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Egypt: Another colored revolution or a people’s revolution

February 15th, 2011

Frank Koeksal

A lot has been said about the events that have unfolded in the Middle East and in particular Egypt over the last few weeks. Shades of another coloured revolution in a similar form that took place in the former Soviet Republics has been mused about in the various corporate owned mainstream media. Nothing, though has been reported about the intelligence communities’ contribution to these coloured revolutions and for that matter the events in the Middle East.

At first glance it is quite remarkable to observe the events that are unfolding and have unfolded in Egypt as the Egyptian people try to severe the shackles of servitude to a dictatorial regime. However, is everything that we are seeing on the main stream media news outlets as it really appears? What we do know is that Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s strong man for over 30 years, was supported by the US through various intelligence agencies. Mubarak has passed the torch of power to his Vice President Omar Suleiman. Mr. Suleiman was the go to man by the CIA for various clandestine and covert operations in the region including CIA rendition sites. In other words Suleiman appears to be a “company man”. Now the military is in control in Cairo and with that the military has suspended the Egyptian Constitution and forbidden strikes and public gatherings. Some revolution, some change, some democratic reform.

Couple the above with Mohamed ElBaradie’s arrival on the Egyptian scene. Now here is an interesting case. Mr. ElBaradie left his country in the late sixties taking on various positions within diplomatic circles. The most famous of which is a head of the UN atomic watch dog agency, you know the same agency that is looking into Iran’s obligations under the NNPT. Are we to believe the EBaradie just happened to be in Egypt when the people began to rise up and that this diplomat seized the reigns of change in order to facilitate democracy? Or are we to believe, as some alternative media outlets have reported, that this man was parachuted into Cairo as another asset in case the military power struggle did not yield its intended result.

Recently Henry Kissinger was asked about the events in Egypt, his response was rather cryptic as per usual but also very insightful. Dr. Kissinger suggested that these events are the first scene in the first chapter of a long book. What could this man, a charter member of the CFR, Trilateral commission and esteemed guest at Bilderberg mean?

There are indications to suggest that Mubarak, may not have gone along with his intelligence agency master plan to antagonize Iran and possibly lead Egypt into direct confrontation with Iran. This in fact may also account why upheavals are taking place in other Sunni Arab nations. There is no doubt that the current White House Administrations favours the foreign policy view points of Zbigniew Brzezinski over that of the Bush Neocons. Dr. Brzezinski in his various writings over the years has suggested that why would a nation conduct its own wars when it can have other nations perform these wars for them. As is the case with Dr. Kissinger, Dr. Brzezinski too is held in high esteem at the CFR, Trilateral commission and Bilderberg.

Both the Bushites and Obamaites have one objective in mind, and that is to contain and encircle Russia and China for purpose of controlling energy and mineral resources. These groups however disagree on the best ways an means of achieving this. For now it appears that the School of Brzezinski has seized the day and the idea of containment will follow the path of having proxies do the containing for the US. How long this strategy lasts will be determined by how productive this strategy is. Part of the equations also lays with the people who want real change and how long the wool can be pulled in front of their eyes. In the end it comes down to the wise words of Abe Lincoln, “you can fool some of the peoples all of the time, all of the peoples some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” It appears that the various agencies pulling the strings feel that they are dealing with just some fools.


Frank Koeksal lives in Calgary Canada with Degrees in Political Science and Psychology as well as Sociology. In recent years his attention has shifted to the effects of Globalization on Economics and Finance.

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