, sewage discharge, sediment, batteries and is used extensively in the chemical industry.

In addition, fluoride is intentionally added to municipal water supplies in America. Fluoride is a cancer causing neurotoxin first used in Russian gulags and then later in Nazi concentration camps. It dulls the mind and makes people suggestible and easy to control. Fluoride causes the severe disruption and decomposition of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. It damages the teeth causing
fluorosis, chalky white spots on the teeth.

Colombians have enjoyed clean water and food under the equatorial sun for many generations whereas the American food supply has been corrupted with cancer causing GMO's, Glyphosfates, aluminum oxides from chemtrailing, Mercury from industrial processes, and radiation. The entire country is inundated daily with radiation from Fukishima, and California, which produces the majority of organic food is taking the brunt of the radiation blown in from the Pacific.

In high tech modern industrialized countries, there are numerous forms of radiation and electromagnetic disturbances. Electromagnetic fields and radio-frequency RF fields affect living things. General health effects reviews explores possible carcinogenic, reproductive and neurological effects. The typically acknowledged sources of exposure are radar traffic devices, wireless communications with cellular phones, radio transmission, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). There is also radiation from domestic Electric-powered appliances, which produce an electromagnetic field (EMF) known as Extremely Low-Frequency radiation (ELF). ELF is harmful to your health. Many kinds of home appliances also produce radio-frequency EMF. Some of those are: cordless phones, wireless baby monitors, wireless doorbells, wireless intercom systems, wireless routers, wireless modems, computers (if operated in wireless mode), wireless networking equipment, wireless gaming equipment. In fact, most of us live in a sea of electromagnetic radiation, produced by the appliances and devices in our homes.

A lifetime of exposure to chemicals, pollutants, and radiation impairs physical and psychological development, causing men to become impotent and women to become menopausal in their early thirties and forties. Americans now have much lower fertility and sperm counts, as compared with fifty years ago, and many can't have children.

America has been a puritanical religious culture from it's inception, where sex and sexuality have always been frowned on. The culture is also extremely materialistic. Americans are bombarded from infancy with commercial advertisements telling them if they use the right toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, or drive a new car, they will be popular, liked, and even loved. The media promotes values based on monetary worth and superficial outward appearance. In this environment the majority of men are seen as inadequate. On women's talk shows women lament that 'all the good men are taken'. Hollywood considers a good man to be young, rich, and good looking which eliminate 99% of men.

In South American cultures, far from religious repression and Hollywood, sex is looked upon as a necessity, like food or water and sex is one of the joys of life. In America, because of the toxic environment women have low libidos and little desire or need for men. In fact the problem is so serious the United States government has, in a desperate attempt to maintain the population, opened the flood gates allowing tens of millions of people, mostly men, to immigrate to America. Now the competition for a smaller percentage of healthy attractive women is greater.

Although men find Colombian women to be irresistibly beautiful they don’t fully appreciate the cultural differences between Colombian women and American or European women. Colombia has no real Social Security system and no public health care. Minimum wage is between $250 and $300 each month. Colombian woman are very romantic and want to be loved and appreciated, and financial security is also very important to them. This is typical of all women except the most financially successful and they want to find their financial equal.

Colombian women rarely speak English or any language other than highland Colombian Spanish and if a man wants to be with them he will need to learn Spanish. Although there is revolution and poverty in Colombia the Colombian people are the happiest people in the world.and most Colombian women don’t want to leave their Amazonian country under the sun. If one truly wants to share their life with one of these exotic women it may be necessary to live in Colombia.

Colombian men are the physical psychological counterparts of their amazing women and probably don’t like Americans or foreigners in general stealing their women. Foreign men have big financial and cultural obstacles to overcome if they want to be with Colombian woman, considered by many to be the most beautiful women in the world.


by Raymond Ponzini

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